***2019 - 21st Stage between Guarda and Pinhel, about 31 to 34 km.***
*Internet-guiding 1 day ahead, mixed European Group of Pilgrims, 7 days/7 stages, between 07.03. and 14.03.2019.*
-We recommend in Portugal to pre-book always 1 day ahead to make sure you have shelter for the night. It is also
important to inform that you are pilgrimming, carrying a Valid Credencial, and may expect reduced Pilgrims-rates!
More shelter for the night:
-Guest House Alecrim e Rosmaninho, Rua Dr. António Seixas, N° 40, 6400-323 Pinhel. tel. 00351 917 215 530,
Email: alerim_rosmaninho@hotmail.com.
-Casa da Tia Laura - Travessa do Castelo, N° 19, 6400- Pinhel, tel. 00351 961 366 367.
Some more restaurants in Pinhel:
-Rest. Casa do Churrasco in Pinhel, Rua Cândido dos Reis, tel. 00351 271 105 378.
-Rest. Cebola Brava Pinhel, Avenida Carneiro de Gusmao, tel. 00351 271 411 210.
Maybe good to know, Patron Saint of Pinhel is "Nossa Senhora do Castelo".
***21st Stage, Guarda, Carvalhal, Gouveia, Freixedas, Malta to Pinhel, between 31 and 34 km.***(Jan. 2019).
-Leaving Guarda from the Sé Cathedral, direction Pinhel, the 21st Stage follows mainly E.N.221, passing through Carvalhal, Gouveia, Freixedas and Malta, before Pilgrims can see the Castelo de Pinhel from a distance, to finish the Stage at
*Igreja da Misericórdia Church de Pinhel, in the Jardim Municipal in Pinhel.
Along the way you can buy in all the villages food and different drinks, fruit for the road, and do not forget to enjoy the landscape and monuments along the road. Walk beside the road where possible!
*Igreja da Misericórdia de Pinhel, 1537, Jardim Municipal de Pinhel,
*Castelo de Pinhel - Torre de Menagem, D. SanchoI - D. Dinis 1209 - 1282, Rua do Castelo, N° 4, Pinhel,
*Câmara Municipal de Pinhel, Largo Ministro Duarte Pacheco, N° 8, tel. 00351 271 410 000, Website:http://www.cm-pinhel.pt
*Posto de Turismo de Pinhel, Rua de Santa Maria, tel. 00351 271 410 004, Email: turismo@cm-pinhel.pt
*Biblioteca Municipal de Pinhel, tel. 00351 271 413 882, Email: biblioteca@cm-pinhel.pt
*Espaco Internet de Pinhel, tel. 00351 271 411 686, Email: rp@cm-pinhel.pt
*Bombeiros Voluntários de Pinhel, tel. 00351 271 412 211,
*Posto GNR de Pinhel, tel. 00351 271 410 130,
*Quinta Das Pias Pinhel, Estrada E.N. 221 km 155/400, tel. 00351 914 843 750, ask for Pilgrims-rates,
*Residencial Falcao Pinhel, Avenida Carneiro de Gusmao, N° 25, tel. 00351 271 413 969, ask for Pilgrims-rates,
*Residencial Skylab e Restaurante Pinhel, Rua Silva Gouveia, N° 28/30, tel. 00351 271 412 494, ask for Pilgrims-rates,
*Café Americano Pinhel, Rua da República, N° 28, tel. 00351 271 412 115,
*Restaurante "A Tasca" Pinhel, Rua Sao Lazaro,N° 7, tel. 00351 271 412 405, ask for Pilgrims-menu,
*Restaurante "O Petisco" Pinhel, Rua Cândido dos Reis, N° 27, tel. 00351 271 412 790, ask for Pilgrims-menu,
*Agostinho Simoes Supermarket, Rua 1° de Maio, Pinhel - Centro, tel. 00351 271 413 285,
***Pilgrims-Rates and Pilgrims-Menus exclusively for Pilgrims carrying Valid Credencials 2018/2019.***
** We recommend - Must see:
*Igreja da Misericórdia de Pinhel, 1537,
*Castelo de Pinhel, século XIII, 1209 - 1282,
*Pelourinho de Pinhel,
*Igreja de Santa Maria do Castelo, século XIV.
*Museu Municipal de Pinhel.
Ponto-chave na defesa da fronteira Portuguesa, no início da nacionalidade, Pinhel viu o seu castelo reformado por D. Afonso Henriques que também promoveu, desde logo, a fixacao das populacoes. A ampliacao das muralhas será feita mais tarde, com D. Dinis, que lhes mandou acrescentar mais seis torres, onde se abrem seis portas. Do castelo subsistem alguns panos de muralha, portas e torres.
*Pinhel, an old village and former fortified outpost on a mountainous shelf near to Spain, has many houses decorated
with Coats of Arms and beautiful wrought iron balconies. On the Main Square, planted with acacia trees, stands a Pillory consisting of a monolithic column topped by a pretty lantern turret.
The road approaching Pinhel from the southwest(N221), from Guarda, crosses a countryside covered with olive trees and vines, near the village of Pinhel there is a large group of wine-vats, with very prominent white pointed domes.
-NEXT STAGE - ACCURSED ROAD; The road connecting Pinhel and Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo was known as the dangerous accursed road, because of many countless bends when crossing Serra da Marofa, wild and stoney, before reaching the Figueira de Castelo Plateau, which is planted with fruit trees. Nearby the ruins of fortified Castelo Rodrigo!!!! 06.05.2016.
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