Step by step to Santiago. Driving, motorcycling, horseback/donkey-riding, cycling, walking.
Friday, March 27, 2015
© * 2019 - 22nd Stage, Caminho de Santiago do Este de Portugal/Oriental desde Tavira/Algarve.
***2019 - 22nd Stage between Pinhel and Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo, about 22 or 24,5 km.***
*Internet-guiding 1 day upfront, mixed European Group of Pilgrims, 7 days/7 stages between 07.03 and 14.03.2019.*
-Leaving "walled"-Pinhel north direction Castelo Rodrigo and Figueira orienting on N 221, be always facing upcoming traffic! North of Pinhel not as many villages as before, but more nature and flowers.
-Please do not forget to rest at least every 2 hours, drink and eat on time.
Reaching Castelo Rodrigo first, and Figueira 3 kms later. Visit Igreja Matriz de Figueira first?(Carimbos?).
*Câmara Municipal de Fig. at Largo Dr. Vilhena, N° 1, tel. 00351 271 319 000, Email: /
*Espaco Internet in Casa de Cultura de Fig, de Castelo Rodrigo, tel. 00351 271 319 190. /
*Posto GNR-Gendarmerie Fig. de Castelo Rodrigo, tel. 00351 271 319 060 /
*Posto de Turismo de Figueira, Largo Dr. Vilheno, N° 1, 6440-100, tel. 00351 271 311 365, Email: / *Bombeiros Voluntarios de Fig. de Castelo Rodrigo, Rua Cónego Patrício, N° 101, Tel. 00351 271 312 405 /
***Batalla de Castelo Rodrigo, 07.07.1664.***
*Café? Chá e Arte Salao, Rua de Sao Francisco, N° 27, 6440-126, /
*Boulangerie José Ribeiro Gomes, T.V. de Sao Vicente, N° 2, 6440-127, tel. 00351 271 311 203,/
*Snack-Bar Leitao, Av. 25 de Abril, N° 86, 6440-111, Fig. de C.R., tel. 00351 966 377 508 / 00351 271 313 256 /
*Rest. "O Dias" , Av. 25 de Abril, 6440-111, tel. 00351 271 313 384 /
*Rest. Transmontana, Rua 25 de Abril, 6440-111, Fig. de C.R., tel.00351 271 149 666 /
*Rest. - Hospedaria Figueirense, Av. 25 de Abril, 6440-111, tel. 00351 271 312 517 /
*Rest. Casa D'Irene - Malpartida, Largo do Olmo, Fig. de C.R., tel. 00351 271 574 254 / Daily open, we recommend!
*Hospedaria do Convento - Convento Santa Maria de Aguiar, 6440-032, tel. 00351 271 311 819, Email: / - MUST VISIT -
*Casa da Cisterna, Rua da Cisterna, N° 7, 6440-031, tel. 00351 917 618 122 / - 271 313 515 /
*Residencial Transmontana do Beira, Av. 25 de Abril, N° 66, 6440-111, tel. 00351 271 149 666, Email: /
*Estalagem Falcao de Mendonca, Rua Àlvaro Casteloes, N° 20, 6440-111, tel. 00351 271 319 200 / Email: geral@
falcaode /
*Pensao Santos, Rua Osório de Vasconcelos, 6440-138, Fig. de C.R. tel. 00351 963 384 429 /
*Casa da Amendoeira, Rua do Relógio, N° 2, 6440-031, Castelo Rodrigo, tel. 00351 969 774 085 / - 271 313 053 /
*Casa do Baldo, Rua da Tapada, N° 16, 6440-031, Castelo Rodrigo, tel. 00351 271 313 148 /
**In Portugal it is advisable to always prebook 1 day ahead, and mention always that you carry a Credencial as a
Pilgrim on the Caminho, and may expect a Pilgrims-discount!
- 22nd Stage Caminho de Santiago do Este de Portugal desde Tavira - Algarve, Pinhel - Castelo Rodrigo, 22km. -
- Pinhel - Quinta Nova - Bizzral - Castelo Rodrigo - Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo - 22 - 24,5 km -
DE TAVIRA - CAMINHO TAVIRENSE *** (XIV - 1988 - 2009 - 2019)
*FIGUEIRA DE CASTELO RODRIGO - Sábado e Domingo 04 e 05 Novembro 2017 - 2.a edicao do Festival das SOPAS E MIGAS.*
-"Venha degustar as nossas melhores tradicoes" dá o mote para a 2.a edicao do Festival das Sopas e Migas, que acontece
Sábado 04 e Domingo 05 2017 em FIGUEIRA DE CASTELO RODRIGO. Há animacao musical durante o evento. Sexta TV&Lazer.*
© * 2019 - 21st Stage, Guarda, Carvalhal, Gouveia, Freixedas, Malta, Pinhel about 34km.
© *2024 - 2019 - 20th Stage, Belmonte, Torre Romano, Goncalo, Vela, Santa Cruz, Guarda about 25 km.
*2024 Guarda 25 km to Belmonte, -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-Guarda about 70 km from Castelo Branco,---------------------------------------------------------------------------Vila de Belmonte - A terra de Pedro Álvares Cabral,
© * 2019 - 19th Stage, Fundao, Valverde, Fatela, Capinha, Peraboa, Caria, Belmonte about 34 km.
*2011, Caminho-Walking-Group between Guarda and Chaves, June 2011 together with 4 friends- (Pilgrims).
*2001, Caminho-Abschnitt: Fundao-Belmonte-Guarda-Pinhel-Castelo Rodrigo- Vila Nova de Foz Còa-Vila Flor-Mirandela-Valpaços-Chaves, by bicycle in group of 5, in April 2001.
***2019 - 19th Stage, Fundao, Valverde, Fatela, Capinha, Peraboa, Caria to Belmonte, about 34 km.***
*Helli Gruppe, Baden Deutschland, Erste Woche April, Alentejo und Beira Region, 7 Tage/7 Etappen, Internet-Führung.*
-Leaving Fundao passing Trainstation direction north, first N18, then right direction Valverde N343, straight on towards Fatela. After Fatela about 10km left N345 and again the next left direction Quartos. Follow same direction
on or beside N345 until behind Carvalhal, and continue(5km) on or beside N345, left direction Capinha. From here(7km) after a break continue direction Peraboa, further(6km)direction Caria and from here(6km) along N345 to BELMONTE, about 33,7km in total.
In all the villages along this stage, cafés, Mini-Markets, shops and restaurants, so you should not starve of hunger or thirst.
*Arriving in Belmonte must visit Museum of Jewish Heritage and Synagogue!, tel. 00351 275 913 505, Rua Portela 4,*
*En Francais, "Au sommet de la colline, près des ruines du Castelo(château), attenante à L'Église Sao Tiago, "la Capela dos Cabrais" serait le Caveau Familial des Cabral".
*Câmara Municipal de Belmonte, 00351 275 910 010 /
*Igreja Matriz de Sao Tiago Belmonte, tel. 00351 275 088 698 /
*Turismo Posto de Castelo de Belmonte, Largo do Brasil / Castelo de Belmonte, tel. 00351 275 911 488 / /
*Espaco Internet Belmonte, Tel. 00351 275 913 228, Email: /
*Bombeiros Voluntários de Belmonte, Rua dos Bombeiros Voluntários, 6250-056 Belmonte, tel. 00351 275 910 090 Email: /
*GNR/Gendarmerie de Belmonte, tel.00351 275 910 020 /
*Pousada Convento de Serra da Esperanca, Belmonte, tel. 00351 275 910 300 / Website: /
Email: /
*Belmonte, Casa do Castelo, Bar - Restaurante - A.L., Largo de Santiago, 6250-067 Belmonte Portugal, tel. 00351 275 181 675 / Email: / Website: / opposite of Castelo and Posto de Turismo.
Information about shelter for the night of course available at Tourist Office in the Castle of Belmonte, also a map of Belmonte and probably your Carimbos, if not in Sao Tiago Church.
© * 2019 - 18th Stage, ?Lardosa, ?Soalheira, ? Castelo Novo, Alpedrinha, Fundao about 26 km.
***2019 - Stage 18, ?Lardosa, ?Soalheira, ?Castelo Novo by Serra da Gardunha, Alpedrinha to Fundao, about 26 Km.***
*Internet-Führung - Helli Gruppe, Baden-Deutschland, Erste Woche April, Alentejo und Beira Region, 7 Tage, 7 Etappen*
-Leaving from Lardosa or Soalheira or Castelo Novo direction Fundao by Alpedrinha can always be "guided" by E.N.18.
On our Blog you can find basic information under "18th Stage, Castelo Novo, Alpedrinha, Fundao about 26 km"
-Freguesia de Castelo Novo, tel.00351 275 567 878, can also be of help, while Rest. "O Lagarto" can be recommended.
Information about Alpedrinha should be clear, and Rest. Sintra da Beira is famous as a "Good Restaurant" around here.
Walking to Fundao about 9km over the "Hill" shows you spectacular views over the aerea with maybe already blooming
In Fundao we reccommend:
*A.L. Tarouca Guesthouse near Igreja Matriz de Sao Martinho, Rua 25 de Abril, N°37, tel. 00351 275 752 168, Email: / 6230-340 Fundao /
*Pensao Rest. Rivoli in Rua Jornal do Fundao, N° 6, 6230- Fundao, tel. 00351 275752 877. /
*Parque Campismo Fundao, Quinta do Convento, tel. 00351 275 753 118, Email: / Website: /
*Restaurante "As Tillias" Fundao, Rua dos Restauradores, tel. 00351 275 772 269, / Email: restaurante.astillias@gmail
.com / Website: /
*Posto de Turismo in Fundao between Igreja Matriz de Sao Martinho and Câmara Municipal, tel. 00351 275 779 040.
*Ordering in Restaurants and booking Shelter for the night you should not forget to mention that you are pilgrimming
to Santiago de Compostela, that you carry a Valid Credencial and may expect a reduction in price.
**FUNDAO**Localizado no sopé da Serra da Gardunha, o Fundao è um importante centro agrícola da Cova da Beira, destacando-se o cultivo da cereja, que tem direito a uma grande festa em Junho, na povoacao de Alcongosta. Do concelho fazem parte aldeias de relevo, como Janeiro de Cima (aldeia de xisto), Alpedrinha e Castelo Novo (Aldeia Historica). Destaca-se também o espaco Moagem - Cidade do Engenho e das Artes, um equipamento cultural resultante da recuperacao e adaptacao da antiga Moagem do Fundao, com diversas valências, incluindo núcleos museológicos, restaurante e bar panorâmico.
where you find available Shelter for the night in this Area and ECONOMIC PILGRIMS-RATES, you decide where to sleep, rest, eat and drink, and about the length of "your Stages". If you can sleep in LARDOSA or SOALHEIRA, the 18th Stage is about 26 kms.
***18th Stage Caminho de Santiago do Este de Portugal desde Tavira, Caminho Tavirense.
*Leaving LARDOSA by SOALHEIRA(info 17th Stage) direction Fundao, in CASTELO NOVO we reccommend to see;
-Castelo de Castelo Novo, Séc.XIII, Torre do Relógio e Torre de Menagem,
-Igreja Matriz de Nossa Senhora da Graca, Séc. XIV,
-Pelourinho de Castelo Novo, Séc. XVI,
-Chafariz da Bica, Séc. XVIII,
-Igreja da Misericórdia, Séc. XVII,
-Capela de Santo António, Séc. XVI,
-Antiga Casa da Câmara, Séc. XIII,
-Calcada Romana(Dominio Romano), "Ponte Pequena" e "Caminho Romano". //09.07.2016//
**Direction Fundao in this Region means aways along, beside or parallel to E.N. 18 until you reach Fundao.
*Freguesia de CASTELO NOVO, Largo da Bica, N° 2, 6230-160 Castelo Novo, tel. 00351 275 567 878, Mob. 00351 966 187 937, Email:, Website: /
*Posto de Turismo de Castelo Novo-Fundao, Casa de Castelo Novo, Rua Nossa Senhora da Graca, N° 7, 6230-160 Castelo Novo, tel. 00351 275 561 501,
*Café-Restaurante "O Lagarto", Largo D. Manuel I, N° 1, 6230-160 Castelo Novo, tel. 00351 275 567 406, ask for Pilgrims-Menu with Valid Credencial,
*Restaurante "Mira Serra" Castelo Novo, Cruzamento de Castelo Novo, 6230-160 Castelo Novo, tel. 00351 275 567 105, ask for Pilgrims-Menu with Valid Credencial, //09.07.2016//
*Quinta da Azenha A.L., Castelo Novo, Casa para 4 pessoas, Estrada Barrigoso Castelo Novo, tel. 00351 966 776 246,
Email: / Ask for Pilgrims-Rates with Valid Credencial.
*Casa Petrus Guterri T.H., Castelo Novo, Rua Gama Lobo, N° 5, 6230-160 Castelo Novo, tel. 00351 933 880 132,
Sra. Dona Maria is available after 15.07,2016, Ask for Pilgrims-Rates with Valid Credencial.
*Villa Viteris T.R., Castelo Novo, Praca do Juiz de Fora, N° 4, 6230-160 Castelo Novo, small house with 2 dbl rooms,
max. 4 pax, NOT AVAILABLE IN SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER, tel. 00351 986 077 660 / 00351 968 061 092, Email: raimundo. / Ask for Pilgrims-Rates with Valid Credencial. //09.07.2016//
***18th Stage Caminho de Santiago do Este de Portugal desde Tavira, Caminho Tavirense.
*Leaving Castelo Novo direction Fundao, the next village will be after about 6 km ALPEDRINHA: - we recommend to see:
-Igreja Matriz de Alpedrinha / Igreja de Sao Martinho Bispo no Fundao, Séc. XII,
-Palacio do Picadeiro, Séc. XVIII, BALCAO DE TURISMO REGIONAL,
-Capela de Sao Sebastiao, junto ao Picadeiro e à CALCADA ROMANA, Séc. XVIII,
-Pelourinha de Alpedrinha, Séc. XVII,
-Chafariz D. Joao V, 1704,
-Igreja da Misericórdia de Alpedrinha, Séc. XVI,
-*CALCADA ROMANA passa junto ao Picadeiro e à Capela de Sao Sebastiao terá sido uma das vias secundárias construidas
pelas Romanos; única ligacao pedestre ao Fundao, que dista por este Caminho 6 quilometros,
-ALPEDRINHA - CHOCALHOS 13 - 15 SET.? Festival dos Caminhos da TRANSUMÂNCIA?. //12.07.2016//
**Following E.N.18 direction Fundao means always be4side, along or Parallel this National Road, but from Alpedrinha
one can use on foot the "CALCADA ROMANA" from Picadeiro Palace and Capela de Sao Sebastiao until near Fundao.
*Igreja Matriz de Alpedrinha / Igreja de Sao Martinho Bispo no Fundao, Carimbos during Opening Hours,
*Junta Freguesia de Alpedrinha, Rua Deao Boavida(E.N. 18), N° 14, Alpedrinha, tel. 00351 275 561 340, Carimbos?
*Posto de Turismo de Alpedrinha, Palacio do Picadeiro, Largo D. Joao V, tel. 00351 275 561 121, Carimbos Opening Hours,
*Pensao Clara Alpedrinha, Rua Cidade do Fundao, N° 2, Centro de Alpedrinha, tel. 00351 275 567 391, ask for Pilgrims-
Rates with Valid Credencial,
*Café-Pensao-Restaurante Sintra da Beira Alpedrinha, Rua Francisco Dias, N° 14, Alpedrinha, Good Restaurant, tel. 00351
275 567 858, Ask for Pilgrims-Rates with Valid Credencials,
*Casa de Barreiro T.H. Alpedrinha, Largo das Escolas, N° 5, tel. 00351 275 567 120, BOA CAMA - BOA MESA, Ask for
Pilgrims-Rates and Pilgrims-Menu with Valid Credencial,
*Café Moisés Alpedrinha, Rua Deao Boavida, N° 1 / 22-A, by E.N. 18, Alpedrinha, tel. 00351 275 901 080,
*Café - Restaurante "O Cerejal" Alpedrinha, Email: / Estrada Nacional E.N. 18, Vale
Clérigos Alpedrinha, outside about 1km uphill direction Fundao, tel. 00351 963 366 353, ask for Pilgrims-Menu with
Valid Credencial,
*Posto da GNR da Alpedriha(GENDARMERIE), tel. 00351 275 567 102.
++Em Alpedrinha Estacao de Caminho de ferro - Linha da Beira Baixa, Museu de Arte Sacra de Alpedrinha e Fonte da Fome.
At arrival in Fundao:
*Igreja Matriz do Fundao / Igreja de Sao Martinho(Séc. YVIII), Rua Doutor Teodóro Mesquita, Fundao, Carimbo?
*Câmara Municipal de Fundao, Praca do Municipio, 6230-338 Fundao, Email:, tel. 00351 275 779 060.
*Posto de Turismo de Fundao, 00351 275 779 040. Carimbo?
*A.L. Tarouca Guesthouse, Casa de Acogido, Rua 25 de Abril, N°37, 6230-340 Fundao, tel. 00351 275 752 168. Carimbo?
*A.L. e Restaurante Rivoli, Rua Jornal do Fundao, N°14-16, 6230-406 Fundao, tel. 00351 275 752 877.
*Parque Campismo Quinta do Convento, Fundao, N343, Email:, tel. 00351 275 753 118, Carimbo?
*Carimbos/Sellos/Stamps for your Credencials you can achieve in Igreja de Sao Martinho, Câmara Municipal de Fundao,
Posto de Turismo during Opening Hours and/or at your Guesthouse where you sleep.
© * 2019 - 17th Stage, Castelo Branco, Alcains, Lardosa, Soalheira( maybe until Castelo Novo for shelter),about 25,5 km.
***2019 - 17th Stage, Castelo Branco, Alcains, Lardosa 20,6 km, Soalheira or Castelo Novo 25,5 km.***
*Helli Gruppe, Baden Deutschland, Erste Woche April, Alentejo und Beira Region, 7 Tage, 7 Etappen, Internet-Führung*
-Leaving Castelo Branco direction Spain/Alcains, passing on your left Camping Municipal, tel. 00351 272 322 577. From here follow parallel N18 to ALCAINS /
-Junta Freguesia Alcains, Largo de St. António,N° 26, Email: - tel. 00351 272 906 015 / -Igreja Matriz de Nossa Senhora de Conceicao de Alcains /
-Posto da GNR-Alcains(Gendarmerie) tel. 00351 272 340 900 /
-Café-Rest. St. António Alcains, Largo de St. António, N352, tel. 00351 272 901 235 /
-Residencial "A Liria" Alcains, Av. 12 de Nov. N° 16, tel. 0351 272 900 820 /
-Leaving Alcains north direction Lardosa-Fundao, orienting on N18 for about 8kms, before crossing 25-N18,
2 Café-Rests on the right direction LARDOSA, here some Mini-Markets, Lojas, Cafés and Restaurants,
-Igreja Matriz de Sao Martinho Lardosa /
-Pelourinho de Lardosa. /
-Junta Freguesia de Lardosa, Rua de Averca, Email: / tel. 00351 272 447 503 /
CARIMBOS in Church if open or at Freguesia-Office. /
-Café-Rest. "O Casarao", Corner EN 18, tel. 00351 272 447 172 /
-Café-Rest. LEAO Lardosa, EN18-7, tel. 00351 272 447 386 /
-Turismo Habitacao Sol Campo, Sr. Joaquim, tel. 00351 965 375 809 /
leaving Lardosa direction Fundao, it is about 5 km along N18, at crossing 26, left to Bombeiros SOALHEIRA, maybe shelter for the night at the Bombeiros(Donativo +10), Bombeiros Voluntários, Seccao de Soalheira, tel. 00351 272 419 890, Rua do Vale do Pisco do Fundao, beside Bombeiros there is Posto da GNR da Soalheira, tel. 00351 272 419 216 /
SHELTER FOR THE NIGHT: if for any reason you were not successful finding a bed to sleep in, there is only one option left, walk on to CASTELO NOVO, about 5km further, which is a spectacular MEDIEVAL TOWN, which has also Cafés and Restaurants, A.L. and Residenciais.
*Posto de Turismo de Castelo Novo, Largo do Adro, 6230-160. Email: 7 TEL: 00351 275 561
501 / 00351 961 445 339 / Do not forget to mention you are pilgrimming to Santiago, carry a Valid Credencial and may
expect reduced prices!
Route for cyclists on road-bicycles!
Leaving Castelo Branco direction North-West, direction Alcains, direction N18, after about 2km, we come to Campsite Municipal de Castelo Branco, on the left side, (tel. 00351 272 322 577). For the 17th Stage from Tavira, also important:
Câmara Municipal de Castelo Branco, tel. 00351 272 330 330, Bombeiros Voluntários de Castelo Branco, 00351 272 342 122,
GNR - Alcains, tel. 00351 272 900 060. After Parque de Campismo Municipal follow N18 for about 11km more until Alcains on your right side.
ALCAINS 17th Stage Caminho de Santiago do Este de Portugal desde Tavira, Caminho Tavirense.
*Leaving Castelo Branco direction Fundao, we pass on the left side by Camping Municipal de Castelo Branco, tel. 00351
272 322 577. From here it is about 10 km more to Alcains.
*Igreja Matriz de Nossa Senhora da Conceicao de Alcains, Rua da Liberdade, Alcains - Castelo Branco - 6005- Beira.
*Junta Freguesia de Alcains, Largo de Santo António, N°26, 6005-015 Alcains, Email: / tel.
00351 272 906 820.
*Residencial "A Liria" Alcains, Avenida 12 de Novembro, N°16, 6000-001 Alcains - Castelo Branco -Beira - Portugal
tel. 00351 272 900 100, Recommended by other Pilgrims, ask for Pilgrims-Rates with Valid Credencial.
*Solar de Alcains Guesthouse, Quinta de S. Pedro, Alcains Gare, N 352 Alcains 6005-063, Email: solardealcains@mail., tel. 00351 272 900 150, Mob. 00351 967 063 575.
*Café-Restaurante Santo António Alcains, Largo de Santo António, N 352 Alcains 6005-015, Catelo Branco - Beira,
tel. 00351 272 901 235.
*Posto da GNR Alcains, GENDARMERIE, tel. 00351 272 340 900.
*Bombeiros Voluntários de Castelo Branco, tel. 00351 272 342 122. //29.06.2016//
LARDOSA 17th Stage Caminho de Santiago do Este de Portugal desde Tavira, Caminho Tavirense.
*Leaving Alcains direction Fundao it is about 8 km before Crossing 25-N18, 2 Café-Restaurants on the right Corner,
before turning right to Lardosa, about 500m until Igreja-Church.
*In Lardosa we can find some Mini-Markets, Lojas, Cafés and Restaurants.
*Igreja Matriz de Lardosa - Igreja de Sao Martinho, 6005- Lardosa; PELOURINHO DE lARDOSA on the right side in front.
*JUNTA DE FREGUESIA DA lARDOSA, Rua da Alverca, 6005-193 Lardosa - Beira - Portugal, tel. 00351 272 447 503
Website: / Email:
*CARIMBOS for Valid Credencials in Igreja if open or Junta de Freguesia-Office during opening-hours. //30.06.2016//
*Café-Restaurante "O Casarao", E.N. 18, Lardosa Castelo Branco, 6005-193, tel. 00351 272 447 172, ask for Pilgrims-
Rates with Valid Credencial.
*Café-Restaurante LEAO Lardosa, 6005-193, E.N. 18 7, tel. 00351 272 447 386, ask for Pilgrims-Rates with Valid
*Turismo Habitacao Sol Campo, Sr. Joaquim tel. 00351 965 375 809, ask for Pilgrims-Rates with Valid Credencial.
SOALHEIRA 17th Stage Caminho de santiago do Este de Portugal desde Tavira, Caminho Tavirense.
*Leaving Lardosa direction Fundao, it is about 5km to Crossing 26-N18, where we turn to the left to SOALHEIRA, known
with Pilgrims, because they found there Shelter for the night at the Bombeiros(Donativo +€10).
* in Soalheira we find some Shops and Minimarkets.
*Igreja Matriz de Soalheira - Igreja de Sao Lourenco do Fundao, Rua da Igreja, 6005-300 Alcains Fundao.
*Cruzeiro de Nossa Senhora das Necessidades e Capela de Nossa Senhora das Necessidades - see Photos.
*Junta Freguesia de Soalheira - Fundao, Largo de Rossio, N°4, 6005-300 Soalheira, Email:
/tel. 00351 272 419 890.
*BOMBEIROS VOLUNTÁRIOS, SECCAO DE SOALHEIRA, Rua do Vale do Pisco do Fundao, 6005-300 Alcains - Fundao, tel. 00351 272
419 740.
*Posto da GNR da Soalheira, Avenida Joao Sanches Rolao Preto, N°17, EN 1083, 6005-300 Soalheira, tel. 00351 272 419
***Proximo Soalheira "Troco de Via Romana e Ponte Romana - Caminho Velho"? Info: Junta Freguesia Soalheira.
SHELTER FOR THE NIGHT; If you for any reason were not successful finding a bed to sleep in for an economic Pilgrims-Rate between LARDOSA and SOALHEIRA, the only option you have is walking on to the next Village, CASTELO NOVO;
ABOUT 5 kms more, which is a spectacular MEDIEVAL TOWN. See 18th Stage. //09.07.2016//
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
© * 2019 - 16th Stage, From Vila Velha de Ródao to Castelo Branco, about 31 km.
Friday, March 13, 2015
© * 2019 - 15th Stage, Nisa to Vila Velha de Ródao, about 19,4 km.
Sunday, March 1, 2015
© * 2019 - 14th Stage 2nd part Apalhoa to Nisa, about 11,7 km.
***2019 - 14th Stage, second part, Crato to Flor da Rosa, to Apalhao, to Nisa about 27,3 km.***
*Helli Gruppe, Baden Deutschland, Erste Woche April, Alentejo und Beira Region, 7 Tage/ 7 Etappen, Internet-Führung 1
Tag im voraus.
Fronteira to Crato, orientation on N245(former Via Romana), passing Alter do Chao after about 17km, and another 11km
to Crato. Total distance about 28+ kms between Fronteira and Crato.
Possible detour by Castelo de Vide(eau minérale), about 5 km extra to Crato, on Camino to Babajoz(Via de la Plata from Seville).
In Alter do Chao one should visit: Coudelaria de Alter, Tapada do Arneiro(Stables with Lusitanian horses).
After a break in Alter do Chao it is about 11+ km to Crato by the old Roman Road, now N245 for orientation. Behind Crato on the
Caminho, direction Nisa, Mosteiro de Santa Maria da Flor da Rosa, Crato - Monastry - Pousada tel. 00351 245 997 201/211.
Must visit: - Pottery School - Escola de Olaria de Flor da Rosa, Crato,
- Barros Flor da Rosa for your own Labels.
In Alter do Chao we find shops, cafés, restaurants, Mercado Municipal and souvenirs, before after a break the last part of today's stage to Crato - Flor da Rosa.
Turismo de Flor da Rosa inside of Monastry, Email: / Mosteiro Flor da Rosa - Crato - Pousada€€€€€ -
Email: / // Rest. Adega Crato, tel. 00351 245 996 292 / Rest. "O Recanto"
Crato, tel. 00351 245 997 210 / Hostal Flor da Rosa - Crato, Email: / Casa do Largo - Crato
Email: / Bombeiros Voluntários de Crato, Email: / Câmara
Municipal de Crato - Email: / Posto da GNR en Crato - N° at Turismo de Crato.
Today is probably going to be a beautiful sunny walking-day on your Caminho following Roman footsteps
-Next stage will be 2,1 km between Crato and Flor da Rosa, 13,2 km north direction Apalhao, orienting on EN 245(Caminho Antigo de Santiago), and from Apalhao another 11,7 km to Nisa to end the stage, about 27,3 km all together.
-Must see in Apalhao: - Igreja Matriz de Apalhao, Nossa Senhora de Graca, Rua de Santo António,
- Castelo de Apalhao, Rua do Castelo,
*Junta de Freguesia de Apalhao, tel. 00351 245 742 154,
*GNR-Police Posto de Apalhao, tel. 00351 245 742 225,
*Rest. Regata Apalhao, Rua de Nisa, EN 245, tel. 00351 245 742 162,
*Rest. "Paroco De Apalhao" tel. 00351 245 742 244,
*Café Pinto Apalhao, tel. 00351 245 742 518,
-After some rest in Apalhao and some fruit, drinks and food again north direction Nisa to finish the stage, parallel to Antigo Camino de Santiago.
-Must see in Nisa: - Igreja Matriz Nossa Senhora da Graca, Nisa,
- Castelo de Nisa, open to the Public,
*Posto de Turismo de Nisa, open every day, Carimbos, tel. 00351 245 410 000(ext.353), Sra. Cristina, Praca da República
, Email: / Website: /
*Espaco Internet - Biblioteca, tel. 00351 245 412 806,
*Posto GNR-Police Nisa tel. 00351 245 410 116,
*Residencial Sao Luis, Nisa 2009, "Amigo", French and English spoken, tel. 00351 245 429 007 / 00351 961 977 043, ask for Pilgrims-Discount with Valid Credencial.
*A CasaDasColunasB&B, Praca da República, N° 117, 6050-350, Nisa, tel. 00351 245 429 183, mob. 00351 926 167 988, Sra.
Cristina Guimaraes, ask for Pilgrims-Discount with Valid Credencial, /
*Café-Pizzeria Central 2008, Busstop Nisa, tel. 00351 245 412 354, ask for Pilgrims-Discount with Valid Credencial. *Rest. Três Marias Nisa, tel. 00351 245 413 741,
*Rest. "Flor do Alentejo" Nisa, tel. 00351 245 429 424,
*Rest. "Sabores do Alentejo" Nisa, tel. 00351962 324 133.
*Bombeiros Voluntarios de Nisa, tel. 00351 245 412 303.
14th Stage Caminho do Este de Portugal desde Tavira.
Second part: Apalhao to Nisa, about 11,7 km.
Leaving Apalhao direction North, direction Nisa and Vila Velha de Rodao (15th Stage).
Between Apalhao and Nisa there used to be an Old Roman Road (Via Romana), from which we
can see beside the N18 some remains.
35 kms N245 and N18 are waymarked with "yellow arrows" to show the way, between Alter do
Chao and Vila Velha de Rodao, "o antigo Caminho de Santiago".
From the 14th Century on, Pilgrims from Castelo de Vide, Marvao and Spain, Caceres and Via
de la Plata, joined this Old Route in Nisa.
Arriving in Nisa we pass monuments that remember us that in Medieval Times, this town was
an important "stopover" on this Chemin de Saint Jacques in Portugal.
*Igreja Matriz Nossa Senhora da Graca, Nisa,
*Castelo de Nisa, open to the public,
*Câmara Municipal de Nisa, Praca da República, Tel. 00351 245 410 000,
*Tourist Office (Turismo) de Nisa, open every day, Tel. 00351 245 410 000 (ext. 353),Carimbos,
*Biblioteca Municipal de Nisa, Praca da República, Tel. 00351 245 410 000 (ext.334),
*Espaco Internet de Nisa, Edificio Biblioteca, Tel. 00351 245 412 806,
*Posto da GNR-Police de Nisa, Tel. 00351 245 410 116,
*Bombeiros Volúntarios de Nisa, Tel. 00351 245 412 303,
*Café-Pizzaria Central, Busstop Nisa, Tel. 00351 245 412 354 , 2008, ask for Pilgrims-discount
with Credencial,
*Café-Restaurante "Três Marias" Nisa, Tel. 00351 245 413 741,
*Restaurante "Flor do Alentejo" Nisa, Tel. 00351 245 429 424,
*Restaurante "Sabores do Alentejo" Nisa, Tel. 00351 962 324 133,
*Residencial Sao Luis Nisa, 2009, French and English spoken, Amigo!, next to Mini-Market,
Tel. 00351 245 429 007, 00351 961 977 043, ask for Pilgrims-Discount with Credencial,
*Café-Residencial "Nossa Senhora da Graca" Nisa, near Disco-Club, Tel. 00351 245 413 558,
***Iter Stellarum, Bom Caminho.