--------------------------------------------------------------- ***2019 - 2008, 07th Stage between Serpa and Moura, about 31,9 km.*** *Serpa-la-Blanche!* *Hanssen-Gruppe Straßbourg Frankreich, 1 Woche Caminho Alentejo um Pfingsten mit Jean-Pierre, 7 Tage/ 7 Etappen.* *ROUTE - Leaving Serpa passing by Bombeiros, (right?) by Rua de Serpa Pinto, crossing(IP8 - N260), straight ahead direction Brinches N-265(10 km), by the Village(Cafés and shops) of Brinches, straight on following N-386 for about 19 km to Moura, end of this Stage. About 2km before entering into Moura you pass by "Source Castello"-Factory in Pissoes-Moura. --------------------------------------------------------------- *Serpa - Under this name also known to the Romans, was not finally reconquered until 1232, but because of dispute repopulated after 1297. Ruined Castle. Beautiful white Alentejo Town.*
Serpa, a market town in the Lower Alentejo east of the Guadiana River, crowning a hilltop overlooking vast plains
ReplyDeleteof wheat fields interspersed with rows of olive trees. The town has kept its ramparts which partially surmount an Aqueduct. The approach from Beja is impressive. Parque Campismo Serpa, 00351 284 544 290, Restaurante A Piscina, Pilgrims-menu Eu.8 with Credencial, 00351 969 193 353.
Serpa,the fortified gate, the Porta de Beja, leads through the ramparts into the white-washed town, which invites for
ReplyDeletea pleasant stroll. The main square, the Largo dos Santos Próculo e Hilariâo, with its olive and cypress trees, is dominated by the facade of the Igreja de Santa Maria. A street on the right leads to the castle. The entrance looks like a romantic 19th Century engraving with its crumbling tower which now forms a porch. There is a good view of the town from the sentry path. Museu Etnográfico, Largo do Corro. The displays in this small, well-presented museum illustrate the traditions and crafts of the region. Do not forget to try Cheese from Serpa, "Queijo de Serpa". Residencial Beatriz, Pilgrims-rates, Largo do Salvador, 10. 00351 284 544 423.
"Serpa-la-Blanche". Quelle fierté, quel orgueil presque à organiser un concours annuel de la rue la plus blanche. À tel point que les murs semblent avoir disparu sous les couches de chaux, murs aux reflets moelleux comme une croûte de brie. C´est sûrement pour les protéger que le roi Dom Dinis les a ceints d´une muraille au XIIIe siècle. L'aquaduc même a été ajoité au XVIIe siècle pour unir de ses arches l'ondoiement des collines d'oliviers à la rectitude épaisse des murs de la cité. Déambuler dans ses ruelles pavées, à la recherche des citronniers et des orangers capables de désaltérer l'assoiffé de passage, fait partie de son charme. Comme une dégustatation improvisée du fameux fromage de Serpa et des "queijadas", ces gâteaux au fromage frais qui sont un vrai délice.
ReplyDeleteSerpa est en limite de l'Alentejo, pour qu'on n'y vienne pas en passant. Elle ne vaut peut-être même pas le détour. Seul le hasard mériterait d'y conduirele voyageur.
Mairie 00351 284 540 100, Tourisme 00351 284 544 727, GNR 00351 284 544 739, Virgina Pensâo 00351 962 937 870.
Driving in to Serpa, about 30 km east of Beja, is - as with so many small Alentejo towns - like driving into a time warp. The castle and fortified walls were built at the command of King Dinis. A difference here from other 13th-Century walls is that these have an aquaduct built into them.
ReplyDeleteA well-preserved gateaway is the Portas de Beja, which, along with the rest of the walls, were almost sold by the town council in the latter half of the 19th
Century. Cooler heads prevailed and the walls were saved, though a great part of them had been destroyed in 1707 when the Duke of Osuna and his army occupied the town during the War of the Spanish Succession.
There are several churches worth seeing (notably the 13th-Century Santa Maria Church), as well as the delightfully cool and elegant palace belonging to the Counts of Ficalho, the Paco dos Condes de Ficalho. It was built in the 16th Century and has a majestic staircase and lovely tiles. The present Marquise, incidentally , is the granddaughter of José Maria Eca de Queiroz (1845 - 1900), one of Portugal's great 19th-Century novelists.
The Rio Guadiana is considered the most peaceful of Portugal's rivers (the others being the Tagus and Douro), but an exception is at Pulo do Lobo (Wolf's Leap) between Serpa and Mértola. This is a stretch of high and wild rapids, which can be reached by road and is worth a visit if you are in the area - you will probably find you are the only tourist there.
Cervejaria Lebrinha Serpa 00351 284 549 311, Restaurante O Alentejano Serpa 00351 284 544 189,
Reserve Passeios en Charrete no Posto de Turismo, 00351 284 544 727.