***ROUTE Stage 02, (VRSA 4km to Castro Marim) 2km to Monte Francisco(Residencial-Rest. "Sabores da Beira"), 3km to Junqueira(Taberna), 4km to Azinhal(Busstop), 6km uphill N-122 to crossing and 6km right direction Alcaria, Foz de Odeleite(Rest."Arcos do Guadiana") and if necessary 3km more direction Álamo("Paisagem do Guadiana"T.R.), tot. 24km -
from VRSA 28km.(2009/2010 and Paisagem 2016, tel.00351 962 057 524).
***2019, Internet-guiding mixed European Group, 6 pax starting from Tavira on 22.01.2019 on foot to Santiago in 34 days, 952,5 km. / 6-pack. //
*Stage 02-2010: -Leaving Castro Marim by N122 direction Monte Francisco / Alcoutim.
-Castro Marim / Monte Francisco / Junqueira / Azinhal / Alcaria / Foz de Odeleite / Álamo: T.R.-Paisagem do Guadiana,
tel. 00351 962 057 524 /
From Teresa(Residencial-Rest. "Sabores da Beira" Monte Francisco, by Junqueira, Azinhal, Alcaria, Foz de Odeleite to Álamo, and maybe to Alcoutim (Auberge de Jeunesse/Pousada de Juventude, tel. 00351 281 546 004).
*ROUTE Stage 03-2010: -Leaving Álamo to Guerreiros do Rio by EM507 passing by Laranjeiras to Alcoutim's Youth Hostel.
If you sleep tonight in Alamo, Paisagem do Guadiana, it is about 15 km to Pousada de Juventude in Alcoutim, Sr. Vitor, tel. 00351 281 546 004, 10% discount with Valid Credencial.
-Carimbos in Alcoutim: Igreja Sao Salvador, tel. 00351 281 498 421, if open, Posto Turismo, tel. 00351 281 546 179,
Bilioteca Municipal, Sra. Arends,"Casa dos Condes" or Pousada de Juventude at Reception, registering with Valid
Credencial, 10% discount for Pilgrims on the Caminho!
Next Stage to Mértola about 36-37kms, from Pousada left until first Crossing, right uphill EM 507 by Cortes Pereira and Afonso Vicente until N122 right direction Mértola passing Santa Marta, about 12km. Following N122 crossing bridge Rib. do Vascao
entering Alentejo Province, in Sedas, right Escola Primaria dedicated to Caminhos de Santiago, uphill by the school keep left after the
well, and back left to N122, right on N122 direction Mértola, stay on left side of the road, because of traffic!, prudence s.v.p.
From Espirito Santo, coffee, sandwiches (Casa Verde?), about 12km until first Bridge in Mértola, where you can ask shelter for the night at the Bombeiros, tel. 00351 286 610 010, Donativo please do not forget! Carimbo Turismo Mértola, 00351 286 610 109, Pilgrimsmenu with Valid Credencial at Rest. Boa Viagem / minda.lamp@hotmail.com / maybe also Breakfast next day!
Next Stage from Mértola uphill for about 5km by N265 after Bridge over Guadiana River direction Mina de S. Domingos,
Pensao Restaurante Sao Domingos, 10% discount for Pilgrims with valid Credencial, ruibrazconceicao@hotmail.com /
tel. 00351 286 647 187. Distance stage Mértola - Mina de S. Domingos about 17,6 km.

Alcoutim was reconquered during the reign of King Sancho II in 1240. The town of Alcoutim was not repopulated until the reign of King Dinis, who granted it a charter in 1304 and granted it to the Military Order of Sant'Iago (Saint James). Beautiful Castle including Museum.
ALCOUTIM: Foi conquistada pelos cristaos no reinado de D. Sancho II, em 1240, sendo, entao, construido o castelo. Aqui se
assinou a paz de 31 de Marco de 1371 com Castela, mas, em breve D. Fernando voltaria à guerra com o reino vizinho. Obras
recentes desobstruíram a porta nascente, com vista para a vila e para o Rio Guadiana. A porta norte mantém, aproximada-
mente, as características primitivas. Um baluarte do século XVII, em vez de ter artilharia, tem flores, constituindo um jardim em socalcos. Um museu etnografico foi, também, instalado no recinto fortificado, sobre as gentes e os habitos da terra. Daqui se contempla soberbo panorama sobre o rio, com a povoacao andaluza de San Lucar, igualmente fortificada, na outra margen.
For Pilgrims with Credecial 10% Discount at the Pousada de Juventude, 00351 281 546 004 Sr. Vitor.
ReplyDeleteCarimbos in Salvador Church, if open,Tourist Office and
Pousada de Juventude. Bars, Restaurants and Shops.
Pilgrimsmenu at Rest,O Soeiro beside Salvador Church.
In the time of the Roman occupation a number of mines were established. The ores dug from them were melted locally, then shipped down the Guadiana River to the Mediterranian and from there to the four corners of the Roman Empire. Alcoutim´s origins are presumably linked to the fact that it is situated at the place where the Guadiana River becomes tidal.Turismo Alcoutim 00351 281 546 179, GNR Alcoutim 00351 281 546 208.
ReplyDeleteConquered during the reign of King Sancho II, in 1240, the town of Alcoutim was not repopulated until that of King Dinis, who granted it a charter in 1304 and, in view of its strategic position in relation to the neighbouring kingdom of Castile, granted it to the Military Order of Sant´Iago (St. James). At the time of the wars between Portugal and Castile in the 14th Century, a peace treaty between Kings Fernando I and Henrique was signed in the middle of Guadiana River opposite of Alcoutim. Pilgrimsmenu with Credencial for Eu. 8 in Laranjeiras, Cantarinha do Guadiana 00351 281 547 196, Bombeiros Alcoutim 00351 281 540 450.
ReplyDeleteAlcoutim. Among the least travelled routes in Algarve is the peaceful road along the Rio Guadiana, second Stage of Caminho do Este de Portugal desde Tavira. It is a soothing meander through golden, furze-covered hills dotted with cork trees, olive and fig trees (N122). Alcoutim is the northernmost Algarve town,
ReplyDeleteand here it often seems as if time has stood still. Sunning dogs in the only sqaures in villages along Gaudiana River have priority, so you will have to park around them.
Breaks during the second stage in Monte Francisco at Teresa´s Rest."sabores da Beira", Taberna do Gil e Graca in Junqueira, Taberna Anastacio on the right side square Azinhal, Café Albertos in Alcaria (Pilgrims-menu), and in Foz de Odeleite at Rest. Arcos do Guadiana, dinner and shelter for the Night, 00351 965 036 540, or stay over in Guerreiros do Rio River Hotel, 00351 281 540 170, www.guerreirosdorio.com, ask for Pilgrimsrates with Credencial.
Alcoutim, historical centre. Although it has lost the ramparts that for centuries surrounded it, and despite some modern additions, Alcoutim's steep and narrow streets retain much of the calm atmosphere typical of an Algarvean hill town.
ReplyDeleteA few minutes' walk is enough to discover simple single-storey houses hundreds of years old and the tall white walls of the Misericórdia (Mercy) Church. To finish off, stroll down to the simple hermitage of Santo António (St. Anthony), the former residence of the Counts of Alcoutim.
Afterwards, enjoy a moment's rest in the company of a cool drink on an esplanade by the water's edge, and take in the sight of fishing boats returning with their catch, sailing yachts achored in the little marina, and the Spanish town of Sanlúcar de Guadiana on the opposite shore of Guadiana River.
Câmara Municipal Alcoutim 00351 281 540 500, Casa de Pasto "A Cantarinha do Guadiana", Laranjeiras, Pilgrimsmenu with Credencial
8€, 00351 281 547 196, Quiosque Luar do Rio Bar Alcoutim, 00351 281 546 527, Pousada de Juventude Alcoutim, 10% discount with Credencial, 00351 281
546 004.
Alcoutim, 3rd Stage Caminho do Este de Portugal desde Tavira, Foz de Odeleite - Guerreiros do Rio to Alcoutim. Following Guadiana River by Álamo, Guerreiros do Rio, Montinho das Laranjeiras to Alcoutim.
ReplyDeleteThe blue of the river framed by the cool green of riverside vegetation, of fertile orchards and vegetable
gardens. The dark ochre of hills as round as rolled pebbles, flecked with colour by cistus plants, holm oaks and the occasional olive tree. Houses with walls of schist or baked mud white with the dazzle of lime, huddled together in hamlets lost among the hills. Such contrasts are to be found in Alcoutim and the surrounding municipality, where, even in mid-winter, thousands of almond trees burst into pale pink-white blossom. There are open spaces whose natural beauty remains unspoilt, where a multitude of wild flowers are to be found and a fascinating variety of bird species can be observed.
Pousada de Juventude Alcoutim, 00351 281 546 004, Sr. Vitor (Carimbo), Turismo Alcoutim, 00351 281 546 179, GNR Alcoutim, 00351 281 546 208, Bombeiros Alcoutim, 00351 281 540 450, Câmara Municipal Alcoutim, 00351 281 546 500.