Coppermines functioning between 1857 and 1967, polluting the Guadiana River Valley for more than 110 years. The miners-village was left, after closing the mines, surrounded by a moon landscape in the middle of nature. 2010. ----------------------------------------------------------------- *MÉRTOLA TO MINA DE SAO DOMINGOS 5th Stage, about 17,6 km.* Leaving Mértola crossing the bridge over Guadiana River direction Mina de Sao Domingos(N265). Walking uphill by a curvy road, change sides after each bend to face upcoming traffic, we follow direction Moreanes, Mina de Sao Domingos and Serpa. After about 9 km between km 62 and 60 we walk through the village of MOREANES, with a well for refreching, the local Church(see picture), a Minimarket/Bakery "O Cantinho da Bia" and a Restaurant "Alentejo" in Rua Grande N°3,00351 286 655 133(closed on Mondays), Café J.B. closed. Busstop along N265 before Km 60, continuing direction Mina and just behind Moreanes many white-stork nests beside the road. From Moreanes it is about 7 km walking to Mina de Sao Domingos. Before entering the "Mining-Village" on the left a lake for swimming and after km 54 first road right Pensao Restaurante Sao Domingos, tel. oo351 286 647 187 / Email: ruibrazconceicao@hotmail.com./ pensaosdomingos@sapo.pt / 10% discount for Pilgrims staying, special Pilgrimsmenu with Valid Credencial. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Just about 500m outside behind Mina de Sao Domingos, along N265, Agroturismo "Monte da Galega", 00351 286 647 091, www.montedagalega.com / ask for Pilgrims-discount with Valid Credencial. / 2015 /