Roman Baesuris, now Castro Marim, with a huge Castle, the first headquarters of the Order of Christ before its transfer to Tomar. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ***CASTRO MARIM*** A gravura do Livro das Fortalezas, de Duarte de Armas, mostra que, no século XVI, um esteiro ainda chegava ao sopé da muralha de Castro Marim e aì havia um cais. Hoje, a vila está 6 km afastada do mar e já nao è banhada directamente pelo Guadiana. Ocupada em 1242 pela Ordem de Santiago, os estrategos Portugueses nunca mais perderam de vista o seu valor defensivo, perto do mar e de um troco navegável do Guadiana. A muralha que chegou aos nossos dias rodeia o topo da colina, delimitando um recinto de hectare e meio. Diversas canhoneiras testemunham a adaptacao do castelo medieval à artilharia. D. Joao IV mandou refazer e melhorar as muralhas antigas mas mandou também erguer um novo forte, o de Sao Sebastiao, na colina fronteira. Adaptado ao uso da artilharia e de perfil baixo, ainda hoje permanece, pronto para o combate. 12.03.2016. --------------------------------------------------------------- *The Mighty Fortresses(Castelo) dominates the small town of Castro Marim(Baesuris). Inside the walls we can find the ruins of Igreja de Santiago, where Prince Henry the Navigator(Infante Dom Henrique) has prayed. ---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ***Since 25.07.2016., Dia de Santiago, a Saint-Statue has returned to Castro Marim(Baesuris), Igreja Matriz da Nossa Senhora dos Martires, Paróquia de Sao Tiago - Santiago Parish of Castro Marim, see photograph, Apóstolo Santiago.*** //06.11.2016.//
I'd like to know what the accommodation (cheap) situation is on this route. At present I only have a list of the town/villages this route passes through. Recently did some of the French route where albergues are very affordable. Many Thanks.Derek Emson. Here's a link to my blog
Along Caminho do Este de Portugal leaving from Tavira, there are connected, 6 Youth Hostels Pousadas Juventude, 15 Campings, 30 Refugios, 65+ Hostels etc.More info ACEP : email baesurissantiago@live.com
ReplyDeleteAssociation Amigos do Caminho do Este de Portugal.
North of Vila Real de Santo António, 4km. walking or cycling E.N. 122, we reach Roman Baesuris, now Castro
ReplyDeleteMarim, with a huge castle, the first headquarters of the Order of Christ before its transfer to Tomar. Turismo Castro Marim (Carimbo) 00351 281 531 232.
Castelo Castro Marim (Baesuris), entrance on the left. Within the partly restored walls is a castle dating back to the 12th Century. The parapet walk affords a view over the small village with the 17th Century Forte de Sâo Sebastiâo in the foreground, the salt marshes, the Guadiana River, the bridge between Portugal and Spain, and the Spanish town of Ayamonte to the east and Vila Real de Santo António to the south. Beside the castle Igreja de Nossa Senhora dos Mártires ( XVIII ) for Carimbos.
ReplyDeleteCâmara Municipal Castro Marim 00351 281 510 740.
Preparing the Euregional Link "Spain Ferry-VRSA Castro
ReplyDeleteMarim", we have noticed on the left side of the road E.N, 122, between the railway in VRSA and Castro Marim, GR 15 signalization, indicating to walk on the left side along the road, which is a lot safer (1,5 km). Spanish Pilgrims walking here in "Sapal Reserve" will enjoy "O Caminho do Este de Portugal" even more. Great initiative. Bom Caminho.
For thousands of years Castro Marim was a port that offered shelter to ships that sailed up Guadiana River to collect the metals - above all copper - mined north of Alcoutim and Mértola. There is evidence of Phoenician and Roman presence in the area of the town. In addition to the river routes on which Castro Marim's prosperity was founded, the town was also connected with Lisbon by a Roman road that ran parallel to Guadiana River and passed through Alcoutim, Mértola and Serpa, from where it was also connected with Aroche and Itálica. Turismo Castro Marim (carimbo) 00351 281 531 232, GNR Castro Marim 00351 281 531 004.
ReplyDeleteVila Real de Santo António´s origins can be traced back to a specific date - December 30th, 1773 - the day on which the Royal Charter founding the town was signed.The municipality´s history does not however begin with the foundation of Vila Real de Santo António.
ReplyDeleteThis part of the coast has been inhabited since ancient times, as can be seen from the dolmen and tholos ( a bee-hive shaped tomb) in Nora, near Cacela
Velha. Under the Romans and later the Moors, Cacela became an important town. After its castle (Forte) was captured by Paio Peres Correia, master of the Order of Sant´Iago (Saint James), in 1240, Cacela became the jumping-off point for the reconquest of Tavira and rest of the Algarve. Turismo Monte Gordo 00351 281 544 495, Camping Galico Park 00351 281 951 195, Bombeiros Vila Real de Santo António 00351 281 543 202.
Vila Real de Santo António. Á 20 km á l´est de Tavira, cet ancien poste frontière était le point de passage obligé pour traverser le Guadiana, le fleuve qui sépare le Portugal de l'Espagne. La majorité du trafic se fait aujourd'hui par un pont, à 7 km au nord. Industrielle et commercante, la ville présente peu d´intérêt, excepté le fait qu´elle a été reconstruite au XVllle siècle par le marquis de Pombal selon le plan des rues à angle droit de la Baixa à Lisbonne. Et en cinq mois, pour l´essentiel! On connossait déjà le préfabriqué, á l´époque...
ReplyDeleteOn y trouve toujours des ferries pour rejoindre sa jumelle espagnole, la blanche Ayamonte. De nombreux Espagnols les utilisent d´ailleurs por venir faire leurs courses en ville. L´église (tampons), Place Pombal, Hotel de Ville 00351 281 510 000, Place Pombal, Residencial Baixa Mar 00351 281 543 511, Camping Monte Gordo 00351 281 510 970, Bon Chemin.
Vila Real de Santo António, at the mouth of Guadiana River, was run up in 1774 (December 30th 1773) by Pombal near the site of Santo António de Arenilha, possibly of Phoenician origin, but engulfed by the sea in c.1600.
ReplyDeleteThe new town was laid out on a grid plan at ruinous expense, for the ashlar used in its construction had been transported from Lisbon, after which stone quarries were "discovered" in the neighbourhood.
To the north was Roman Baesuris, now Castro Marim, with a huge castle, the first headquarters of the Order of Christ before its transfer to Tomar.
Biblioteca Municipal VRSA 00351 281 510 000,
Arenilha Guest House 00351 281 544 535, Local Police VRSA 00351 281 543 066, Ferry VRSA to Ayamonte 00351 281 543 152, Transporte Fluvial del Guadiana 0034 652 525 168, Câmara Municipal VRSA 00351 281 510 000, Camping VRSA e Monte Gordo 00351 281 510 970, Posto Turismo Monte Gordo e VRSA 00351 281 544 495. Iter Stellarum.