*Hotel Santa Comba in Moura, Praça Sacadura Cabral, Nº 34, tel. 00351 285 251 255, Website: www.hotelsantacomba.com / Email:info@residencialsantacomba.com
opposite of Castelo - Turismo 00351 285 251 375 - Mercado Municipal - Biblioteca Internet - Igreja Matriz.
Maybe visit Historical Old Town with many restaurants, info Turismo within Castelo- Gardens.
Leaving Moura by Ponte Romano, uphill and first right, you get back on N255 left, direction Barragem d'Alqueva, after about 3,3km right direction Póvoa de S. Miguel by N386. In Póvoa information Freguesia-Office on the left,(Carimbos?) and maybe time for a bite or warm drink. Passing by the Church on the right side leaving downhill direction Mourao by/orienting on M517, direction Mourao. Moura - Mourao stage about 34.8km. In Mourao maybe you like to sleep at the Bombeiros 00351 266 586 220. Turismo Mourao 00351 266 560 010, Rest. Braganca Mourao, Menu 12€, 00351 266 586 356. Visit Old Town, Castelo e Igreja, Ceramics from Mourao. ?Turismo Mourao? ---------------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------------- Moura, an ancient town near Guadiana River, rich in heritage of various peoples through time. Elegant manor houses, churches and convents, with beautiful whitewashed houses with cylindrical, domed chimneys and narrow stone streets. Carmo Church and Convent, Mouraria, São João Baptista Church.
Leaving Moura by Ponte Romano, uphill and first right, you get back on N255 left, direction Barragem d'Alqueva, after about 3,3km right direction Póvoa de S. Miguel by N386. In Póvoa information Freguesia-Office on the left,(Carimbos?) and maybe time for a bite or warm drink. Passing by the Church on the right side leaving downhill direction Mourao by/orienting on M517, direction Mourao. Moura - Mourao stage about 34.8km. In Mourao maybe you like to sleep at the Bombeiros 00351 266 586 220. Turismo Mourao 00351 266 560 010, Rest. Braganca Mourao, Menu 12€, 00351 266 586 356. Visit Old Town, Castelo e Igreja, Ceramics from Mourao. ?Turismo Mourao? ---------------------------------------------------------------

--------------------------------------------------------------- Moura, an ancient town near Guadiana River, rich in heritage of various peoples through time. Elegant manor houses, churches and convents, with beautiful whitewashed houses with cylindrical, domed chimneys and narrow stone streets. Carmo Church and Convent, Mouraria, São João Baptista Church.
Moura,the town of the Moorish Maiden, stands grouped round the ruins of the 13th Century castle. It is also a small spa, the bicarbonated calcium waters of which are used in the treatment of rheumatism. The Pisoes-Moura spring, a few miles from the town, provides a table water (Água de Castelo) which is widely sold in Portugal. "O Água do Peregrino". Turismo Moura Castelo 00351 285 251 375, Bombeiros Moura 00351 285 250 250, GNR Moura 00351 285 254 619.
ReplyDeleteMoura, the Legend of Salúquia. If the legend is to be believed, the town of Moura acquired its name - vila de Moura - and the design on its coat of arms - a young girl dead at the foot of a tower - from the fate of Salúquia, the daughter of a local Moorish lord. Salúquia waited in vain on her wedding morning for her fiancé, a lord from a neighbouring castle. He had been ambushed and slain with all his escort by Christian Knights who then stripped the dead of their clothes and dressed themselves in them. They thus entered and seized the castle - Salúquia, in dispair, hurled herself to death from the top of the tower.. Leaving Serpa passing by Bombeiros, Rua de Serpa Pinto, direction Moura by N265. in Brinches, break at Rest. Os Castelos 00351 966 871 187. After the break in Brinches we continue our Caminho direction Moura by N265, passing by the factory of "Agua Castello", O Agua do Peregrino in Pisôes. From here it is not far to arrive in beautiful Moura.
ReplyDeleteMoura, Citadelle de pierre sur une colline que l'on apercoit de loin, au milieu des oliviers qui fournissent une des meilleures huiles du pays. Cést aussi une station thermale pelotonnée autour de son château maure en voie de réaménagement.
ReplyDeleteRest. A Chaminé 00351 285 254 080, Residencial Santa Comba 00351 285 251 255, Herdade da Negrita 00351 285 965 136, Tourisme Moura 00351 285 251 375.
Moura. Situada junto à confluência da ribeira de Brenhas com o rio da Roda, perto dos rios Ardila e Guadiana, a antiga vila de Moura foi elevada a cidade em 1988. Da fortificacao islâmica resta um torreao de taipa da época almóada. A muralha foi reconstruída no final do século XIII e novamente reforcada por Francisco de Arruda durante o reinado de D. Manuel I. Durante a Guerra da Restauracao, em 1660, foram edificados os quartéis e uma nova cintura abaluartada, parcialmente destruída em 1707 durante uma incursao do duque de Osuna, por ocasao da Guerra da Sucessao espanhola. Na vila existe ainda um museu dedicada ao azeite, instalado num antigo lagar. A cerca de 3 km na estrada para Barrancos pode ver-se a Atalaia Magra, torre de vigia com excelente vista sobre a campina e a cidade.
ReplyDeleteCâmara Municipal de Moura, 00351 285 250 400, Rest. O Arcada, 00351 285 935 164, Rest. O Encalho, 00351 285 983 263, Azeite de Moura, Moura Turismo, 00351 285 251 375.