
Monday, October 10, 2016


*(Week-39 2023.). As we were informed there are some works (obras) done at the "Parish-Center", Rua D. Paio Peres Correia, Nº 45, "Info-45", this week, so we will not be present on Friday September 29th 2023. We hope the "obras" will be finished soon, so we can receive International Catholic Pilgrims again at Nº 45, "Parish-Center-Info-45" as Pilgrims were used to since 2009. As soon as the "obras" are finished, we hope to be again at Nº 45, the "Parish-Center-Info-45" at the service of Pilgrims that like to start their Caminho de Santiago from Tavira-Algarve, being given the Information they need, the Carimbos in their Credencials for free, and the Credencials against costprice, as Catholic Pilgrims may expect. Itter Stellarum / Bom Caminho.*

*2020 Credencial or Pilgrims-Passport. -La Credencial es un documento que se entrega al Peregrino que quiere recorrer el Camino y es necesario para tener acceso a los Albergues y para obtener la Compostela. -Este documento se puede obtener en las Asociaciones de Amigos del Camin(h)o, en las poblaciones de Inicio del Camino y en diversos Albergues o Iglesias(Igrejas). -En el Camin(h)o, este documento solo tendrá validez si está debidamente fechado y sellado. A lo largo del recorrido, debemos de solicitar que nos pongan el sello (carimbo) y la fecha allí donde pernoctemos. Si no tienen sello o el Albergue está cerrado, podemos solicitarlo en Hoteles, Bares, Comercios, Iglesias, Câmaras, Policía, Farmacias, etc.. -Importante sellar en la localidad de salida, aunque no pernoctemos. -A partir del anho 2010 la Oficina de Atención al Peregrino exige como requisito para obtener la Compostela, que la Credencial tenga dos sellos(carimbos) por día en los últimos 100 km, recorridos a pie hasta la Catedral de Santiago de Compostela.(25.12.2019). --------------------------------------------------------------- *CREDENCIALS BEST BRING THEM FROM YOUR HOME-COUNTRY (Parish - Diocese - National Associations registered in Santiago)* *Credencials in Portugal, Associations registered in Santiago de Compostela, in Porto, Barcelos, here in Tavira, Braga, Lisboa, Valenca do Minho, Porto2, Viana de Castelo, Ponte de Lima, Lisboa2 and Porto3. -Near the Portuguese Algarve it is also possible to achieve Credencials in Cadiz, Huelva and Seville in Andalucia-Spain -Credencials are only VALID 365 days (1 year), and we also advise to use 1 (one) Credencial per Camin(h)o you walk!!! ***IN CASE YOU NEED A CREDENCIAL FROM/IN TAVIRA, PLEASE SEND OUR ASSOCIACAO (Association) A REQUEST BY EMAIL TO: /, including your personal information, but no Passportnumber, and 7 days after you can collect your Credencial (Pilgrims-Passport) in Tavira (opposite of Igreja Matriz de Santiago), to start your Caminho. -Cost: 2€(Euros).(03.01.2020) --------------------------------------------------------------- *PLEASE DO NOT FORGET THAT: Caminhos de Santiago, start from the Front-door of HOME, or from where you (Pilgrim) decide to start your Caminho (Pilgrimage), and always ending (finishing) at/in the CATHEDRAL OF SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA; AT THE TOMB OF SANTIAGO APOSTLE(the tomb of Apostle Saint James)!* --------------------------------------------------------------- ***WINTER 2019-2020, OPENING HOURS; from 01.12.2019 on we will be available on Fridays between 10h30 and 11h30 for Carimbos in Valid Credencials (12 months!).New Credencials and Information about Caminhos. More Information about Activities under the Post of 2020-Activities. --------------------------------------------------------------- ***SUMMER 2019, OPENING HOURS, between June 21th and September 21th 2019, on Appointment by Email (as below!).*** *Any urgent requests for Information or Credencials, please make an Appointment by Email: /* *Para qualquer informacao ou Credenciais, por favor contacte-nos através do email: /* --------------------------------------------------------------- *Blog: /*2019/*2020/ ---------------------------------------------------------------
//17.10.2016.// **CENTRO PAROQUIAL DE SANTIAGO - TAVIRA** ***TEMPORARILY AVAILABLE MONDAY AND FRIDAY BETWEEN 10.45 and 11.30p.m., for Information and Credencials on appointment! **ASSOCIACAO AMIGOS DO CAMINHO DO ESTE DE PORTUGAL(A.C.E.P.), CAMINHO TAVIRENSE.** *Rua D. Paio Peres Correia, N° 45, *8800-407 Tavira - Algarve - Portugal. *Email: / *Blog: / / 2017 / *Tel. 00351 919 528 654(after 10.00p.m.) //30.10.2016.// +Situado em frente da Igreja Matriz de Santiago(séc.XIII), opposite of Parish Church of Santiago(13th Century).+ -------------------------------------------------------------

Saturday, October 8, 2016


*** 2017 - 2018 ACTIVITIES DURING WINTERPERIOD *** 2017 - 2018 *** -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN - A QUEM POSSA INTERESSAR, -Estamos disponiveis entre 10h30 as 11h30: Sexte-feira 22.12.2017, quarta-feira 27.12.2017 e sexta-feira 29.12.2017 para informacao, carimbos ou Credenciais, por favor contacte-nos através do email: -To whom it may concern, We are available for information, carimbos or Credencials on: Friday 22.12.2017, Wednesday 27.12.2017, and Friday 29.12.2017, between 10.30 and 11.30 a.m.; please make an appointment by Email: *FELIZ NATAL E UM PRÓSPERO ANO NOVO! - MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Domingo/Sunday 24/31-12.2017, MAINTENANCE ROUTE CAMINHO as Winter-Activity for Volunteers. **DOMINGO 31 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2017, "FELIZ NOCHEVIEJA 2017".** -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***WINTER-ACTIVITIES 2018 **NON-PROFIT** -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***SEMANA 1 JANEIRO 2018, ANO NOVO - SEGUNDA-FEIRA 01.01.2018 - NEW YEAR´S DAY - HAPPY NEW YEAR! *** -QUARTA-FEIRA 03.01.2017 WEDNESDAY - IXth JUBILEE-WALK FIRST STAGE - between Tavira and Castro Marim about 25,5 km. -Meeting-point Trainstation Tavira at 09.45 a.m., from where walking by Pousada de Juvetude to Igreja Matriz de Santiago, registering, Carimbar Credencials and handing out ordered Credencials, between about 10.00 and 10.14 a.m.. -Start walking at 10.15 a.m., short breaks in Almargem(10 min.), Conceicao(10 min.), Cacela Velha(15 Min.), Manta Rota (10 min.), Altura(15 min.) and Sao Bartolomeu(10 min.) before arriving at Igreja Matriz in Castro Marim (25,5 km). -Walking-pace about 4-4,5 km per hour average, and possibility to travel back by bus or train for shorter distances from Conceicao, Cacela, Castro Marim and VRSA. -Future-Pilgrims that need a Credencial should request one by Email: , FULL INFORMATION! -We also value of pre-registration of participants by Email. -Do not forget to take drinking-water, fruit and please wear good walking-shoes. Bom Caminho! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *SEXTA-FEIRA 05 JANEIRO 2018 FRIDAY - TAVIRA -POUSADA DE JUVENTUDE: INFO - CARIMBOS - CREDENCIALS 09.15 - 09.45 a.m., -INFOPUNKT - ACCEUIL - HOME between 10.30 - 11.30 a.m. on appointment. *DOMINGO 07.01.2018: MAINTENANCE ROUTE CAMINHO. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***SEMANA 2 JANEIRO 2018, *SEGUNDA-FEIRA 08.01.2018: TAVIRA - POUSADA DE JUVENTUDE: CARIMBOS - CREDENCIALS - INFORMATION 09.15 - 09.45 a.m., - ACCEUIL - HOME - INFOPUNKT between 10.30 - 11.30 a.m. on appointment. *QUARTA-FEIRA 10.01.2018: MAINTENANCE ROUTE CAMINHO. *SEXTA-FEIRA 12.10.2018: TAVIRA - POUSADA DE JUVENTUDE: INFORMATION - CARIMBOS - CREDENCIALS 09.15 - 09.45 a.m., - INFOPUNKT - ACCEUIL - HOME between 10.30 - 11.30 a.m. on appointment by Email. *SÁBADO 13.01.2018: VRSA: - BIBLIOTECA MUNICIPAL: INFORMATION - CARIMBOS - CREDENCIALS on appointment by Email: - / between 04.00 - 05.30 p.m.. *DOMINGO 14.01.2018: MAINTENANCE ROUTE CAMINHO. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***SEMANA 3 JANEIRO 2018, *SEGUNDA-FEIRA 15.01.2018: TAVIRA - POUSADA DE JUVENTUDE: CREDENCIALS - INFORMATION - CARIMBOS 09.15 09.45 a.m., - INFOPUNKT -ACCEUIL - HOME between 10.30 - 11.30 a.m.. *QUARTA-FEIRA 17.01.2018: MAINTENANCE ROUTE CAMINHO. *SEXTA-FEIRA 19.01.2018: TAVIRA - POUSADA DE JUVENTUDE: INFORMATION - CREDENCIALS - CARIMBOS 09.15 - 09.45 a.m., - INFOPUNKT - ACCEUIL - HOME between 10.30 - 11.30 a.m.. *SÁBADO 20.01.2018: VRSA: - BIBLIOTECA MUNICIPAL: INFORMATION - CARIMBOS - CREDENCIALS on appointment by Email: - / between 04.00 - 05.00 p.m. - already booked! / between 05.00 - 05.30 p.m. - still available for booking. *DOMINGO 21.01.2018: MAINTENANCE ROUTE CAMINHO. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***SEMANA 4 JANEIRO 2018, *SEGUNDA-FEIRA 22.01.2018: TAVIRA - POUSADA DE JUVENTUDE: CARIMBOS - INFORMATION - CREDENCIALS 09.45 - 10.15 a.m., - INFOPUNKT - ACCEUIL - HOME between 10.30 - 11.30 a.m.. *QUARTA-FEIRA 24.01.2018: MAINTENANCE ROUTE CAMINHO. *SEXTA-FEIRA 26.01.2018: TAVIRA - POUSADA DE JUVENTUDE: CREDENCIALS - CARIMBOS - INFORMATION 09.45 - 10.15 a.m., - INFOPUNKT - ACCEUIL - HOME between 10.30 - 11.30 a.m.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *SÁBADO 27.01.2018: ONLY WHEN DRY WEATHER: "Mandelblüten-Wanderung am Jakobsweg" ab Conceicao de Tavira Trainstation, -Meeting at Trainstation Conceicao between 14.45 and 14.59 p.m. for Registration and "Carimbar"- stamping Credencials(Pilgrims-Passports), Distance about 8 - 9 kms, total about 2 hours walking. -Bring/wear good walking-shoes, warm clothes(late-afternoon), some drinking-water. -Pre-registration by Email is welcome: / ONLY WHEN DRY WEATHER: "ALMOND-BLOSSOM-WALK" along Caminho starting from Conceicao de Tavira. **Angenehme sonnige Winterwanderung, bei 16°C, mit sonnige Pause in Almargem, zwischen Conceicao, Cacela Velha und Cabanas, und hunderte Mandelbäume in Knopf und voller Blüten. Siehe Bild:
*DOMINGO 28.01.2018: MAINTENANCE ROUTE CAMINHO. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***SEMANA 5 JANEIRO - FEVEREIRO 2018, *SEGUNDA-FEIRA 29.01.2018: TAVIRA - POUSADA DE JUVENTUDE: INFORMATION - CREDENCIALS - CARIMBOS 09.45 - 10.15 a.m., - INFOPUNKT - ACCEUIL - HOME between 10.30 - 11.30 a.m.. *QUARTA-FEIRA 31.01.2018: MAINTENANCE ROUTE CAMINHO. *SEXTA-FEIRA 02 FEVEREIRO 2018: TAVIRA - POUSADA DE JUVENTUDE: - INFOPUNKT. * 02 FEVEREIRO 2018: 18h00 MISSA NA IGREJA DE SANTA MARIA - Eucaristia Litúrgica. * 21h00 CONCERTO NA IGREJA DA MISERICÓRDIA - Atuacao da harpista Helena Madeira, - Atuacao do Coro Jubilate Deo. *SÁBADO 03 FEVEREIRO 2018: FARO - Public Library Faro ON APPOINTMENT, between 15h00 and 17h00, by Email: / Information - Credencials - Carimbos. *DOMINGO 04 FEVEREIRO 2018: MAINTENANCE ROUTE CAMINHO. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***SEMANA 6 FEVEREIRO 2018, *SEGUNDA-FEIRA 05.02.2018: TAVIRA - POUSADA DE JUVENTUDE: INFORMATION - CREDENCIALS - CARIMBOS 09.45 - 10.15 a.m., - INFOPUNKT - ACCEUIL - HOME between 10.30 - 11.30 a.m.. *QUARTA-FEIRA 07.02.2018: MAINTENANCE ROUTE CAMINHO. *SEXTA-FEIRA 09.02.2018: TAVIRA - POUSADA DE JUVENTUDE: INFORMATION - CREDENCIALS - CARIMBOS 09.45 - 10.15 a.m., - INFOPUNKT - ACCEUIL - HOME between 10.30 - 11.30 a.m.. *SÁBADO 10.02.2018: MAINTENANCE ROUTE CAMINHO. *DOMINGO 11.02.2018: FARO - OLHAO: only when dry weather: GUIDED CITY-WALK HISTORIC FARO AND CAMINHO-VELHO TO OLHAO. -MEETING at Trainstation-Entrance around 10.20 a.m., registration and "Carimbar" Credencials. -Start walking about 10.30 a.m., by Marina, Cathedral and Hist. Churches following Via Romana and Caminho Velho to Olhao. -Distance about 14 km, pace about 4,5 km per hour, 2 Breaks along the Way, in total about 4 hours. -From Olhao Public Transport, by Bus or Train, back Home or Pousada. -Bring warm clothes, good walking-shoes , some food and drinking-water, fruit and GOOD MOOD. -PRE-REGISTRATION by Email possible: / Bom Caminho. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***SEMANA 7 FEVEREIRO 2018, *SEGUNDA-FEIRA 12.02.2018: CARNIVAL - ROSENMONTAG* TAVIRA - POUSADA DE JUVENTUDE: INFORMATION - CREDENCIALS - CARIMBOS 09.45 - 10.15 a.m., - INFOPUNKT - ACCEUIL - HOME between 10.30 - 11.30 a.m.. *QUARTA-FEIRA 14.02.2018: ASCHERMITTWOCH* -Short-Walk between Trainstation CASTRO MARIM and VRSA Trainstation, about 12 km, only when dry weather: 3 Historic Churches, Sao Bartolomeu do Sul, Monte Gordo and VRSA... -MEETING at Trainstation Castro Marim at 09.15 a.m., registration / "Carimbar Credencials" -Start walking about 09.30 a.m., direction Church Sao Bartolomeu(5 minutes break) and by Hortas(15 min. break), further through the forest to Monte Gordo(15 min. break), by Church Monte Gordo(5 min. break), continuing by forest to VRSA to end at LARGO MARQUÉS DE POMBAL, Igreja Matriz Nossa Senhora da Incarnacao. -Distance about 12 Km, pace about 4,5 km per hour, 2 breaks along the Way, total about 3,5 hours. -From VRSA Public Transport back by Train or Bus. -Bring warm clothes, good walking-shoes, some drinking-water and fruit for along the Way. -PRE-REGISTRATION POSSIBLE by Email: / Bom Caminho.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- *SEXTA-FEIRA 16.02.2018: TAVIRA - POUSADA DE JUVENTUDE: INFORMATION - CREDENCIALS - CARIMBOS 09.45 - 10.15 a.m., - INFOPUNKT - ACCEUIL - HOME between 10.30 - 11.30 a.m.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *SÁBADO 17.02.2018: VRSA Public Library ON APPOINTMENT by Email: / between 16h00 - 17h30, -INFORMATION - CREDENCIALS - CARIMBOS. *DOMINGO 18.02.2018: MAINTENANCE ROUTE CAMINHO. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***SEMANA 8 FEVEREIRO 2018, *SEGUNDA-FEIRA 19.02.2018: TAVIRA - POUSADA DE JUVENTUDE: INFORMATION - CREDENCIALS - CARIMBOS 09.45 - 10.15 a.m., - INFOPUNKT - ACCEUIL - HOME between 10.30 - 11.30 a.m.. *QUARTA-FEIRA 21.02.2018: MAINTENANCE ROUTE CAMINHO. *SEXTA-FEIRA 23.02.2018: not available, please make an appointment by Email: / for 24 or 25.02.2018 for example in VRSA. *SÁBADO 24.02.2018: MAINTENANCE ROUTE CAMINHO. *DOMINGO 25.02.2018: MAINTENANCE ROUTE CAMINHO. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***SEMANA 9 FEVEREIRO / MARCO 2018, *SEGUNDA-FEIRA 26.02.2018: - TAVIRA - 09.45 - 10.15 a.m. - POUSADA DE JUVENTUDE: INFORMATION - CREDENCIALS - CARIMBOS - 10.30 - 11.30 a.m. - INFOPUNKT - ACCEUIL - HOME. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *GUIDED NON-PROFIT WINTER-PILGRIMMING TRAINING-WEEKEND - Weekend of Carnival, 25 - 26 of February 2017.* **SATURDAY 25.02.2017, Trainstation Livramento at 09.45 a.m., Meeting and registration, Carimbos for Valid Credencials. 10.00 a.m. start walking from ERMIDA NOSSA SENHORA DO LIVRAMENTO, behind the Trainstation in Livramento. -About 12,5 km, pleasant, fast, cool walk in the morning with some sun in the afternoon, between 10 and 17°C. **SUNDAY 26.02.2017, Trainstation Tavira at 09.45 a.m., Meeting and walking by Pousada de Juventude to Igreja Matriz de Santiago, registration and Carimbos on Valid Credencials, 2€ for Credencials and/or Donativo in closed Envelope. *Start walking about 10.00 a.m., or if necessary some minutes later, FIRST STAGE CAMINHO TAVIRENSE TO CASTRO MARIM, about 25,5 km to Igreja Matriz de Nossa Senhora dos Mártires, Paroquia Sao Tiago. Along the Way 4 breaks of 15 minutes each. -About 7 hours, after Cacela Velha alternative route because of Carnival, 27 km, pleasant walking-weather after 11.15 a.m. sunny, light breeze, tempatature between 11 and 19°C. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **2016 - Autumn Pilgrimage - Training Week - between 20.11 and 30.11.2016.** Guided Non-Profit basis, ex. Tansport etc. *"La Route des Chateaux", the name in France for this beautiful Caminho de Santiago do Este de Portugal/Oriental desde Tavira, Caminho Tavirense(XIV). Along these guided Stages in November we will follow the Coast of the East-Algarve between Tavira and VRSA, including "Ria Formosa" and "Sapal" National Parks, along Guadiana River until Moura. Castles protecting Pilgrims in Tavira, Cacela Velha, Castro Marim, Alcoutim, Mértola, Serpa and Moura, and not to forget the abandoned Copper Mines of Mina de Sao Domingos. Migrating Birds complete the scenery in November along the Algarve Coast, Guadiana River Valley and Alentejo Province. November and Autumn is a great period for Pilgrimming in the East-Algarve and Alentejo with many hours of sunshine! //30.10.2016.//1st closed Group, 3 couples with Volunteer-Guide Petra, from 20.11 until 30.11.16, Verín to Santiago, on foot, German-spoken, about 210 kms, Cost p.p. about €240 ex. transport. Bom Caminho.// //07.11.2016.// 2nd closed Group, 2 couples plus Volunteer-Guide Francois, between 22.11 and 28.11.2016., from Ourense to Santiago de Compostela, on foot, about 110 kms, Cost p.p. about €190 ex. transport, French-spoken. Buen Camino.//