
Monday, November 30, 2020

*12*COVID-19 Restrictions, Limit physical contact to what is strictly necessary.***

***LA BATALLA CONTRA EL CORONAVIRUS, - Medidas Europeas frente a la Pandemia -

**Francia pone en "vigilancia reforzada" al 40% de la población,

**Portugal extiende su confinamiento hasta el 16 de marzo,  

**la U:E. anuncia un Pasaporte de Vacunación "para el verano", Huelva Información 26.02.2021.



*Limit physical contact to people you live with to what is strictly necessary.

-Toutes les Auberges en Galice sont fermées,

Friday, November 6, 2020

*ALTERNATIVE Cycling Route along O Caminho do Este de Portugal/Oriental - 2021.*

***2020, *2021 - Xacobeo, *2022 - Xacobeo.*

**Alternative Cycling Route along "O Caminho de Santiago do Este de Portugal/Oriental desde Tavira-Algarve", partly because of "Coronavirus-Crisis" and traffic-density along the Algarve. From October 2020 on volunteers of our Association will start indicating this alternative route between Santiago Church in Tavira and Castro Marim, Igreja Matriz de Nossa Senhora dos Mártires, and later between Castro Marim and Alcoutim, Igreja San Salvador. Opposite of Igreja Matriz de Santiago in Tavira, on Number 45 the Association meets Pilgrims and Friends on appointment, for Credencials and Carimbos(Sellos-Stamps) and Information, Routes and Albergues.*  Starting to cycle from here Rua D. Paio about 100m until Post-Office, left down the road straight on passing Câmara Municipal, Praca da República and crossing the Roman Bridge. At the other end of this bridge turn right, cycling along Gilao River, Rua Pessoa until New Bridge. Here left and after about 20m(largo da Caracolinha) second to the right until Chapel/Ermida de Nossa Senhorado Livramento(azulejos/tiles). Cycle by the Chapel(right side) and from here straight on until Shopping Center Gran Plaza, roundabout left under Railroad upto roundabout (Nora Velha) EN-125, to the right direction Conceicao and VRSA. Always cycle behind eachother never beside eachother! After passing by Hotel Ozadi on your left after roundabout straight on, you need to be very careful crossing the busy National Road to enter before the Garden-Center left onto M-1236. Here also Snack Bar - Frieterie "O Vale", tel. 00351 281 324 373???. The road is very narrow until the Roman Bridge, turn to the right over the Roman Bridge and straight on direction Almargem( straight on.....)