Step by step to Santiago. Driving, motorcycling, horseback/donkey-riding, cycling, walking.
Monday, November 10, 2014
© * ETAPA 11 Caminho de Santiago do Este de Portugal/Oriental desde Tavira/Algarve - BORBA.
**BORBA on the 11th Stage of "O Caminho de Santiago do Este de Portugal/Oriental desde Tavira/Algarve", between
Alandroal and Estremoz over a distance of about 26,4 km, since XIV/1988/1996/2009/2017.**
**Borba is one of the great marble towns, it is also the place for buying antiques, there is a castle, the Fonte das Bicas, and a number of fine, ornately carved passos (portals) and in the middle of town is the extraordinary chequered facade of the chapel next to the Convento das Servas but it would be unusual for any of these sights to immediately spring to mind if you mentioned to word "Borba" to the Portuguese. To them the word triggers a vision of nothing but tanks, barrels and bottles of robust, strong, dark red wine which is the product of the vast buildings of the adegas in the heart of town.
A fama desta vila, vizinha de Estremoz, vem das pedreiras de mármore branco e das vinhas, umas e outras exploradas com
sucesso desde tempos imemoriais. O Chafariz das Três Bicas e a Igreja das Servas sao locais de referência.

Borba, the town is a maze of streets divided by arterial roads coming from Estremoz and Vila Vicosa. It is a place to leave the car on the outskirts and wander in and around the castle, browse around an antique shop, sit in a church, drift past an ornate portal, admire the Fonte das Bicas in the gardens, eat a meal with a bottle of Borba red and feel that the morning has been well spent.
ReplyDeleteThe name of the town comes from the legend that
two barbos (barbels - a type of bearded carp) used to appear in the castle's spring. They now appear on the Borba coat of arms.
The natural assumption is that the castle was another of D. Dinis's fortifications but there is also the belief that the Knights Templar, who had a monastery nearby and whose emblem of two hammers is engraved on the castle's tower, might have started the works. What is known is that D. Afonso II pushed out the Moors and populated the town in 1217. It was prompty abandoned and the same king repopulated it, this time giving special inducements for the people to stay. D. Dinis gave the town Royal Charter in 1302.
Aldeia de Sao Gregório, Turismo de Aldeia Borba, 00351 912 244 110, Casa do Terreiro do Poco, Turismo de Habitacao Borba, 00351 268 808 039, Restaurante A Talha Borba, 00351 268 894 473,
Places to visit: Adega Cooperativa de Borba with the different wines from Borba, Posto de Turismo de Borba, 00351 268 891 630.
Dans les environs de Vila Vicosa, Borba.
ReplyDeleteAvec Vidigueira, Borba est un autre grand nom des vinhos maduros (vins mûrs) de l'Alentejo. Avec Estremoz et Vila Vicosa, elle est aussi réputée pour son marbre qui lui donne, comme à ses voisins, cette blacheur si caractéristique.
Même ses rues étaient pavées de marbre mais peu à
peu le goudron a pris le dessus, c'est le cas de le dire ! Il n'en reste pas moins que Borba est une agréable petite ville aux maisons à l'élégance discrète, même sans blason; ses monuments tels que la "fontaine das Bicas" ou la "chapelle de la Procession", pour n'en citer que quelques-uns, possèdent pour certains une véritable richesse artistique.
Pour visiter une coopérative agricole ou un producteur de vin de Borba, téléphoner au Tourisme de Borba, 00351 268 891 630, la veille pour une simple visite et au moins trois jours avant pour une dégustation.
Mairie de Borba, 00351 268 891 630, Gendarmerie de Borba GNR, 00351 268 894 221, Pompiers de Borba, 00351 918 140 309. Bon Chemin.