***25th Stage between Vila Flor and Mirandala, about 25,3 km.***
*Internet-guiding 1 day upfront, mixed European Group, 7 days/7stages between 07.03 and 14.03.2019.*
*Leaving Vila Flor direction N-W orienting on N 213, passing villages like Cacâo, Frechas until Mirandela, while passing Vilas Boas it might be hilly and curvy, so be careful with upcoming traffic.
After about 25 km walking direction Mirandela, we can already from some distance see Igreja Matriz, Castelo and Ponte Velho over Rio Tua. Do not forget to eat and drink on time, because tomorrow and the coming days it might warm-up a lot.
*Carimbos for your Credencials probably at Igreja Matriz, Câmara Municipal or Posto de Turismo in Mirandela, or in your Hotel/Albergue/Residencial or Camping.
*Posto de Turismo de Mirandela, Rua D. AfonsoIII(junto de Estacao da C.P.), tel. 00351 278 203 143, Email: postodeturismo@cm-mirandela.pt /
*Câmara Municipal de Mirandela, Praca do Municipio, tel. 00351 278 265 753, Email: geral@cm-mirandela.pt / Website: www.cm-mirandela.pt /
*Biblioteca Municipal de Mirandela, Rua Coronel J.M.S.P., tel. 00351 278 201 590 /
*Espaco Internet Mirandela 1, Praca do Mercado, tel. 00351 278 262 731, Email: jose.macaira@cm-mirandela.pt /
*Castelo de Mirandela, Dom SanchoI 1185-1211 /
*Igreja Matriz de Mirandela, Nossa Senhora da Encarnacao, Praca 5 de Outubro, tel. 00351 278 263 252, www.Bragancanet.pt /
*Posto da GNR-Gendarmerie da Mirandela, tel. 00351 278 201 000 /
*Bombeiros Voluntários de Mirandela, Av. Bombeiros Voluntários de Mirandela, tel. 00351 278 201 080, Email: bvmirandela@mail.telepac.pt /
*Parque de Campismo Mirandela Três Rios Maravilla, tel. 00351 278 263 177, Email: parquecampismo@cm-mirandela.pt /
*Hotel Globo, Rua Cidade Orthez, N° 35, tel. 00351 278 248 210, Email: hotelglobo@gmail.com /
*Dona Fina Guesthouse A.L., Rua da República, N° 20, tel. 00351 278 249 392, Email: donafinaguesthouse@gmail.com /
*Mâe D'Àgua Guesthouse A.L., Rua Sao José, tel. 00351 917 527 370 /
-Palácio dos Távoras, Museu Municipal Armindo Teixeira Lopes or Museu das Curiosidades.
-In the Historical part of Mirandela shops, Bakeries, mini-markets, cafés and a Market, so you will not starve of hunger.
-More information at Posto de Turismo in Mirandela, tel. 00351 278 203 143.
-Sede da chamada "Terra Quente", Mirandela é uma cidade moderna, alegre e hospitaleira que beneficia da vizinhanca do
rio Tua, aqui represado formando um bonito espelho de água, PONTE VELHO, Ponte quinhentista de MIRANDELA.
Although Mirandela is Roman in origin, the town visible today was founded by Dom AfonsoII. It looks down on Tua River, which is spanned by a long Romanesque bridge, rebuilt in the 16th Century, which is 230m long and has 20 different arches.
MIRANDELA is an elegant, flower-decked town with many gardens and lawns and various options for visitors, such as a boat
trip on Tua River, Palácio dos Távoras, Museu Municipal Armindo Teixeira Lopes or Museu das Curiosidades.
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