
Thursday, November 16, 2023

***Search and Find; along the Caminho de Santiago do Este de Portugal/Oriental, leaving from Tavira/Algarve, away from the Route.***

*Sábado, 9 de marzo de 2024, 12:00 hora, / INVITACIÓN / Presentación del libro: Voces peregrinas, Un canto al Camino en femenino, editado por la Asocíación Jacobea de Almería-Granada Camino Mozárabe. / Lugar: Museo de las Peregrinaciones y de Santiago, >Plaza de Praterías, s/n, Santiago de Compostela. /

* Friday 08.03.2024, Día Internacíonal da Mulher, Nações Unidas, "Tudo isto porque a igualdade de género é fundamentalmente uma questão de poder."                                                                                     *No Día Internacíonal da Mulher, neste 8 de março de 2024, o tema é "Invertir nas mulheres: Acelerar o progresso."                                                                                                                                                  *Día Internacíonal da Mulher: Mensagem do secretário-geral das Nações Unidas, 08 março 2024, "No Día Internacíonal da Mulher, celebramos as mulheres e as meninas em todo o mundo e aplaudimos tudo o que alcançaram na luta pela igualdade. As mulheres e as meninas fizeram grandes feitos - demolindo barreiras, desmantelando estereotipos e impulsionando o progresso rumo a um mundo mais justo e igualitário." - António Guterres, secretário-geral da UNO, 8 de março de 2024.                                        

*Wednesday 06.03.2024.,                                                                                                         

*Saturday, 17.02.2024., Archicofradía Universal del Apóstol Santiago, Coloquio Internacional "De Conques a Santiago de Compostela, Textos, monumentos, actores". / Santiago de Compostela, 26-27 de febrero de 2024. / Lugar: Salón de actos del Antíguo Hospital de San Roque, Rúa de San Roque, Nº 2, Santiago de Compostela. /

*Monday, 19.02.2024., Newsletter / Boletín de Notícias de / Archicofradía Universal del Apóstol Santiago / Estimados cofrades: El próximo sábado, día 24 de febrero, a las 19.30 horas tendrá lugar en la S.A.M.I. Catedral de Santiago la misa mensual por los cofrades vivos y difuntos correspondiente el mes de febrero. /

*Saturday 06.01.2024., still many volunteers are sick and not present in the aerea, so no activities in the next week.! / Saturday 13.01.2024., still many volunteers sick and absent, so no activities next week. /



*Lunes 18.12.2023.,

*Dimanche 17.12.2023., Season's Greetings 2023,

*Samedi 16.12.2023.,

*Vendredi 15.12.2023, because of illness many volunteers investigating stages in Algarve and Alentejo end of November and beginnig of December have returned in the region sick and are still ill, meaning there will not be any activities in the last weeks of this year 2023. The Board wishes all Pilgrims a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2024.

*Jeudi 14.12.2023., pilgrims arriving in Portugal to start their "Caminho", not being in possession of a Credencial (pilgrims-passport), should contact their countries national association before leaving the country, should contact associations around the country in Portugal, Credencials  given out to foreign pilgrims in Faro at Sé Cathedral in Faro, Largo Da Sé, tel. 00351 289 823 018. / Sé Cathedral Lisboa, inside pigrims can acchieve a pilgrims-passport or Credencial on the righthand side. / Sé Cathedral of Porto, tel. 00351 916 949 776, / nearby Spanish Associations in Huelva and Seville, Huelva 0034 959 241 829, / Sevilla 0034 954 335 274 / 0034 696 600 602 / / //

*Mercredi 13.12.2023., 

*Mardi 12.12.2023., 

*Lundi 11.12.2f023., 

*Sonntag 10.12.2023.,

*Samstag 09.12.2023.,

*Freitag 08.12.2023., Dia de la Inmaculada Concepción, / Tavira Info-45 10h30-11h30 /

*Donnerstag 07.

*Mittwoch 06.

*Dienstag 05.

*Montag 04.

*Sunday 03.12.2023., I de Advento,

*Saturday 02.12.2023.,

*Friday 01.12.2023.,

*Thursday 30.11.2023., 

* Wednesday 29.11.2023., 

*Tuesday 28.11.2023., 

*Monday 27.11.2023., 2 volunteers investigating the Route of Caminho de Santiago do Este de Portugal, back from Vila Viçosa to Tavira (north to South), from Alandroal, Terena , Monsaraz, Moura, Brinches, Serpa, Mina, Moreanes, Pomarão, Castro Marim back in the Algarve.

*Sunday 26.11.2023., 3 volunteers investigating Caminho in Algarve and Alentejo, Espirito Santo, Alamo, Mértola, Mina de São Domingos, Santa Iria, Serpa, Moura, Mourão, Monsaraz, and staying over in Reguengos.

*Tavira - 10h30 Info-45, Igreja Matriz de Santiago, sexta-feira 24.11.2023., - 13h15 - Gachopo, Ameixial, Almodôvar (pausa), Mértola, Vales Mortos, Vila Nova de São Bento, Vila Verde de Ficalho, Safara, Amareleja, (ES. Oliva), Jerez de los Caballeros, 4 volunteers from Algarve., investigating about "El Último Templario". Friday and Saturday 24+25.11.23.

*Valpuesta es la cuna del Castellano; Monasterio de Santa María de Valpuesta, siglo IX. *

*Sunday 12.11.2023., Euronews 14h48, Santiago de Compostela sees record of numbers of pilgrims in 2023, 438.208. *

*Receiving / advising / assisting / informing / helping pilgrims with their preparations of their Caminho, starting from Tavira/Algarve. Because of Covid-19 Crisis and "Obras" in the Info-45 / Parish Center in the last months we were not always able to receive pilgrims as planned some 25 years ago. From Friday 17.11.2023. on, after "Obras" we will be available again in Tavira as usual, for information, Carimbos and Credencials.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

2019 - Warming Up for your Caminho in 5 days.

***Day 1 - Arriving in the Algarve for Pilgrimming from Tavira by Eastern Portugal, Faro Airport, Sé Cathedral and Pousada de Juventude Faro, First night. ?Credencial? from your Parish, Diocese or National Association of your Country. * Day 2 - Credencial Sé Cathedral + Carimbo? / Warming-up Stage Faro to Olhao about 12 to 14 km. ?Stork Hostal? * Day 3 - Warming-up Stage between Olhao and Fuseta, about 14 km. ?Hostal Fuseta? Camping? * Day 4 - Warming-up Stage between Fuseta and Tavira, passing by Livramento, Luz de Tavira, Santa Luzia until Santiago Church in Tavira. Pousada de Juventude Tavira. * Day 5 - First Stage Caminho de Santiago do Este de Portugal/Oriental desde Tavira-Algarve, between Tavira and Castro Marim, about 25,5 km. Shelter for the night near in Monte Francisco,VRSA, Monte Gordo or Altura.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

***2023 Warming-Up for "O Caminho de Santiago do Este de Portugal/Oriental desde Tavira-Algarve", starting from Faro-Airport.***

-Day 1 /Arrival at Faro-Airport and preparations for 1st day walking direction Olhão from Faro. / Posto de Turismo Ana-Aeroporto / 08h00 - 23h00 Antes da Segurança / tel. 00351 289 818 582 / Email: / Website: . Spending the night in Faro, Pousada de Juventude Faro, Rua da PSP / Edifïcio da IPDJ, 8000-408 Faro, tel. 00351 289 878 090 / 00351 925 665 056 / Email: / 10% discount with Valid Credencial. / Hostel Casa d'Alagoa, Praça Alexandre Herculano, Nº 27 Faro, 8000-160 - tel. 00351 289 813 252 / Email: // Pastelaria Coelho, Rua Brites de Almeida, Nº 2, 8000-404 - Faro, tel. 00351 289 829 660. / Faro Restaurante Cantinho da Ronha, Rua do Bocage, Nº 55, 8000-296 - Faro, tel. 00351 289 813 872. / Posto de Turismo de Faro, Rua da Misericordía 8 11 Faro, 8000-269 / tel. 00351 289 803 604, Email: turismo.faro@turismodoalgã // Sé Catedral de Faro, Largo Da Sé - Faro, 8000-138, tel. 00351 289 823 018. // Credencials. // Preparations for 1st day walking between Faro and Olhã0. //      Prollogue 1 - Day 2  / 1st day walking direction Olhão, about 20 km walking from Cathedral Faro to Igreja Matriz de Nossa Senhora do Rosario-Olhão, spending the night in Olhão, (Stork Hostel-Olhão), Posto de Turismo-Olhão, tel. 00351 289 713 936, Email: / Freitag 29.09.2023., / Full Moon / Veranillo de San Miguel /                                                                                  -Day 3 / 2nd day walking from Church Olhão to Church Fuseta, about 25 km, spending the night in Fuseta  (Hostel).                                                                                                                                                -Day 4 / 3rd day walking from Church Fuseta to Church Luz de Tavira, walking about 20 km, spending the night in Luz de Tavira (Hostel.                                                                                                                    -Day 5 / 4th day walking from Church Luz de Tavira to Igreja Matriz de Santiago in Tavira, about 15 km, spending the night in Tavira (Pousada de Juventude Tavira, tel. 00351 281 326 731 / 00351 969 779 545 / Email: tavira@ / 10% discount with Valid Credencial.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

*** JMJ LISBOA 2023. El programa del Viaje Apostólico del Papa Francisco, del 1 al 6 de agosto en Lisboa. ***

*Vatican News. La Oficina de Prensa de la Santa Sede dio a conocer martes, 6 de junio, el Programa del Viaje Apostólico del Papa Francisco a Portugal, con ocasión de la XXXVII Jornada Mundial de la Juventud (JMJ), que se realizará del 1 al 6 de agosto en Lisboa.

*AP Associated Press News. Pope Francis will be in Portugal for 5 days. World News AP. Pope Francis begins a five-day trip to Portugal on Wednesday for World Youth Day, the international Catholic jamboree, that is expected to gather around 1 million people.


Thursday, June 8, 2023

*Donnerstag 08.06.2023., seit 1246 in Liège-Belgien, "Fête-Dieu" or better known all over Europe as "Corpus Christi".*

** LIÈGE **, Chef-lieu de Province et d'arrondissement et Siège Épiscopal, La Ville est située au confluent de la Meuse et de l'Ourthe. Liège est également un important centre économique, culturel, industriel et touristique, ainsi qu'un noeud routier important. / Cathédrale Saint-Paul, Place de la Cathédrale (10º siècle ). Trésor de la Cathédrale, (voir: Cathédrale Saint-Paul): s'adresser au sacristian, Nº 2, Rue Saint-Paul, tel. 0032 412 237 759. / Église Saint-Jacques, Place Saint-Jacques, impressionante réalisation en gothique flamboyant avec massif avant-corps en roman du 12º siècle. Somptueuse décoration des nefs voûtes. Stalles du 14º siècle. Statues baroques de Jean Delcourt et de son école et beaux vitraux du 16º siècle.Église Saint-Martin, Mont Saint-Martin, ancienne collégiale érigée au 10º siècle, mais incendiée en 1312. Choeur et vaisseau gothiques du 16º siècle. La tour carrée fut achevée la première Fête-Dieu en 1247. / Musée d'art religieux et d'art Mosan, Rue Mère-Dieu. Les réserves de ce musée sont exposées au Nº6, de la Rue Bonne Fortume. / 08.11.2023. /

*Donnerstag 08.06.2023., wird in Potugal-Tavira, in Spanien-Sevilla und Toledo, und abends in Huelva, Deutschland-Koeln und...., in Belgien-Liège und....., und andere wichtige Katholische Laender in Europa, gross gefeiert, mit prozessionen usw. /

Friday, May 12, 2023

***Wildfires and other situations along "O Caminho de Santiago do Este de Portugal/Oriental leaving from Tavira-Algarve".**

*Today 12.05.2023., watching the sky around 16h25 we have noticed smoke  in the air near Guadiana River, north of Castro Marim near the border of Huelva-Spain. To be more specific along the 2nd Stage of our Caminho, between Junqueira and Foz de Odeleite, N-122 and M-507 up to Alcoutim.

*Late in the evening this Wildfire was not under Control and Bombeiros from V.R.S.A. and Alcoutim were trying to fight against the flames (23h45). Tomorrow more./ 12.05.23., 16h21 Inicio./ 12.05.23., 16h30 1º Alerta, Naturaleze Mato, Fonte de Alerta 112.// Almada de Ouro, Castro Marim, Portugal (Piçarral.)/  13.05.23., Estado 14h20, Vigilância./ 13.05.23, Estado 04h46 Conclusão.// Fogos.PT / 14.05.2023., Dominado Faro Castro Marim Azinhal-Mato.// Sunday 14.05.2023., 16h15, vigilância Bombeiros.

*Vigilância Bombeiros Domingo 14.05.2023., north of  Azinhal along N-122, near Almada d'Ouro. //

Thursday, March 9, 2023

***March-2023, Actualised Route after Covid-19 Pandamic, Caminho de Santiago do Este de Portugal/Oriental desde Tavira-Algarve,( since s.XIII.)***

 *Airports - Santiago de Compostela, Galicia - Espanha,

                 - Sevilla - Espanha,

                - Faro - Algarve - Portugal,

*Prologues - 1 Faro - Olhão, about km.,

                  - 2 Olhão - Fuseta, about km.,

                 - 3 Fuseta - Tavira, about km.,

*Resting Day after 3 days Walking Prologues, and Preparation Day(s?) of Caminho de Santiago do Este de Portugal/Oriental desde Tavira-Algarve,(since s.XIII.)*                                                                          -Igreja Matriz de Santiago de Tavira, Rua D. Paio P. Correia, Nº 45, Tavira, Padre Miguel Neto,             -Associação Amigos do Caminho de Santiago do Este de Portugal/Oriental desde Tavira/Algarve  (s.XIII.) / Email: / Blog: /      -Shelter 1 Tavira: Pousada de Juventude de Tavira, tel. 00351 969 779 545, Email: / 10% discount with valid Credencial, Sra. Diana, Website: / - Nearest Fresh-Market, Mercado Municipal de Tavira: Av. Dom Manuel I, 8800-681, tel 00351 281 320 500, /                                                                                                                                                      - Albergues: Tavira 2, AL - Residencial Lagoas, Rua  Alm. Cândido dos Reis, Nº24, 8800-318 Tavira, tel. 00351 281 328 243, Email: / Sr. Miguel, / discount with Valid Credencial. /  -Tavira 3: Bea's Bed and Breakfast, Rua José Pires padinha, Nº 24-1ºEsq., 8800-354 Tavira, tel. 00351 968 582 071, Email: / discount with Valid Credencial. /                                      -Nearest Restaurant offering discount to Pilgrims carrying a valid Credencial!: Restaurante Bica Tavira, Rua Alm. Cândido Dos Reis, Nº 28, 8800-318 Tavira, tel. 00351 281 323 843. /                                        -Public Library - Biblioteca Municipal Álvaro de Campos - Tavira, Rua da Comunidade Lusiada, Nº 21, 8800-397 Tavira, tel. 00351 281 320 585. / Email: / Sra. Maria Paula Ferreira./ -Local Police - PSP- Esquadra de Tavira, Rua da Atalaia, Nº 1, 8800-378 Tavira, tel. 00351 281 325 473, / Email: / Website: /                                                                    -GNR - Posto Territorial de Tavira, Rua de Santa Margarida, Nº 2, 8800-500, tel. 00351 281 329 030. / SOS - Emergencia, 112. /                                                                                                                            -Bombeiros Municipais Tavira, Largo do Cano, Nº 29,  8800-440 Tavira, tel. 00351 281 322 122/3, /      -Distance Stage 25,5 km until Igreja Matriz de Nossa Senhora dos Mártiresin Castro Marim/ Parroquia de São Tiago, and from here 2km walking to the Shelter for the Night in Monte Francisco, Residencial - Rest. "Sabores da Beira", Montinho Velho, tel. 00351 281 542 071, Pilgrims-Discount with Valid Credencial.//             

*Stage 1, Tavira to Castro Marim, about 25,5 km, more 2km until Shelter for the Night in Monte Francisco, Rest. Sabores da Beira, tel. 00351 281 542 071., Sra. Teresa.                                                    -Route 1st  Stage: Leaving Tavira: Igreja Matriz de Santiago de Tavira, (Padre Miguel Neto, tel. 00351 281 326 236.) Parroquia de São Tiago, Rua D. Paio P. Correia, / Rua de la Liberdade, / Praça da República (Câmara Municipal), / Ponte Romano, / Rua Jacques Pessoa, / Largo da Caracolinha, / Rua Poeta Emiliano da Costa, / Largo Nossa Senhora de Livramento ( Ermida de Nossa Senhora do Livramento), / Rua Vale Caranguejo, / Ecovia direction Cabanas/Conceição de Tavira, (Igreja Matriz de Nossa Senhora da Conceição de Tavira), / Ribeiro de Junco, /  Cacela Velha, (Igreja Matriz de Cacela Velha.) / Manta Rota, / Altura, (Igreja Matriz de Altura.) / São Bartolomeu do Sul, ( Ermida de São Bartolomeu 125-6.) / Quinta do Sobral, / Castro Marim, Igreja Matriz de Nossa Senhora dos Mártires, / Shelter for the Night about 2km outside of Castro Marim in Monte Francisco at Rest. Residencial "Sabores da Beira", Montinho Velho, Monte Francisco N-122/IC-27. //

*Stage 2, Castro Marim (Monte Francisco-Residencial "Sabores da Beira" 00351 281 542 071.) to Foz de Odeleite, along Guadiana River, plus 3 km until "TR-Paisagem do Guadiana", tel. 00351 962 057 524, Shelter for the night after about 25 km.                                                                                                -Route 2nd Stage:


Monday, January 30, 2023

*** 2023/2024 - Requests - Visits and Pilgrims leaving from Tavira - Info-45 Office and Igreja Matriz de Santiago de Tavira on the Caminho,....

*Month of January 2024., total of Requests-Visits-Pilgrims leaving from Igreja Matriz de Santiago in Tavira/Algarve/Portugal, for their "Camin(h)o on foot or by bicycle to Santiago de Compostela/Spain." 

-January 31st- 2024, total of Requests-Visits-Pilgrims since 01.01.2024.,  ......90 - 0952 //
-February 29th-2024, total of Request-Visits-Pilgrims since 01.02.2024., 433.225 - 1936 //
-March 31st-2024, total of Requests-Visits-Pilgrims since 01.03.2024.,  434...... - ?
***Domingo ..,..,...., 2023., total of Requests-Visits-Pilgrims  at Info-45 Office and/or Igreja Matriz de 
Santiago de Tavira leaving  for their "O Caminho de Santiago" until 31.12.2023.,  - 1904  //
*Last Month of December 2023 - Total of Requests-Visits-Pilgrims until 01.12.2023., - 2292 //
*Last Month of November 2023 - total of Requests-Visits-Pilgrims since 01.11.2023., - 1932 //
*Last Month of October 2023 - total of Requests-Visits-Pilgrims since 01.10.2023., - 1892 //
*Last Month of September 2023 - total of Requests-Visits-Pilgrims since 01.09.2023., - 1143 //
*Last Month of August 2023 - total of Requests-Visits-Pilgrims since 01.08.2023., ? // 
*Total Month of July 2023 - total of Requests-Visits-Pilgrims since 01.07.2023., ? //
*Total Month of June 2023 - total of Requests-Visits-Pilgrims since 01.06.2023., ?                                   

*On Friday June 16th 2023, our office in Tavira "Info-45" opposite of Igreja Matriz de Santiago will not be open/available, because of no confirmed reservations of pilgrims or appointments, because of  very   high temperatures and because of "Caminho-Commitments elsewhere in the Algarve today.                   

**Sexta-feira 12.05.2023., Tavira - Info-45, Today there are no volunteers available to open Office in Tavira and we do not have any requests for info for this weekend. Next week everything will be as usual, on Friday 19.05.2023., Info-45 Office in Tavira open between 10h30 and 11h30 after appointment by Email: /.

* New Year's Day 2023. 01.01., Sunday, leaving from Tavira - Info-45 Office, Fr. Kevin Casquet/H/ et Fr. Stephane Nouveaux/H/ de Luberon.(W.)// Monday, 02.01.2023. Info-45 Office Tavira, Fr. Fanny de Provence/F/ et Denis Rey/H/08h45/ de Vienne.(C.)//Tuesday, 03.01.2023., Info-45 Office Tavira, Fr. Refael Junot/H/ et USA. Emma Lazarno/F/ de Monaco./08h25/ leaving from Cabanas de Tavira.(W.)// Wednesday, 04.01.2023., leaving/Cycling frrom Cacela Velha,/08h45/ USA, Amber Butty/F/ et Bianca Paige/F/ et Onagh Heard/F/de Mallorca.(C.)//Thursday, 05.01.2023., Cycling from Altura, /09h15/ CAN, Karin Bellenger/F./ de Vancouver (C.)// Friday, 06.01.2023., Tavira - Info-45 Office,/ 09h40/Fr. Marion Delmar/F./ et Fr. Fabienne Wilson/F./ de Najac, cycling from Tavira (C.) // Saturday, 07.01.2023., walking from VRSA /09h10/ Fr. Gilles Labrouche/H/ et M.Bartholomo/F/ de Gascogne /W./ // Sunday 08.01.2023., Fr. Valérie Label/F./ et Pamela Cernay/F./  de Versailles, walking from Tavira Igreja Matriz /08h50//W/ // Lundi 09.01.2023.,cycling from Altura /09h40/ Fr. Olivier Durbet/H/ et Sophie Baussan/F/ de Chartreuse/Fr./C./ // Mardi 10.01.2023., Cycling from Conceição /09h30/ Fr. Silvain Duverau/H./ et Fr. Benoit Berthammé/H./ de Rochefort./Fr./C./ // Mercredi 11.01.2023., / 09h10/ Igreja Matriz de Santiago de Tavira, Sibylle/F./ et Hortense/F./Reglain de Nantes/Fr./ Cycling by Caminho de Santiago do Este de Portugal leaving from Tavira - Algarve, following the Cycling-Route./C./// Jeudi 12.01.2023., Desde VRSA / Stephanie Poupard/F./ et Fred Janvier/H./ de Angers/Fr./ walking to Santiago in 35 days./W./ // Vendredi 13.01.2023., Tavira, Info-45 Office at 10h45/, meeting German-speaking Group from Elzas-Fr./ preparing to walk from Guarda in Sept. 23/ Bruno F./ Metz //