***2019 - 15th Stage between Nisa and Vila Velha de Ródao, about 19,4 km.***
*Helli Gruppe, Baden Deutschland, Erste Woche April, Alentejo und Beira Region, 7 Tage/ 7 Etappen, Internet-Führung, 1 Tag im voraus.*
-Next Stage Nisa to Vila Velha de Ródao about 19,4 km.
-Places to visit in V.V.deRódao: - Bridge over Tejo River,
- Linea C.P. da Beira / Local Railroad,
- Igreja Matriz da Nossa Senhora de Conceicao,
- Castelo de V.V. de Ródao do Rei Wamba,
- Senhora do Castelo Chapel,
- Pillory,
*Posto de Turismo de V.V. de Ródao, Lagar de Varas, Rua da Estrada Nacional N18, tel. 00351 272 540 312, mob. 00351
963 445 928, turismo@cm-vvrodao.pt /
*Igreja Matriz de V.V. de Ródao, Largo Doutor António Goncalves, 6030-214,
*Câmara Municipal de V.V. de Ródao, Email: geral@cm-vvrodao.pt / Website: www.cm-vvrodao.pt / Rua Santana, 6030-230,
tel. 00351 272 540 300 /
*Freguesia de V.V. de Ródao, Email: jfvvrodao@gmail.com /
*Biblioteca Mun. de V.V. de Ródao, Rua Santana, s/n, 00351 272 540 308, Email: biblioteca@cm-vvrodao@pt / Website:
http://facebook.com / biblioteca.vvr /
*Espaco Internet de V.V. de Ródao, Email: espacointernet@cm-vvrodao.pt /
*Bombeiros Voluntários de V.V. de Rodao, Rua de Santana, 6030-230 / tel. 00351 272 541 022 / Email: bvvr_comando@sapo.pt /
*Posto GNR/Gendarmerie de V.V. de Ródao, Rua Santana - EN 241, tel. 00351 272 549 050. /
*Estalagem Portas de Ródao, Rua da Senhora da Alagada / Geopark Naturtejo, Email: estalagemrodao@gmail.com / tel.00351 272 545 125 / mob. 00351 966 504 149 / (Dbl. €55,00 2 pax. p.n.).
*Vila Portuguesa V.V. de Ródao, Email: geralvilaportuguesa.pt /
*Café-Rest. "O Motorista", Estrada Nacional 18, 6030-198, Vila Velha de Ródao, tel. 00351 272 545 263 /
-Leaving Nisa direction Vila Velha de Ródao with orientation on N18, crossing the Bridge over Tejo River, after bridge to the right, to arrive in Vila Velha de Ródao after about 800 m, total about 19.4 kms.
***2015 - 15th Stage, Caminho do Este de Portugal desde Tavira, Nisa - Vila Velha de Ródao.
-19,4 km Walking or Roadcycling, following N18 leaving Nisa direction Vila Velha de Ródao.
-about 25,6 km walking or Mountainbiking, partly following an Old Roman Road direction Salavessa,
passing by Capela de Santiago, Roman Bridge over Ribeira de Nisa, direction Vila Velha de Ródao.
The Rio Tejo(Tagus Beer)marks the southern limit of Beira Baixa. Upstream the Tejo River crosses into Spain. On both sides of the border, is desolate scrub country. The gorge formed by the river is steep-sides and virtually inaccessible for vehicles other than 4-wheel-drives.
Along much of the Portuguese side of the river runs an Old Roman Road. Originally it was the route
from Vila Velha de Ródao to the Spanish town of Santiago de Alcántara and further on to Cáceres.
Water now conceals large chunks of the work, but where the road rises above the surface, you will see that instead of building the road with flatstones, the entire way is paved with local slate stood on edge, its upper surfaces rutted by centuries of cart traffic.
Vila Velha de Ródao, south-west of Castelo Branco, was long an important crossing point of the Tagus River, notably during the Peninsular War, when on Wellington's main line of lateral communication between Guarda and Elvas.
Many of the Repustrian Paintings in the area have been submerged by the higher waterlevel of the partly dammed Tejo River.
Places to visit in Vila Velha de Ródao; Bridge over Tejo River, Linha C.P. da Beira Baixa - local Railroad, Igreja Matriz de Vila Velha de Ródao, Castelo de Vila Velha de Ródao and Senhora do Castelo Chapel, "Pillory", Portas de Ródao and Geopark Naturtejo.
Tourist Office, Posto de Turismo de Vila Velha de Ródao, Lagar de Varas, Rua da Estrada Nacional N18, Tel. 00351 272 540 312.
Iter Stellarum, Bom Caminho.

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