
Sunday, January 24, 2016

© * May 2016, connecting Caminho Tavirense with Monte Gordo and VRSA because of shelter for the night!

Alternative Route by Monte Gordo and Vila Real de Santo António because of Shelter for the night at the end of Stage 1. Also connection from Spain(Ayamonte) by Ferry crossing Guadiana River. (After part on VRSA at the end of this Page.). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MONTE GORDO, *Igreja Nossa Senhora das Dores, tel. 00351 281 512 769, Padre Adelino, *Junta de Freguesia de Monte Gordo, tel. 00351 281 544 820, *Parque Municipal de Campismo de Monte Gordo, tel. 00351 281 510 970, *CASABLANCA INN BOUTIQUE HOTEL Monte Gordo, tel. 00351 281 511 444, Email: / Website: / 40% Discount for Pilgrims with Valid CREDENCIAL. *Hotel Paiva Monte Gordo, ask for Pilgrims-Rates with Valid Credencial, tel. 00351 281 511,188, *Posto de Turismo de Monte Gordo, Av. Marginal, 8900-000 Monte Gordo, tel. 00351 281 544 495, Email: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- VILA REAL DE SANTO ANTÓNIO(VRSA), *Igreja Matriz de Nossa Senhora da Encarnacao de VRSA, Praca Marquês de Pombal, N°28, 8900-231, tel. 00351 281 543 162, *Câmara Municipal de VRSA, Praca Marquês de Pombal, 8900-231 Vila Real Sto. António, tel. 00351 281 510 000, *Junta de Freguesia de VRSA, tel. 00351 281 513 817, *Bombeiros Voluntários de VRSA, tel. 00351 281 543 202, *Guarda Nacional Republicana(GNR), Gendarmerie de VRSA, tel. 00351 281 544 355, *Polícia Seguranca Pública(PSP) de VRSA, Local Police, tel. 00351 281 510 780, *Biblioteca Publica de VRSA, Vicente Campinas, tel. 00351 281 510 000, *A.L.-Residencial Baixa Mar VRSA, tel. 00351 281 543 511, CASA DE ACOGIDA, special rates for Pilgrims with Valid CREDENCIALS, *Hotel Residencial APOLO VRSA, tel. 00351 281 512 448, ask for Pilgrim-Rates with Valid Credencials, --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arriving by Ferry from Ayamonte, walking(also your bicycle beside you) through the building ahead, inside Tourist Police and Ticket Office Ferry(does not function on Sunday-Morning), straight ahead to corner, QUIOSQUE VASQUES, Av. da República, 3rd road left A.L.BAIXA MAR; tel. 00351 281 543 511, from Quiosque Vasques right on foot (stay right) and by bicycle passing after about 100m on the left Pasteleria Delícia "La Manuela", early open for sandwiches and coffee. Continue following direction Castro Marim after roundabout(Docapesca) and behind "Estacao do Caminho de Ferro", until you reach "Rotunda de Santo António" where you turn right, cyclists stay right one behind one and on foot left side of the road(N122) on dust path! If this path ends near nr 122 stay left and walk against direction traffic so you can see upcoming danger. After the bridge before Castro Marim we turn left(nr 121) into the town, passing castles, shops, cafés and Restaurants until you reach Igreja Matriz de Nossa Senhora dos Mártires(XVIII).