Step by step to Santiago. Driving, motorcycling, horseback/donkey-riding, cycling, walking.
Friday, August 28, 2015
© * Wandern Erste Etappe Caminho de Santiago do Este de Portugal ab Tavira bis Castro Marim 25,5 km.
walking baesuris santiago: Castro Marim - Baesuris, Ende Erste Etappe ab Tavira
*what means this Vieira - Concha - Scallopshell on this building and why is it there?
*Is there any connection with Caminhos de Santiago in the past and until when?
If you have any information, please let us know;
-Associacao Amigos do Caminho de Santiago do Este de Portugal(A.C.E.P.)
- //28.08.2015//
Since September 2015 our Association has received several indications about this building in Castro Marim (which was for sale), corner Rua 25 de Abril – Rua de Sao Sebastiao, Main-Crossing near Câmara Municipal, showing the last memory of Caminho de Santiago in Castro Marim.
This last “Vieira – Concha – Scallop-Shell” remembering that until November 1st, 11 a.m., 1755,
Pilgrims following “O Caminho Tavirense”, passed through Castro Marim, trying to hire on a boat
to sail up Guadiana River, direction Alcoutim, Mértola and further north, from there on foot along the River under protection of the Castles to Santiago de Compostela.
About 20 years after the “Lisbon Earthquake” then Vila Real de Santo António was founded and
Port-Facilities were constructed, 1774.
So from about 1775 on, Pilgrims following the Algarve Coast, under protection of the Castles, walked by Faro, Livramento to Tavira, and from there to Conceição, Cacela Velha and Vila Real de Santo António, where they tried to hire on a boat for transport north by the River, following the
same Route, “La Route des Chateaux”, Caminho do Este de Portugal, Caminho Tavirense.
In the 19th Century Pilgrimming became that important for VRSA, that Vieiras were used in the façade of the First Hotel in the East Algarve, Hotel Guadiana in Vila Real de Santo António, now in restauration.
Let us hope that the new “Owners” are intelligent enough to respect this Historical Heritage “the Vieiras” in the façade of the future new Hotel Guadiana.//31.10.2016.//
Thursday, August 27, 2015
© * 2019 Teilstrecke Etappe ab Conceicao, vorbei an Cacela Velha, Manta Rota, Altura, Sao Bartolomeu, Sobral bis Castro Marim.
*Since beginning of 2018 the wooden bridge over Almargem River is blocked, therefor a detour of about 3 km along and over EN-125, coming back to the route/Caminho in Conceicao, Igreja Matriz. From here Rua dos Restauradores, Rua do Estanco Velho(Cemitério da Conceicao), Gomeira along EN-125, by Robinson Club to Ribeira do Junco, by Fabrica, following M 1242 to Cacela Velha.
-In Cacela Velha right Rua da Cacela Velha until end(View Ria Formosa), Igreja Matriz Nossa Senhora da Assuncao,
-Fortaleza da Cacela Velha(1794), Miradouro view until Manta Rota - Altura - Monte Gordo and Vila Real de Santo António
***27 August 2015, Teilstrecke Erste Etappe Caminho Tavirense, Manta Rota, Altura, Sao Bartolomeu do Sul, Quinta do Sobral bis nach Castro Marim.***
Friday, August 21, 2015
© * 2019, Tavira, Link Cacela Velha, Part of First Stage Caminho de Santiago do Este de Portugal.
walking baesuris santiago: Tavira
Teilstück der Ersten Etappe des Caminho de Santiago do Este de Portugal desde Tavira, Caminho Tavirense seit dem XIV Jahrhundert. CACELA VELHA - VILA NOVA DE CACELA - VILA REAL DE SANTO ANTÓNIO.
*Igreja Matriz Cacela Velha, Nossa Senhora da Assuncao, Santa Missa/Holy Mass Domingo/Sunday 11h30, 00351 281 370 377,
----------------------------------------------------------------August 2015
*Castelo - Fortaleza de Cacela Velha, Largo da Igreja, Cacela Velha,
*Turismo Cacela Velha, CASA DO PAROCO, Silveria Guerreiro, Largo da Igreja, 00351 281 027 224,
*Cacela ADRIP Tourist Information, Apartado 143, 8900-019, Vila Nova de Cacela, 00351 281 952 434,
*Junta Freguesia de Vila Nova de Cacela, 00351 281 951 228,
*Cantinho Ria Formosa, Sitio do RIBEIRO DE JUNCO, (Horses - Stables?), 00351 281 951 837,
*Cacela Velha, Casa de Pasto - Casa da Igreja (Taberna), Largo da Igreja, tel. 00351 281 952 126,
*Cacela Velha, Restaurante Tipico Joaquim Garcia, Sitio da Igreja, 00351 281 952 297,
*Cacela Velha, Restaurante - Bar Casa Azul, Sitio Da Igreja, 00351 281 381 795,
*Café Fortaleza Cacela Velha, tel. 00351 963 511 717, Samstags Ruhetag,
---------------------------------------------------------------- 2016
Uma dezena de quilometros a leste de Tavira fica esta aldeia, no topo de uma colina donde se avista o extremo leste da Ria Formosa. Conquistada pelos cavaleiros de Santiago em 1249(?), é um povoado de ruas estreitas e casas caiadas, tendo ao fundo uma pequena fortaleza a vigiar a costa, e onde cheira amendoeira e laranjeira. Na parede de uma das casas, lê-se o poema de Sophia de Melo Breyner "As pracas-fortes foram conquistadas/ por seu poder e foram sitiadas/ As cidades do mar pela sua riqueza/ Porém Cacela/ Foi desejada só pela beleza". Para chegar a praia os veraneantes recorrem ao servico de barqueiros que os transportam numa rápida viagem através da ria.
*2018-Conceicao following yellow arrows direction Robinson Club, M-1242 to Ribeira do Junco, Cantinho Ria Formosa, to
Cacela Velha passing "Fabrica" on your right(M-1242). At main-crossing Cacela Velha go right to visit and enjoy the
spectacular views over Ria Formosa, its Monuments, Igreja Matriz Nossa Senhora da Assencao, "Fortaleza", Casa do
Paroco(Turismo), its Cafés and Restaurants.
A walking-route can be from the crossing Rua da Cacela Velha, straight on until the Church(view), by the wall beside
the Church(Public Toilets) to the Fortress, passing in front and walking to the Viewpoint(Miradouro), to oversee
Manta Rota, Altura and Monte Gordo from here.
After a break for food and drinks, walk back by Largo da Igreja and Rua Sofia Mello Bryner Andresen to the
main-crossing, turn right and continue your Caminho by M-1242 walking the former Rua da Missa until you reach N-125.
*Before reaching the N-125, 30 meters before on your right, you can read Rua da Missa, where you go right direction
Manta Rota M-1248, Estrada Dr. Luis Medeiros Antunes which leads you to main-crossing in Manta Rota(yellow arrows!).
The yellow arrows indicate at the crossing to walk nearly straight on, following in Manta Rota Rua General Vila
Lobos until small roundabout where you walk straight on Rua do Pescador.......
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
© * 2019, Conceicao de Tavira, Part of First Stage Caminho de Santiago do Este de Portugal.
***2018/2019 After a long period the N-125 Bridge over Rio Almargem was opened for traffic and Pilgrims on foot and
on bicycles(after at least 18 months). Next question what about "Caminho Route Bridge" south of Railroad, which can also not be used since last year 2018.???
-Our volunteers have marked with yellow arrows and stickers a detour, since last week again using the N-125 Bridge,
passing in front of Hotel OZADI and Snack Bar O Vale, and returning to the original Caminho Route in Conceicao.
2015, Conceicao de Tavira, Link zur Ersten Etappe des Caminho Santiago Tavirense.
Reopening historical link by Conceição de Tavira
Pilgrims used this route already since the 14th Century, leaving from Tavira by Conceição to Cacela Velha, (by Altura) to Baesuris, (up) Guadiana River (by boat) to Alcoutim, Mértola, direction Chaves in the north, entering Spain to Santiago de Compostela, using Camino Santiago de Sevilla, Via de la Plata.
Probably because of this route in the 16th Century was build the Mother Church of Nossa Senhora da Conceição (Ordem de Santiago).
We recommend:
*Igreja Matriz Nossa Senhora da Conceição,
*União das Freguesias de Conceição e Cabanas de Tavira,
*O Pomar Urbanisation 00351 281 327 167,
*Old Barrel Traditional Bar 00351 281 327 802,
*Vert´in Restaurant 00351 924 249 143,
*Camping Ria Formosa 00351 281 328 887,
*Tracey Turs Conceição 00351 281 370 969,
*Snack Bar Os Silvas N125 00351 914 736 878,
*Irish J.J.’s Bistro-Piscina, Monte Verde, 00351 281 027 389,
*Snack Bar Rosália, daily Pilgrims-menu, 00351 913 218 613,
*A Marmita Restaurant 00351 281 381 350,
*Celeiro Snack Bar Conceição 00351 281 370 291,
*Best Cake Shop Tavira, 00351 281 328 342,
*Alfresco English Supermarket 00351 281 328 395,
*Restaurante Rota dos Sabores, 00351 281 326 593,
*Almargem Boarding House,(Horses - Stables?), 00351 281 323 386,ask for Pilgrims-rates (with Credencials).
Freguesia office / Busstop / A.T.M. / Public Toilets, Rua 25 de Abril.
In Conceição de Tavira we can also find other shops, bars, restaurants and mini markets.
Friends of “O Caminho do Este de Portugal desde Tavira” can be recognized by our stickers on the door or in the shop window.