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Caminho do Este de Portugal (Tavira - Santiago de Compostela)

Tavira-Baesuris-Alcoutim-Mértola-Serpa-Moura-Monsaraz-Estremoz-Fronteira-Crato-Nisa-Castelo Branco-Castelo Rodrigo-Mirandela-Chaves-Verín-Ourense-Cea-Estación de Lalin-Puente Ulla-Santiago de Compostela.

This Caminho is for pilgrims on foot,by bicycle,on horseback,by motorcycle or by car.

Bom Caminho!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

© * Boa Páscoa - FELIZ PÁSCOA 2017, Tavira - Castro Marim, Frohe Ostern - Happy Easter.

TAVIRA PARÓQUIAS DE SANTIAGO E SANTA MARIA. *PÁSCOA DO SENHOR* Oh nova Páscoa! Oh festa do triunfo De Cristo glorioso Que nos veio salvar! Oh nova Páscoa! Alegria do mundo! A vida nos abriu Suas portas de gloria! Oh nova Páscoa! A ceia do festim Encheu-se de convivas Celebrando o Senhor! Oh nova Páscoa! Os baptizados vêm Com túnicas de festa Ás bodas do Cordeiro! Oh nova Páscoa! O vencedor da morte, Jesus Ressuscitado, Nos dá a vida eterna. CASTRO MARIM PARÓQUIA DE SAO TIAGO. **SANTA PÁSCOA** "Porque buscais o Vivente entre os mortos? Nao está aqui; ressuscitou! Lembrai-vos de como vos falou, quando ainda estava na Galileia, dizendo que o Filho do Homen havia de ser entregue às maos dos pecadores, ser crucificado e ressuscitar ao terceiro dia". (Lc 24, 5-6) A equipa sacerdotal da Zona Pastoral dos concelhos de Vila Real de Santo António e Castro Marim desejam a si e sua família uma SANTA PÁSCOA:
BOA PÁSCOA - FELIZ PÁSCOA 2015, CONCEICAO DE TAVIRA. Mother Church of Nossa Senhora da Conceicao, Parish Conceicao de Tavira, Century 16th. This Church was probably built because of the importance of the Caminho do Este de Portugal leaving from Tavira, passing by Conceicao, passing by Cacela Velha, passing by Sao Bartolomeu to Igreja Matriz de Nossa Senhora dos Mártires in Castro Marim, nowadays Parish Sao Tiago. The building of this Church began during the early 16th Century as part of the creation of the Parish of Nossa Senhora da Conceicao. Its ecclesiastical Patronage is attributed to the Order of Santiago. The Temple offers a marvellous 16th Century main portico comprised of a broken arc with five rings, inscribed on a gable, the last archivolt of which is decorated with late-Gothic representations (branches, foliage, flowers, gargoyles, dragons and other elements). The interior consists of three naves and just three spans, with capitals and column bases decorated in the classic Renaissance style. Accordingly Tavira had a school of craftsmen fluent in that style, and they worked within the scope of activity of the renowned master mason Pilarte. The main Chapel is covered by a 16th Century groin vault, the intersections of which bear the coat of arms of the Order of Santiago in low relief. The Temple was restored in the mid 18th Century. In the process it gained a baroque gable that livens up the front facade and frames it, along with the coat of arms of the Order of Santiago modelled in baroque plaster forms. Happy Easter, Iter Stellarum, Bom Caminho.

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