
Wednesday, May 5, 2021

*11* Caminho-Information after Covid-19,

 *May 2021 many vaccinated people start contacting Associations for information about the different Catholic Caminos in Europe and Spain. Of course we may not forget that the Pandemic danger is not over yet, and not all Europeans are vaccinated yet, so it will need its time before Pilgrimming is safe again for everybody.

-Your next Pilgrimage will need extra careful preparations concerning physical condition, correct information about restrictions along the Route you have chosen to walk, Valid Vaccination Passport for the different countries and extra money for different Tests.

-Not all Albergues are available already, meaning you need to be well-informed about private-hotels and private-youth-hostels along the Camino-Route you would like to walk.

-At the moment we recommend to wait before you leave until the Pandemic danger is over, and you have managed to get correct information about the maybe shorter Route to Santiago de Compostela, for example last 100 km+ kilometers to achieve your Compostela at the Oficina do Peregrino.

-At the moment there are still many Restrictions in Portugal and Spain, so the Governments do not allow tourism-pilgrimming without restrictions, sometimes meaning no flights!

-After May 15th our Association will start to verify information about availability along "O Caminho de Santiago do Este de Portugal desde Tavira", so interested Pilgrims may ask for specific information sending requests using our Email: // 05.05.2021.- hoy llegaron 30 peregrinos -

*Oficina del Peregrino - Oficina de Acogida al Peregrino - Santiago de Compostela - Rúa Carretas, N° 33, 15705 - Santiago de Compostela - A Corunha - Espanha, Email: //  tel. 0034 981 568 846 //  06.05.2021.- ayer llegaron 36 peregrinos -

*Archicofradia del Apóstol Santiago, Centro Internacional de Peregrinaciones, Rúa Carretas, N° 33, 15705 - Santiago de Compostela - A Corunha - Espanha, tel. 0034 981 577 686. //