
Monday, January 4, 2021

*** /14/ 12 Years ago, 03.01.2010, Reopening "O Caminho do Este de Portugal/Oriental desde Tavira(s.XIII).*

* Slow Start for Pilgrims to Santiago de Compostela, after Confinement in the prolonged HOLY YEAR 2021-2022, due to Restrictions all over Europe.* 

**Confinement all over Europe means a difficult start for Pilgrims in the first months of the HOLY YEAR 2021. (06.01.2021, Public Albergues closed in Northern Spain and France!).**


*On Sunday 03.01.2010 the first Pilgrims walked the 1st Stage between Tavira and Castro Marim, about 25,5 km. Leaving from Igreja Matriz de Santiago de Tavira, walking along Ria Formosa P:N. by Conceicao, by Cacela Velha, by Manta Rota, by Altura, by Sao Bartolomeu do Sul and ending at Igreja Matriz in Castro Marim(Baesuris), Paroqia de Santiago after about 7 hours, including breaks. Nationalities PT.(Including Authorities 5), Pilgrims from BE. and GB. from Conceicao 1-AU., from Cacela 2-FR.,. from Altura 2-DE and 2-ES., 12 in total. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Friday, January 1, 2021

*** /15/ 1988 - 2023, Juan - Cycling and/or Walking different Caminos for EUROPE., ***

 *Different Caminos for Europe:

-1988, Bonn to Santiago de Compostela by bicycle, passing Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, France and Northern-Spain, so-called "Euro-Camino", April - May,

-1989, Camino Francés by bicycle in 11 Stages, leaving from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port to Santiago de Compostela, 12 beautiful days cycling in May 1989.("Euro-Camino").

-1990, Vennbahn Radweg, beside GR-15, about 122 - 127 km.  Cycling in 3 Stages between Aachen(DE.),Monschau - Saint-Vith(BE.), and Troisvierges(LUX.), 46+44+32km. 5 days in April 1990. ("Euro-Camino").

-1991, Mosel-Radweg, 247,7 km cycling along "Saur"- Mosel - Main, between Perl(FR.) and Koblenz(DE.), passing/cycling 10 stages of about 25 km, in total 247,7 km. "Les Amis du Chemin", cycling 12 days in May 1991. ("Euro-Camino"),

-1992, E1 - Deutschland per Rad, von Flensburg bis Siegen, über Hamburg und Hameln, im Monat Mai und Juni,

-1993, Max and Moritz Cycling Les Ardennes en Belgique, between Liége and Bouillon in April, by Aywaille, Manhay, Houffalize, Bastogne, Neufchâteau, Chiny until Bouillon. ("Euro-Camino"),

-1994, - Juan and Joao cycling for Europe, from Aix-en-Provence to Narbonne in August, by Salon, by Arles, by Nîmes, by Montpellier, by Béziers to finish in Narbonne, after 7 days.  ("Euro-Camino").

-1995, - Les Amis du Chemin, on foot in June from Het Zoute-Knokke-Heist(BE.) to Calais(FR.) by Blankenberge, Oostende, de Panne along the Coast, and crossing the Border into France along the Coast by Dunkerque, Gravellnes and Marck to Calais. (Joao and Joan M. Boston U.S.A.). ("Euro-Camino").  -1995, - Les Amis du Chemin, by Bicycle in July, Juan, Max(Au.) and Moritz(Su.) followed the Coast of Belgium and France between Knokke-Heist and Calais.

-1996, Les Amis du Chemin, Cycling along Pieterpad Walking-Route in the Netherlands from the North to the South by Eastern Provinces, between Pieterburen(Groningen) and Saint-Pietersberg(Maastricht-Limbourg). Cycling 9 Stages in 10 days by Groningen, by Laren, by Groesbeek, by Venlo to end in Maastricht, after about 500 km, Participants 7, I. Dahlke/Bonn, H. C. Eupen, R. Gross/Basel, M. Fernandez/Barcelona, J.J. Trehoux/Lille, M. Daoudi/Lunel, J. Barbu/Liège. Connecting GR 5 ! ("Euro-Camino").

-1997, Les Amis du Chemin, investigating Old Pilgrimage Routes(Caminos) throughout Europe by Car, mostly in Autumn and Winter. November 1997, between Calais and Le Havre along Pas de Calais and La Manche, about +250 km. Important Cities by the Coast are Calais, Boulogne-s.-Mer, Le Touquet-Paris-Plage, Fécamp and Le Havre. Participants 4, Frau H.Schneider/Köln, B.Groteclaes, Gand, Mlle.C.Le Pipe/Calais, J.M.Grand/Bordeaux. Associations along the Route: 59000- Lille: / 76000- Rouen: / 80090- Amiens: /

-1997, ("Euro-Camino") Cycling part of Camino/La Voie du Piémont Pyrénéen between Montpellier and Carcassonne, by Béziers, Capestang and Rieux Minervois, April 1997, about 150 km in 5 days. Participants 3, Frau T.Hansen/Trier, J.José / Lisboa, J.Kuiper / Brussel. Associations: - 34070- Montpellier: / 31500- Toulouse: / 31000-Toulouse: /

-1998, Les Amis du Chemin, investigating Camino Francés by car, in 6 Stages between Puerto de Somport and Santiago de Compostela by Northern Spain, a total of about 950 up to 1000kms, walking/cycling or driving depending of the route you have chosen. -Gîte Somport: Le Somport, tel.- 559 345 253. Stage 01, Somport - Jaca - Sangüesa - Puente la Reina, about 151 km driving. St.Jean-Pied-de-Port/Gîte L'Auberge du Pèlerin, tel.- 559 491 086. Stage 02, St.Jean-Pied-de-Port / Roncesvalles / Pamplona / Puente la Reina / Estella / Logronho, about 158 km driving. Logronho-Gîte/Albergue Municipal, tel.- 941 248 686. Stage 03, Logronho - Nájera - Santo Domingo de la Calzada - Burgos, about 111 km driving. Burgos- Albergue de Santiago y Santa Catalina, tel.- 947 207 952. Stage 04, Burgos / Castrojeriz / Frómista / Carrión de los Condes / Sahagún / León, about 207 km driving. León-Albergue de las Carbajalas, tel.- 987 252 866. Stage 05, León - Astorga - Ponferrada - Villafranca del Bierzo, about 118 km driving. Villafranca del Bierzo-Albergue Municipal/Turismo, tel.- 987 540 028. Stage 06, Villafranca del Bierzo / O Cebreiro / Triacastelo / Sarria / Portomarín / Palas de Rei / Melide / Arzúa / Santiago de Compostela, about 206 km driving. Without the 1st Stage by car, Camino Aragonés, between Somport and St.-Jean-Pied-de-Port(151 km), from St-Jean-Pied-de-Port until Santiago de Compostela in total driving by car, about +800 km. Oficina de Acogida al Peregrino, Rúa das Carretas N°33 , tel. 0034 981 568 846, Oficina Municipal de Turismo, 0034 981 555 129, Santiago de Compostela. / 12 Days second half of March 1998.//

-1999, April Cycling from Hispalis(Seville) by Santiponce, by Niebla, by Huelva to Ayamonte, following an Old Roman Road. More details soon, "Euro-Camino".

-2000, Spring - April, cycling from Cabo S. Vicente(Sagres) by the Coast of the Algarve to V.R.S.A. at the border to Spain, Guadiana River. Orientation on Atlantic Coastline(South) and EN 125(North), about between 165 and 180 kms in 6 Stages, in total 7 days.  

-2001, May, 5 cyclists from Fundão to Belmonte, by Guarda, by Pinhel, by Castelo Rodrigo, by Vila Flor, by Valpaços, passing Chaves until the Spanish Border in Vila Verde da Raia, cycling over 250 km in 6 days, along the Caminho.

-2002, September, 4 German Female Cyclists on the Caminho, leaving from Lisbon to (O)-Porto, 14 Stages in 7 days, about an average of 55 kms per day, a total cycling about 385 kms. Vier Deutsche Maedels am Jakobsweg in Portugal, Irmgard, Renate, Heidi und Ingeborg, per Fahrrad im Herzen von Portugal mit perfektem Wetter (warm!), Ab Flughafen Lissabon zur Sé Kathedrale fuer Credencial (Pilgerpass.). Tag 1, Erste Etappe per Fahrrad, Lissabon bis Azambuja ueber Alhandra, 33 km + 24 km, total 57 km. Uebernachtung Azambuja Privat bei Freunde./ Tag 2, Zweite Etappe per Fahrrad, ab Azambuja ueber Santarém  (32 km.), bis nach Golegã (30,5 km.), total 62,5 km. Uebernachtung bei Bekannten. Tag 3, Dritte Etappe per Fahrrad, ab Golegã ueber Tomar (22 km.), nach Alvaiázere (32 km.), about 54 km to end this Stage. Uebernachtung bei Bekannte und Familie./ Tag 4, Vierte Etappe per Fahrrad, ab Alvaiázere ueber Rabaçal (33 km.), bis nach Coimbra (32 km.), to end this Stage after about 65 km. Uebernachtung 2 ueber Pfarrer und 2 Privat./ Tag 5, Fuenfte Etappe per Fahrrad, ab Coimbra  ueber Mealhada (23 km.), bis nach Águeda (31 km.), to end the Stage after 54 km. Uebernachtung bei Freunde und Privat./ Tag 6, Sechste Etappe per Fahrrad, ab Águeda to Albergeria-a-Velha, 19,5 km, and from here to Oliveira de Azeméis for another 23 km, in total 42,5 km. Shelter for the night through Parish with friends./ Tag 7, Siebte Etappe, from Oliveira de Azeméis to Grijó, about 33,5 km, and the last 23,5 km upto Porto, for a total Stage of 57 km.Shelter for the night through Parish of S. Salvador de Grijó. This week cycling between Lisbon and Porto, in total 402 km about, with excellent warm weather. Iter Stellarum - Bom Caminho.

-2003, Fahrrad-Gruppe aus der Schweiz - Bern, 2x2 Gruppe, Camino Sanabrés, 7 Etappen - 363 km.

-2004, Juan José Grumete-Guide 3rd man on board, sailing back "Madeleine", between Huelva(Ayamonte) and Á Coruña in April 2004, "Sea-Route Camino de Santiago, Huelva to Á Coruña, about 600 Miles," 

-2005, March - Spring, Camino de Santiago de Huelva hasta Zafra, Camino Sur./ 1ª Etapa: Huelva to Trigueros walking, about 19 km, about 5 hours. Albergue de Huelva, tel. 0034 959 650 010, Trigueros Hostal Plazoleta, tel. 0034 959 306 442, Mesón El Bosque, tel. 0034 959 305 248.// 2nd Stage: between Trigueros and Valverde del Camino, about 27 km walking. Famous around km 19 is Venta Baquero, known for its Pilgrims-Menu and please do not forget to order before, calling 0034 959 553 626. After lunch it is still about 8 km until Valverde del Camino, where one can find acogida at "La Casa del Pueblo", call Local Police for keys, 0034 959 550 010.// 3rd Stage:  between Valverde del Camino and Minas de Río Tinto, walking about 27 km, passing by Zalamea La Real (entering?) and continuing by El Campillo before arriving in Riotinto after about 27 km. Local Police Minas de Riotinto tel. 0034 959 590 179, Restaurante Época, entrada del pueblo, a la derecha, "Dan bien de comer y ofrecen descuento al Peregrino, tel. 0034 959 592 076.// 4ª Etapa: between Minas de Rio Tinto to Aracena, about 28 km walking by "La Dehesa" de Riotinto, by Campofrío km. 10, and ending in Aracena after 28 km.   Acogido in Campofrío, Sra. Consuela has the key of the Church, Calle Ramón Jiménez, Nº 39, in the Church an image of Santiago Apóstol on horseback, Patron-Saint of the village. Ayuntamiento tel. 0034 959 589 159. About 13 km further entering Aracena, Ayuntamiento 0034 959 126 250, Policía Local, tel. 0034 959 126 300, Pensión Casa Manolo, tel. 0034 959 128 014,. Do not forget to visit the church of the Castle and "la Gruta de las Maravillas".// 5ª Etapa: walking from Aracena to Cañaveral de León about 25 km, by Embalse de Aracena (km 14,5) about halfway of the Stage. Ayuntamiento de Cañaveral de León, tel. 0034 959 465 860, Bar San Sebastián, preparan comidas si avisas con antelación, tel. 0034 959 465 896, Bar La Esquinita también preparan comidas, tel. 0034 959 465 870. Laguna natural en la Plaza del Ayuntamiento al final de etapa. Patrona de la Parroquia Santa Marina. // 6ª Etapa: walking from Cañaveral de León to Valencia del Ventoso, about 31 km, by Fuentes de León (km 8.), by Segura de León (km 15.) , to end the stage after 31 km in Valencia del Ventoso. Fuentes de León: km 8, Ayuntamiento tel. 0034 924 724 311, Hostal-Restaurante El Holandés tel. 0034 934 724 136. Segura de León: km 15, Ayuntamiento tel. 0034 924 703 011, Casa Rural (Llamar un dia antes) tel. 0034 924 703 228. Valencia del Ventoso km 31, Ayuntamiento tel. 0034 924 562 181 (Facilita refugio en la antigua cárcel), Hostal-Restaurante Fuente Nueva (Buen precio) tel. 0034 924 562 727. No dejes de visitar en Valencia del Ventoso la Iglesia y el antiguo castillo-fortaleze. // 7ª Etapa : Walking from Valencia del Ventoso to Zafra, about 19 km., passing  by Medina de las Torres (km 11.) about halfway. Ayuntamiento tel. 0034 924 560 035, Local Police tel. 0034 924 560 391. From here it is about 8 km on foot until Zafra to end this stage and also Camino Sur de Santiago Huelva - Zafra

-2006, April, Camino Via de la Plata desde Sevilla, 10 Stages walking until Merida, together with Amigos from Seville. 1, Cathedral Seville (Puerta de San Miguel) to Guillena, about 21 km walking by Camas and Santiponce, passing  Roman Ruines of Itálica, about 5h30 walking./ 2, Guillena to Castilblanco de los Arroyos, walking about 18 km, nature and agriculture, about 4h30. 3, Castilblanco de los Arroyos walking to Almaden de la Plata, about 6 hours./ 4, Almadén de la Plata to Real de la Jara, about 16 km walking between Iberian black pigs and rockroses, in time about 4 hours upto el castillo de la Orden de Santiago in Real de la Jara./ 5, Real de la Jara to Monesterio, walking about 20 km in about 5 hours, passing 2 Ermitas, a camping and  a Crucero along the Camino./ 6, Walking from Monesterio to Fuente de Cantos, about 21 km under the sun without shade from trees, in about 5 hours, Hostel/Albergue entering Fuente after a warm stage./ 7, Walking about 26 km from Fuente de Cantos to lively Zafra in about 6 hours, passing Calzadilla de los Barros and Puebla de Sancho Pérez(Plaza de Toros). The Hostel in Zafra in Calle Ancha in the San Francisco-Monastery./ 8. Walking about 20 km between Zafra and Villafranca de los Barros, do not forget to visit Los Santos de Maimona-village , cross of Santiago and 2 scallop-shells in its Coat of Arms, about 5+ km behind of Zafra./ 9. Leaving Villafranca de los Barros walking about 27 km to Torremejía, Albergue/Hostal run by Mesòn del Gitano Tavern on Carretera Nacional. Mejía Palace Door/Gate is decorated with Scallop-Shells./ 10. Stage between Torremejía and Mérida walking about 16 km in about 4 hours, entering town using a Roman bridge over Guadiana River. 20.04.2006 Merida.