
Sunday, April 5, 2015

© * 34th Stage, 2019 - Puente Ulla to Santiago de Compostela, Via de la Plata, about 19,8 or 20,3 km.

***Last Stage between Puente Ulla and Santiago de Compostela, about 20,3 km, to end your Pilgrimage***
*2019, End of January Internet-Guiding for mixed Group of Pilgrims, 1 day upfront,* -------------------- Leaving Puente Ulla from Iglesia de Santa Maria Magdalena, we have to orientate(eye-contact) all the way on N-525, Puente Ulla to Santiago de Compostela, about 20,3 km. P.U. - Onteiro - Cruceiro - Rubial - Pumares until km. 11,6, SUSANA with Cafés and Shops. From Can(h)oteira - Aldrey - Pin(h)eiro - Angrois - CAMINO REAL - by Colegiata de Santa María del Sar - and about 2 kms to end in Santiago de Compostela, the CATHEDRAL and the TOMB of SANTIAGO APÓSTOL. After arriving at the Oficina del Peregrino(Pilgrim´s Reception Office), Carimbos/stamps in your Credencials, and maybe tomorrow your Compostela. Rua das Carretas, N° 33, 15705, Santiago de Compostela, tel. 0034 981 568 846, / *Oficina de Turismo Municipal, Rúa do Vilar, N° 63, tel. 0034 981 555 129, / *Oficina Xacobeo, tel. 0034 902 332 010, / *Oficina de Turismo Regional de la Xunta de Galicia, Rúa do Vilar, N° 30-32, tel. 0034 981 584 081. / *INTERNET, Cyber Berenguella, Rúa Nova, N° 50, / *URGENCIAS MÉDICAS, tel. 061. / *Policia Municipal, tel. 0034 981 542 323, / *Policia Nacional, URGENCIAS POLICIA, tel. 091, / -Refugio Seminario Menor de Belvis, 400 plazas, se puede permanecer 3 dias, tel. 0034 981 589 200, / -Albergue Acuario(privado), 54 plazas, tel. 0034 981 575 438, / tel. 0034 650 371 777, / -Hostal Suso,tel. 0034 981 586 611, / -Hostal el Rapido,tel. 0034 981 584 983, / -Hostal Mapoula, tel. 0034 981 580 124, / -Hotel Universal, tel. 0034 981 585 800, / -Restaurant Casa Manolo Santiago de Compostela, tel. 0034 981 582 950./ -Bici Expedición BPack, Calle das Hedras, N° 87-B, tel. 0034 981 535 999. /---------------------------------------
 ***We hope you have enjoyed your Pilgrimage by the Eastern Part of Portugal/Oriental, starting from Tavira-Algarve. 34th Stage, Puente Ulla to Santiago de Compostela, Via de la Plata together with Caminho de Santiago do Este de Portugal desde Tavira/Algarve, Caminho Tavirense.*** *Iglesia de Santa Maria Magdalena de Puente Ulla, *Oficina de Atención ao Peregrino en Puente Ulla(ao longo do verán), Rectoral de A Ponte Ulla, Website: *ALBERGUE "O CRUCEIRO da Ulla", Email: / tel. 0034 981 512 099, / *Oficina de Información Turistica de Puente Ulla, Centro de Promoción Municipal "Casa dos Peóns", Email: casadospeons@ / Website: / tel.0034 981 512 482, / *Consello - Ayuntamiento Puente Ulla - Vedra - Galicia, Rúa Avda. Mn Gomez, N° 1, 15885 Puente Ulla - Vedra, tel. 0034 981 814 612, Email: / Website: / *Guardia Civil - Vedra - Puente Ulla, tel. 0034 981 503 051. / ------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------ Walking from PUENTE ULLA to SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA about 20,3 km. For orientation stay close to N 525. Puente Ulla - Onteiro - Cruceiro - Rubial - Pumares - 11,6 km SUSANA, Bares y Tiendas, - Can(h)oteira - Aldrey - Pin(h)eiro - Angrois - CAMINO REAL - Colegiata de Santa María del Sar - SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA. / 2018. / ------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------ Walking to SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA from PUENTE ULLA, stay close to N 525 for orientation; but you should also keep your camera at hand, to register unforgettable moments of joy, during your last kms, maybe thinking, singing and-or shouting, praying "ULTREIA" arriving at the Cathedral and TOMB of SANTIAGO APÓSTOL. -----------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------ * Iter Stellarum, Bom Caminho, 2015.*

© * 33rd Stage, 2019 - Estación de Lalin to Puente Ulla, Via de la Plata, about 31,9 or 35,4 km.

***Stage between Estación de Lalin and Puente Ulla, about 35,4 km.*** *2019, End of January Internet-Guiding for mixed Group, 1 day ahead,* ----------------------------------------------------------------- Leaving Estación de Lalin direction N-W, by Laxe, Prado(km 8), Silleda(km 15,2), Bandeira(22,5 km), San Martin de Dornelas(km 27,5), up to Puente Ulla at the end of this stage, going down from about 600 m. over the total 35+ kms until below 200 m. Many villages, many "Cruceiros", many Iglesias Románicas along this stage, along N 525 direction Puente Ulla, and tomorrow direction Santiago de Compostela, a short stage of only 20,3 km. Todays stage on the left and sometimes on the right side eyecontact with N 525 guiding you. Walking by Botos y Bouza direction Laxe, where we pass: *Albergue-Hostal de Laxe, tel. 0034 658 038 042, *Hostal Camino de Santiago, km 293 de la N 525, tel.0034 986 783 749, At a distance of about 8 km from Lalin we reach the village of Prado, with a Café and: *Restaurant "El Afilador", also offering "Camas", Prado N° 67, tel. 0034 986 794 046, Leaving Prado direction Silleda we can walk by Taboada and visit: "la bella iglesia románica de Santiago de Taboada y su Cruceiro". Continuing following N 525 we reach Silleda after about 15,2 km. in Silleda: - Bares y Tiendas - Iglesia tel. 986 580 032, *Ayuntamiento de Silleda, tel. 0034 986 580 000, Bar Toxa, tel. 0034 986 580 111, *Centro de Salud de Silleda, tel. 0034 986 580 230, Cafetaría Pardo, tel. 0034 986 580 965, *Puesto da Guardia Civil en Silleda, tel. 0034 986 580 071, Fonda González, tel. 0034 986 580 156, *Hostal Ramos - Silleda, Calle Antón Alonso, N° 24,/ 36540 / Email: / tel. 0034 986 581 212. After 22,5 km walking we come to Bandeira: - here we find Ayuntamiento de Bandeira, tel. 0034 986 501 081, *Refugio en el Polideportivo, information at Ayuntamiento, Bar Guinha, tel. 0034 986 585 339, *Hostal Conde Rey , Rua Xeral, N° 27, Bandeira, tel. 0034 986 585 333, *Hostal O Portón, tel. 0034 986 585 483, Hotel Victorino, tel. 0034 986 585 330, Leaving Bandeira direction Puente Ulla in San Martin de Dornelas there is "una iglesia románica", km 27,5 from Lalin. At km 317 of N 525 we pass Hotel América, tel. 0034 986 587 450, After about 35,5 km walking and sometimes resting, eating and drinking along the stage we arrive in Puente Ulla: Must visit Iglesia Románica de Santa María Magdalena in Puente Ulla, ?Carimbos/sellos? *Ayuntamiento de Puente Ulla, tel. 0034 981 402 263, Email: / - Bares y Tiendas en Puente Ulla. *Restaurante Flamingo Puente Ulla, Comida y Cama, tel. 0034 981 512 156, / - Guardia Civil - Vedra tel. 0034 981 503 051, *Albergue "O Cruceiro da Ulla", km 17 da N 525 en Puente Ulla, Email: / tel. 0034 981 512 099, *Merendero entrada Restaurante Txolo, tel. 0034 981 512 156, For tonight rest well and for tomorrow, be prepared for an unforgettable experience, finishing your Caminho at the Tomb of Apostle Santiago in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. Bom Caminho,Joao 33rd Stage Estación de Lalin to Puente Ulla, about 35,4 km. Camino Via de la Plata together with Caminho de Santiago do Este de Portugal/Oriental desde Tavira/Algarve, Caminho Tavirense. Walking from Estación de Lalin direction Puente Ulla, stay close to N 525 for orientation, ESTACIÓN DE LALIN – Baján – Botos y Bouza – Fontevilla – Donsión – Laxe – KM 8 / PRADO - Restaurante y Bar, - Borralla – Ponte - Taboada – Transfontao – KM 15,2 / SILLEDA - Iglesia, - Ayuntamiento, Guardia Civil, Hostal, Fonda, - San Fiz – KM 22,5 / BANDEIRA – Ayuntamiento , Refugio Polideportivo, Hostales 2, Fonda, - Goleta – Pin(h)eiro – Besteiro – San Martín de Dornelas – San Miguel de Castro – Silva – Ermita de Santiago – KM 35,4 / PUENTE ULLA. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Walking Stage 33 from Estación de Lalin to Puente Ulla over 35,4 km, you have to stay close to N 525 for orientation. *A Laxe, km 5,8, Hostal Caminho de Santiago, N 525 km. 293, tel. 0034 986 783 749, *PRADO, km 8, Hospedaje "O Afilador" + Camas, Prado, N° 67, 36500 Lalin, Galicia tel. 0034 986 794 046, *SILLEDA, km 15,2 / Hostal Ramos, Calle de Antón Alonso Rios, N° 24, 36540 Silleda - Pontevedra, tel. 0034 986 581 212. *BANDEIRA, km 22,5 / Albergue en Camping Medelo Xacobeo a 3 kms de Bandeira, tel. 0034 986 585 753, *BANDEIRA, Hostal-Restaurante Gonzalez - Gran Albergue, tel. 0034 986 580 156 / Mob. 0034 659 349 226, Email: hostal / *A PONTE ULLA, Merendero a la entrada, Restaurante TXOLO, tel. 0034 981 512 156. *bom Caminho - Buen Camino. ------------------------------------------------------------------

© * 32nd Stage, 2019 - Cea to Estación de Lalin, Via de la Plata, about 28,6 or 33,5 km.

***Stage between Cea and Estación de Lalin, by Camino Via de la Plata, about 33,5 km.*** *2019, End of January Internet-Guiding for mixed Group, 1 day ahead,* ----------------------------------------------------------------- Leaving Cea in the morning passing the local Campo de fútbol, an easy walk direction N-W until Silvaboa, known as "Pueblo de Pieles". * From here about 3 km until the Monasterio de Oseira(Email: Around here a Fuente and Cafés to eat and drink. *Hospederia, tel. 0034 988 282 004. Km 9,9 from Cea. After a rest/visit we continue direction Outeiro and further to Gouxa - "Cruceiro", and a Bar-Café for a drink or a bite, km +6,6. From Gouxa it about 4 km further to Castro Dozón, where we can visit Iglesia de San Pedro de Dozón. In the village Cafés and shops, *Ayuntamiento de Dozón, tel. 00986 780 471. / At about 7 kms distance from here: Hostal Ateneo, tel. 0034 988 403 371. *Mosteiro de Dozón - Monasterio Benedictino del siglo XII. From here the next 3+kms lead uphill to the highest part of this stage, "Alto de Santo Domingo", about 20 km from Cea and another 13,5 until the end of the Stage in Estación de Lalin, partly downhill with some villages. About 4.5 kms before the end of todays stage in Estación de Lalin. *Café-Bar and Hostal Á Taberna do Vento, Rua/Calle Estación de Botos, N° 38, tel. 0034 986 780 734, / *Oficina de Turismo Municipal, Avenida da Estación, s/n, Website: / tel. 0034 986 780 156 / mob. 646 873 065 / *Hostal Camino de Santiago, en Bergazos(36512), tel. 0034 986 794 078, "Buen trato, buen servicio, buen precio", dbl. €22,- con ducha, Pequenho Hotel familiar. *Restaurant-Mesón Os Arcos, Rua W. Calvo Garra, N° 6 en Lalin, Os Arcos es más un bar de parroquianos, Raciones 4 - 23€, Platos 14 - 23€, tel. 0034 986 784 513. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Walking from Cea to Estación de Lalin, stay near N 525 for orientation, 32nd Stage, about 28,6 to 33,5 km. *REAL MONASTERIO DE OSEIRA, 9,9 km, Hospederia tel. tel. 0034 988 282 004, *CASTRO DOZÓN, 20,6 km, + 7 km, Hostal Ateneo, tel. 0034 988 403 203 !pay attention! ? 0034 988 403 271? *LALIN, Hostal Casa Trigueira, tel.0034 986 784 499, +Bom Caminho - Buen Camino.

© * 31st Stage, 2019 - Ourense to Cea, Via de la Plata, about 21,6 or 23,1 km.

***Stage between Orense/Ourense and Cea on the Via de la Plata, about 35,3 or 39,2 or 39,5 km.*** *2019, End of January Internet-Guiding for mixed Group, 1 day ahead per stage.* ----------------------------------------------------------------- Leaving Ourense crossing Rio Minho(Ponte Romano) on Avenida de las Caldas, before coming to the Trainstation, turn right into Avenida de Santiago, direction Tamallancos passing a Petrol-Station. For orientation always eyecontact on N-525, and in Tamallancos it is still about 12,6 km to Cea, end of this Stage. *Ayuntamiento de Tamallancos, tel. 0034 988 286 000, *Hostal Ateneo, tel. 0034 988 403 203, Along this Way many little villages where one can buy , fruit, food and drinks, or even eat lunch in a Café-Restaurant. About 2 kms before coming to Cea, the two different Routes from Ourense come/join together,"se juntan aquí dos rutas signalizadas desde Ourense". This is in Casasnovas, "hay aquí una Fuente con abundante agua fresca en un paraje para descansar", and there seems to be also a newly reconstructed Albergue in Casasnovas(Please keep us informed!). Cea is known for its "Buen Pan" and Torre del Reloj. / Bares y tiendas, *CEA, Ayuntamiento - Torre del Reloj, - Plaza Mayor - tel. 0034 988 282 000 / *Guardia Civil de Cea, tel. 0034 988 282 229 / *Parroquia de Cea, tel. 0034 988 282 179 / *Albergue Municipal, (?La Casa das Netas?), Encargado Orlando Albergue, tel. 0034 600 878 289 / *Albergue de la Xunta de Galicia, Nuevo, Fruto de la recuperación de la antigua "Casa das Netas". Cocina comedor y sala de estar, cuarto de limpieza, lavanderia y rendederos. Aparcamiento para bicicletas. *Hostal Casa Marica Cea? tel. 0034 988 222 039. // Iter Stellarum, Bom Caminho. // ----------------------------------------------------------------- ***LA CENA DE CEA*** //2018// "El pan de Cea es famoso en toda Galicia. Cea se encuentra en la Via de la Plata, o sea, en el camino do Algarve hacia Santiago. Por la noche, los Peregrinos hacían un alto en este pueblo y su última comida del día era a base del pan producido en el lugar, era su cena o cea, en Gallego". CEA, Albergue de la Xunta, max. pax. 42, tel. 0034 600 878 289, €6,00(2013). ----------------------------------------------------------------- *Iglesia/Igrexa de San Cristavo de Cea(cerca N-525) - Ourense, *Albergue Municipal de Cea, Parroquia tel. 0034 988 282 179, ORLANDO, encargado del Albergue de Cea, tel. 0034 600 878 289, *Parroquia de Cea, tel. 0034 988 282 179, *Ayuntamiento de Cea, tel. 0034 988 282 000, *Guardia Civil de Cea, tel. 0034 988 282 229, nr. de Urgencia 062, CEA conocido por BUEN PAN. El Municipio es conocido por su exquisito PAN ARTESANAL. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Walking from Ourense to Cea, 31st Stage, 21,6 to 23,1 km, stay near N 525 for orientation. *OURENSE: Albergue Xunta Calicia, Convento de San Francisco, Calle Emilia Pardo Bazán, tel. 0034 988 388 110. *TAMALLANCOS km 12,6/ Hostal Ateneo, tel. 0034 988 403 203, *CEA km 21,6/ Albergue Xunta Galicia, "Casa das Netas", tel. 0034 988 282 229, *Hospedería Monasterio Oseria, tel. 0034 988 282 004, +Bom Caminho - Buen Camino. -----------------------------------------------------------------

© * 30th Stage, 2019 - Vilar do Barrio to Ourense, Via de la Plata, about 35,3 or 39,2 or 39,5 km.

***Stage between Vilar do Barrio to Ourense, by Camino Via de la Plata, maximum 39,5 km.***

 ***2019, End of January Internet-Guiding mixed Group, 1 day ahead.*** ---------------------------------- Leaving Vilar direction Ourense passes by many little villages, but inportant for the right Way(N-W) are OU-110, OU-102 and OU-101. Villages you will pass are Bobadela and Xunqueira de Ambia, and from there direction Ourense.
 *Ayuntamiento de Bobadela, tel. 0034 988 281 000, in the village "Bares" and a shop.(8,4 km from Vilar de Barrio). From here about 5,3 km until you reach Xunqueira de Ambia, and from there about 20 km more to Ourense.
 *Ayuntamiento de Xunqueira de Ambia, tel. 0034 988 436 040, Information available at "Town Hall", *Albergue Municipal de Xunqueira de Ambia, tel. 0034 988 436 040, stelo y duchas con agua caliente, llave Ayuntamiento hasta 14h00, y en la Biblioteca entre 16h00 y las 18h00 horas. *Centro de Salud de Xunqueira de Ambia, tel. 0034 988 436 079, *Bares y tienda y Fuente, must visit: Monasterio de Santa Mariá la Real, its garden and "Cruceiro" outside.
* Along the 20+ kms Caminho many little villages, where one can buy fruit, drinks and restaurants offer discounts for Pilgrims with a Valid Credencial. Getting nearer to Ourense from a distance one can see it is important since ages.
* "Ourense fue durante mucho tiempo una etapa compostelana importante en el camino de la Plata(Sevilla-Santiago)".
 ***Cathedral de Ourense, Plaza do Trigo, cerca do Ayuntamiento/Concello(tel. 0034 988 388 110), Email: / tel. 0034 988 220 992 /mob. 0034 608 505 531 / *Associación Amigos del Camino de Ourense, tel. 0034 988 391 110, *Turismo Municipal, Rua Isabel a Católica, N° 1, tel. 0034 988 366 064, / *Turismo Provincial, Rua do Progreso, N° 28, tel. 0034 988 391 085, / *TurismoRegional, Caseta do Legoeiro, Ponte Romano, N° 120, tel. 0034 988 372 020, / *Guardia Civil, Puesto de Ourense, tel. 0034 988 235 353, / *Camping Unres, Carretera de Vigo-Outariz, tel. 0034 988 104 490, / *Juventud De la Diócesis de Ourense, Email:, / tel. 0034 698 186 480, / -Albergue Peregrinos de Ourense - Galicia, Convento de San Francisco, 40 pax, no reservation, €5,00 p.p.p.n. / Pedir llaves en el Claustro en lado, tel. 0034 988 238 948, / mob. 0034 608 868 434, / -Albergue Municipal, 40 pax. tel. 0034 988 388 100, / -Albergue Juvenil, rua Arturo Pérez Serantes, N° 2, 32005 - Ourense, tel. 0034 988 252 412, / -Albergue Túristico Ourense, Fundación Cipri Gomes, Rua Nicolás Tenorio, N° 32, Viana do Bolo - Ourense, All Year Open! Email: / tel. 0034 988 329 283 / 56 Plazas. -H.R. Barcelona, Avenida de Pontevedra, N° 19, 32005 - Ourense, tel. 0034 988 220 800, / -Pensión Residencia Cándida, Rua Hermanos Villar, N° 15, Double Room 36€, Email: / Website: / tel. 0034 988 229 607, / -Hotel RÍo Minho, tel. 0034 988 217 594,/ -Hostal Irixo, tel. 0034 988 220 035, / -Hostal Lido, tel. 0034 988 213 600, / -Hostal Novo Paris, tel. 0034 988 217 842, / -Hostal San Miguel II, tel. 0034 988 239 203, / *Cervexeria Áncora - Ourense - Rua Santo Domingo, N° 15, BREWERY....... *Rest. Casa do Pulpo - Ourense - 32005 - Rua Xuan de Austria, N° 1, 32005 - Ourense, MENU €10,- / Raciones €6,- / Email. / tel. 0034 988 238 308 / *Rest. A Casita do Pulpo - Ourense - Rua Viriato, N° 4, tel. 0034 988 013 963 / "O Polvo da Costa da Galiza". ***Iter Stellarum, Bom Caminho.*** -------------*** 2018 - OURENSE - GALIZA - PARA ALÉM DAS TERMAS *** Abril 2018 *** *Conhecida como a cidade galega do termalismo, onde mesmo no centro se pode aproveitar os mananciais de água quente, Ourense é, de facto, boa para descontrair, mas nao apenas para ir a banhos. É terra com vida - diurna e noturna -, onde comer e beber bem é quase uma questao de orgulho. Fica já ali, a coisa de duas horas e meia de CAMINHO para quem parte do Porto. -O POLVO À FEIRA E O POLVO GRELHADO SAO DUAS ESPECIALIDADES DA CASA DO PULPO, QUE FICA NO CENTRO HISTÓRICO DA CIDADE. -A grandiosa Catedral de Ourense, cuja construcao comencou no século XII, é um dos atrativos da cidade. À sua volta encontram-se esplanadas. -OURENSE PODE NAO TER A FAMA OU A AFLUÊNCIA DE SANTIAGO, MAS TEM UMA DAS MAIS BELAS CATEDRAIS ROMÂNICAS DA GALIZA E DE TODA A ESPANHA. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *Visitar Catedral de Ourense, Praca do Trigo, Tel. 0034 988 220 992 / 0034 608 505 531. Entrada: *Casa do Pulpo, Rua Juan de Austria,N° 1, Tel. 0034 988 238 308, Email: / Enfrente de la Catedral. *A Casita do Pulpo, Rua Viriato, N° 4, Tel. 0034 988 013 863, O polvo da costa da Galiza. *Cervexaria ÁNCORA OURENSE, Rua Santo Domingo, N° 15, Áncora Bros. Brewery, com fábrica e bar no coracao da cidade. ------------------------------------------------***OURENSE, Albergue Municipal, max. pax. 40, tel. 0034 988 388 100, €6,00(2013).*** 
* OURENSE, Via de la Plata, Caminho de Santiago do Este de Portugal/Oriental desde Tavira/Algarve. *Catedral de Ourense - Galicia, cerca al Ayuntamiento, Centro Histórico, tel. 0034 988 220 992, Email: / *Albergue de Peregrinos de Ourense, Rúa Serra de Queixa, N° 1, 32004 Ourense, Convento de San Francisco, Website: / tel. 0034 988 238 948, mob. 0034 608 868 434. *Asociación Amigos del Camino de Ourense, Email: / tel. 0034 988 391 110. *Ayuntamiento - Concello Ourense, Plaza Maior, N° 1, 32500 Ourense, tel. 0034 988 388 110, Email: informacion@ / *Oficina de Turismo Municipal Ourense, Isabel a Católica, N° 2, 32500 Ourense, tel. 0034 988 366 064, Email: / *Guardia Civil, Puesto de Ourense, Calle / Rúa Bieto Amado, N° 17, 32005 Ourense, Website: / tel. 0034 988 235 353, *Camping Untes, Carretera de Vigo - Outariz - Ourense, tel. 0034 988 104 490. -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Friday, April 3, 2015

© * 29th Stage, 2019 - Verín to Vilar de Barrio by Via de la Plata, about 38.1 km.

***2019.01., Group-guiding by Internet for mixed group of Pilgrims at the end of January, 1 day ahaed.*** ---------------------------------------------------------------- ***Stage from VERÍN to Laza(Ou-113), about 17 km, further to VILAR DE BARRIO, about 20,1 km, total 37+ km, Via de la Plata. *** - Leaving Verín walking uphill by medieval path to Castle of Monterrei(Parador of Verín), and after a break walking on direction Laza, with eye-contact to OU-113, passing Porto Camba(Fuente), As Eiras(Fuente-área descanso), and further to Laza, 17 km. 

 *Outside of Verín, road to Monterrei one can read by the road: "Monterrei está no alto, e Verín está no baixo; Nossa Senhora da Estrela está nun campinho raso". 

*Ayuntamiento in LAZA, tel. 0034 988 422 102, *Protección Civil de LAZA, tel. 0034 988 422 076, *Albergue de la Xunta de Galicia - nuevo, 32 plazas, Keys at Protección Civil or Ayuntamiento of LAZA. *Hostal A Nosa, LAZA, tel. 0034 988 422 061. - After a rest, eating-drinking-shopping and visiting the local Gothic Church, maybe even a Carimbo if open, follow the yellow arrows direction 

VILAR DE BARRIO, another about 20 kms. We best follow(eye-contact) the secondary road OU-113 upto the end of this Stage, Vilar de BARRIO. We walk by villages like Soutelo Verde(Café), Tamicelas(Ermita de la Asunción, key neighbours!), 

*Bonito Pueblo) ALBERGERIA, and from here an easy 8 kms walk to Vilar de Barrio, last 1,5 km downhill. *Ayuntamiento de ALBERGERIA, tel. 0034 988 422 002, - Iglesia, tel. 0034 988 201 054, /

 ***VILAR DE BARRIO has Cafés and some shops, *Ayuntamiento de VILAR DE BARRIO, tel. 0034 988 449 001, *Albergue de la Xunta de Galicia - Nuevo, 20 plazas, Aparcamiento para bicicletas, info Ayuntamiento!, *Albergue Municipal con literas, agua caliente y cocina, llaves en estación de servicio( info Ayuntamiento!), !!!COMIDAS PEREGRINOS, en un bar una senhora da comidas a los peregrinos(info Ayuntamiento!). ***VILAR DE BARRIO; Albergue de la XUNTA, max. 24 pax, €6,00(2013), tel. 0034 628 353 914. --------------------------------------------------------------- 

***April 3rd, 2015.*** VILAR DE BARRIO - OURENSE - Camino Via de la Plata / Caminho de Santiago do Este de Portugal desde Tavira, *IGLESIA / IGREXA Vilar de Barrio, San Pedro Fiz, 01.08. annual, SAN FIZ., **BARES Y TIENDAS, *Concello / Ayuntamiento de Vilar de Barrio, Plaza do Toural, N° 10, Email: / website: www. , tel. 0034 988 449 001, *ALBERGUE de Vilar de Barrio, tel. 0034 988 468 372, mob. 0034 666 351 942, 0034 628 353 914, *GUARDIA CIVIL, Puesto de Vilar de Barrio, 0034 988 449 000, nr. de Urgencia 062. ---------------------------------------------------------------

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

© * 2019 - 28th Interntional Stage between Chaves(P) and Verin(E.), about 25 km, Via de la Plata.

**2019 - End of January - Guiding mixed Group of Pilgrims by Internet, 1 day ahead. ***Although it might be fresh in the morning leaving Chaves direction Verín in Spain, you will be walking most day with the sun on the sky and temperatures up to 20°. Along todays stage, villages like Outeiro Seco, Vila Verde da Raia, Tamaguelos, where you can buy or consume water or warm drinks, fruit and food in Cafés and Restaurants, but also the fresh-markets are open. You do not have to walk all the way on Tarmac/asphalt using N-522, but keep eyecontact and use pathes and secondary roads parallel N-522 until Verín. *Must see in Verín: Castelo de Monterrei and Carnaval de Verín! Parador-Hotel de Verín, 0034 988 410 075 - Email: *Concello/Ayuntamiento de Verín, Plaza do Concello, Email: / Website: / Travesia do Concello, N° 1, 32600 - Verín, Ourense, tel. 0034 988 410 000, / tel. 0034 988 411 900 / *Turismo de Verín, Email: / tel. 0034 988 411 614 / at Turismo information about restaurants food. Email2: / Rúa irmáns da Salle,/ ***Nuevo / Albergue de la Xunta de Galicia, 24 plazas, / "Casa do Asistente", edificio de 1731, aparcamiento para bicicletas, tel. 0034 988 411 614 / in Verín! **Albergue Nuevo Monterrei, 20 plazas, antiguo Hospital de Peregrinos, Xunta de Galicia, tel. 0034 988 418 002 / *Hotel Dos Hermanas, Email: / tel. 0034 988 410 280 / *Hotel Villa de Verín, Monte Mayor, N° 14, Verín - Ourense - Galicia, 32600, tel. 0034 988 411 981 / *Hostal Brasil, Verín, tel. 0034 988 410 249 / *Hostal Zapatillas Verín, tel. 0034 988 419 729. / -Restaurante "Casa do Pulpo" Verín, tel. 0034 988 410 088. / *Guardia Civil de Verín, tel. 0034 988 410 005. / *Policia Local de Verín, tel. 0034 988 411 612. / *Concello de Monterrei, tel. 0034 988 418 002. / *Concello de Laza, tel. 0034 988 422 002. / ***Iter Stellarum, Bom Caminho. --------------------------------------------------------------- Crossing the border to Spain you might notice a difference, between two neighbouring Countries, if so, please let us know. From Verín on Caminho de Santiago do Este de Portugal, Caminho Tavirense, Camino Via de la Plata leaving from Sevilla and Camino Sanabrés from Zamora, join the same Way/Route until the Cathedral in Santiago de Compostela. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ***CHAVES, CIDADE DE ÁGUAS QUENTES.*** "AQUAE FLAVIAE", a antiga designacao de Chaves, alude às fontes termais que aqui brotam, das mais quentes em exploracao na Europa e que sao uma das riquezas desta cidade. ***CHAVES***, Trás-os-Montes is an arid province, but Chaves is well favoured as it was built on the banks of Tâmega River, in the center of a sunken basin, which is particularly fertile. The small town of Aquae Flaviae, known to the Romans for its thermal springs, was transformed into an important resting point on the Astorga-Braga road when Trajan built a bridge over Tâmega River, within its bounds. In 1160, after being recaptured from th Moors, Chaves was fortified to ensure its command of the valley facing the Spanish fortress of Verín. In the 17th Century ramparts were added, after the style of the French military architect Vauban. Even now the old castle huddled close by picturesque white houses with corbelled wooden verandas give the town considerable style. CHAVES is now a quiet spa town, equally known for its excellent smoked PRESUNTO HAM.06.04.2016. ----------------------------------------------------------------

© * Boa Páscoa - FELIZ PÁSCOA 2017, Tavira - Castro Marim, Frohe Ostern - Happy Easter.

TAVIRA PARÓQUIAS DE SANTIAGO E SANTA MARIA. *PÁSCOA DO SENHOR* Oh nova Páscoa! Oh festa do triunfo De Cristo glorioso Que nos veio salvar! Oh nova Páscoa! Alegria do mundo! A vida nos abriu Suas portas de gloria! Oh nova Páscoa! A ceia do festim Encheu-se de convivas Celebrando o Senhor! Oh nova Páscoa! Os baptizados vêm Com túnicas de festa Ás bodas do Cordeiro! Oh nova Páscoa! O vencedor da morte, Jesus Ressuscitado, Nos dá a vida eterna. CASTRO MARIM PARÓQUIA DE SAO TIAGO. **SANTA PÁSCOA** "Porque buscais o Vivente entre os mortos? Nao está aqui; ressuscitou! Lembrai-vos de como vos falou, quando ainda estava na Galileia, dizendo que o Filho do Homen havia de ser entregue às maos dos pecadores, ser crucificado e ressuscitar ao terceiro dia". (Lc 24, 5-6) A equipa sacerdotal da Zona Pastoral dos concelhos de Vila Real de Santo António e Castro Marim desejam a si e sua família uma SANTA PÁSCOA:
BOA PÁSCOA - FELIZ PÁSCOA 2015, CONCEICAO DE TAVIRA. Mother Church of Nossa Senhora da Conceicao, Parish Conceicao de Tavira, Century 16th. This Church was probably built because of the importance of the Caminho do Este de Portugal leaving from Tavira, passing by Conceicao, passing by Cacela Velha, passing by Sao Bartolomeu to Igreja Matriz de Nossa Senhora dos Mártires in Castro Marim, nowadays Parish Sao Tiago. The building of this Church began during the early 16th Century as part of the creation of the Parish of Nossa Senhora da Conceicao. Its ecclesiastical Patronage is attributed to the Order of Santiago. The Temple offers a marvellous 16th Century main portico comprised of a broken arc with five rings, inscribed on a gable, the last archivolt of which is decorated with late-Gothic representations (branches, foliage, flowers, gargoyles, dragons and other elements). The interior consists of three naves and just three spans, with capitals and column bases decorated in the classic Renaissance style. Accordingly Tavira had a school of craftsmen fluent in that style, and they worked within the scope of activity of the renowned master mason Pilarte. The main Chapel is covered by a 16th Century groin vault, the intersections of which bear the coat of arms of the Order of Santiago in low relief. The Temple was restored in the mid 18th Century. In the process it gained a baroque gable that livens up the front facade and frames it, along with the coat of arms of the Order of Santiago modelled in baroque plaster forms. Happy Easter, Iter Stellarum, Bom Caminho.

© * 27th Stage, 2018 Valpacos to Chaves, about 27 km ..

***2019 - End of January - Guiding of mixed Group by Internet 1 day ahead! - *** *Cycling from Chaves to Santiago de Compostela is more then 210 km by Bicycle, meaning 2 Carimbos per day, per Stage until the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, the Tomb of Apostle Santiago. Pilgrims on foot, walking 1 Carimbo per day, per Stage until Ourense, and from Ourense 2 Carimbos per day, per Stage until arriving in Santiago Pilgrimming. *Visible from a distance Castelo de Chaves XIV, Praca de Camoes, Tel. 00351 276 348 180, / *Igreja Matriz de Santa Maria Maior de Chaves, 1259, Rua da Ordem Terceira, N° 18, Email: / *Câmara Municipal de Chaves, Largo de Camoes, Website: / Email: / tel. 00351 276 340 500/1/2. *Posto de Turismo de Chaves, Terreiro da Cavalaria, 5400-193, Chaves, tel. 00351 276 340 660/1 / *Posto GNR-Gendarmerie de Chaves, 00351 276 322 169 / *PSP de Chaves, Police, 00351 276 323 125 / *ACOGIDA AO PEREGRINO - Bombeiros Voluntários Flavienenses de Chaves, Campo Fonte, 5400-161, tel. 00351 276 322 122 / 00351 276 322 144 / Aviso previo 5€ or Donativo with Valid Credencial, shelter for the night, max 10 pax. / *Camping Chaves, Vila Nova de Viega, 5400-764, Chaves, Email: / tel. 00351 276 322 733 / *Pensao Bom Caminho Residencial, Campo da Fonte, N° 9, 5400-160,Chaves, Email: / tel. 00351 276 322 743, / *Hotel Katia, Rua do Sol, N° 28-32, 5400- Chaves, ACCUEIL CORDIAL DES PATRONS, ask for Pilgrims-Rates with Valid Credencial, tel. 00351 276 324 446, / *Residencial Casa das Termas, Edificio Caldas, Bloco 7, Rua do Tabolado, Chaves, Email: / tel. 00351 276 333 280, / ask for Pilgrims-Rates with Valid Credencial. / *Hotel Aquae Flaviae de Chaves, Praca de Brasil, 5400- Chaves-Vila Real, tel. 00351 276 309 000, Website: www.hoteld- / *Restaurante Adega "O FAUSTINO", Travessa Cândido dos Reis, Chaves, tel. 00351 276 322 142, ACCUEIL FRANCOPHONE ET SOURIANT, ask for Pilgrims-Menu with Valid Credencial. *Restaurante/Hotel Petrus, Rua da Familia de Camoes, N° 20, 5400- Chaves, tel. 00351 276 351 409, service très pro et charmant, ask for Pilgrims-Rates with Valid Credencial. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ***2017 - EUREGION CHAVES PORTUGAL - VERÍN SPANIEN - *27-ste Etappe "O Caminho de Santiago do Este de Portugal/Oriental desde Tavira-Algarve", von Chaves nach Verín(25 km ---------------------------------------------------------------- **CHAVES - RIO TÂMEGO - Castle XIV - EN 213. *Igreja Matriz de Santa Maria Maior de Chaves, 1259, Rua da Ordem terceira, N°18, 5400-425, Chaves Portugal. Email: / tel. 00351 276 321 384. *Castelo de Chaves, Praca de Camoes, 5400-150, Chaves - Distrito Vila Real - Portugal, tel. 00351 276 348 180. *Câmara Municipal de Chaves, Praca / Largo de Camoes, 5400-150, Chaves, Email: / Website: / tel. 00351 276 340 500/1/2. *Posto de Turismo de Chaves, Terreiro da Cavalaria, 5400-193, Chaves, tel. 00351 276 340 660/1. *Pensao Bom Caminho Residencial, Campo da Fonte, N°9, 5400-160 Chaves, Email: / tel. 00351 276 322 743. *Camping Chaves, Vila Nova de Viega, 5400-764 Chaves, Email: / tel. 00351 276 322 733. *Restaurante Adega "O FAUSTINO", Travessa Cândido dos Reis, Chaves, tel. 00351 276 322 142, ACCUEIL FRANCOPHONE ET SOURIANT. Ask for Pilgrims-Menu with Valid Credencial. *Hotel Katia, Rua do Sol, N°28-32, 5400- Chaves, ACCUEIL CORDIAL DES PATRONS, tel. 00351 276 324 446, ask for Pilgrims- Rates with Valid Credencial. *Residencial Casa das Termas, Edificio Caldas, Bloco 7, Rua do Tabolado, Chaves, Email: tel. 00351 276 333 280, ask for Pilgrims-Rates with Valid Credencial. *Restaurante/Hotel Petrus, Rua da Familia de Camoes, N°20, 5400- Chaves, Tel.00351 276 351 409, service très pro et charmant, ask for Pilgrims-Rates and Pilgrims-Menu with Valid Credencial. *Hotel Aquae Flaviae de Chaves, Praca do Brasil, 5400-Chaves - Vila Real, tel. 00351 276 309 000, Website: www.hoteis- *Posto da GNR de Chaves, GENDARMERIE, tel. 00351 276 322 169 / 00351 232 467. *PSP de Chaves, POLICE, tel. 00351 276 323 125. **ACOGIDA AO PEREGRINO: *Bombeiros Voluntários Flavienses de Chaves, Campo Fonte, 5400-161 Chaves, tel. 00351 276 322 122/ 00351 276 322 144, Shelter for the night, cap. 10 pax., aviso previo 5€ or DONATIVO, with Valid Credencial. ***ACOGIDA AO CICLISTA: *Run and Bike - Bicicletas e Acessórios, Rua D. Afonso III, N° 50, 5400-027 Chaves, Email:, tel. 00351 276 325 446, Mob. 00351 967 641 708. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FROM CHAVES TO SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA IS ABOUT +210 KM TO THE CATHEDRAL AND TOMB OF SAINT JAMES IN SANTIAGO; ENOUGH KMS CYCLING, FROM CHAVES TO SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA, SO PILGRIMS CYCLING CAN ACHIEVE THEIR COMPOSTELA IN SANTIAGO; more then 200kms cycling and 2 stamps/sellos per day!!!

© * 26th Stage, 2019 Mirandela to Valpacos, about 22,6 km.

***26th Stage, Mirandela to Valpacos, about 22,6 to 24 km.*** *Internet-guiding 1 day upfront, mixed European Group, 7 days between 07.03 and 14.03.2019.* Leaving Mirandela N-W-direction to Valpacos, orienting on N-213 by Rio Torto about half-way. Todays stage might be difficult because of warm weather with temperatures up to 22° like in Spring, so please do not forget to drink in time. Fruit from mini-markets is of course also refreshing. On our Blog this stage also shows some information, but here again the most important addresses. *Posto de Turismo de Valpacos, Edificio Câmara Municipal, Praca do Municipio, tel. 00351 278 710 131, Email: / *Câmara Municipal de Valpacos, Praca do Municipio, 5430-482, Valpacos - Regiao Norte - Distrito Vila Real, tel. 00351 278 710 130, Website: / Email: / *Biblioteca Municipal de Valpacos, tel. 00351 278 710 135, *Espaco Internet de Valpacos, tel. 00351 278 710 136, *Clube de Campismo de Valpacos/Rabacal, Ponte de Vale Telhas, 5430-191, Possacos Valpacos, tel. 00351 278 759 354, Email: / *Bombeiros Voluntários de Valpacos, tel. 00351 278 711 385, *Posto da GNR-Gendarmerie de Valpacos, tel. 00351 278 711 258, ***Must visit IGREJA DE SANTIOGO in Valpacos, Carimbos in this church if open, otherwise Turismo, Câmara Municipal or "Hotel" you have slept. *Candido Hotel, Rua de Tramagel, N° 2, 5430-466 - Valpacos, *Hotel Comfort Inn - Valpacos, Email: / *Residencial and Restaurant Escondidinho - Valpacos, Rua Manuel, N° 42, 5430-486 - Valpacos, *Residencial and Restaurant Horizonte, known for good cuisine! *Typical Cellar, Snacks, Rua Dr. Francisco José de Medeiros, N° 23, 5430-473 - Valpacos / *Café - Restaurant Avenue, Rua D. Pedro V, N° 40, 5430-468 - Valpacos / *Horta's Barbeque Restaurant, Rua Horta de Fonte, N° 4, 5430-452 - Valpacos, ***VALPACOS*** Tem interesse a Igreja Matriz, com a abóbada de granito e coro abalaustrado, datada de 1873. Perto da vila fica o santuário panorâmico de Nossa Senhora da Saúde. A Pedra Furada é outra curiosidade local. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ***22.09.2017. É TEMPO DE OUTONO - OLIVEIRAS E CASTANHEIROS NA REGIAO DE VALPACOS*** -Azeite, goji, castanha, e amêndoa de Trás-os-Montes- Para muitos consumidores estrangeiros, Portugal ainda tem sistemas de producao que respeitam os equilibrios ambientais. E Trás-os-Montes e Regiao de VALPACOS é, nesta matéria, território privilegiado. (Selecao Nacional - Sexta - Correio Da Manha). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ***31.01.2018. Etapa Caminho de Santiago do Este de Portugal/Oriental desde Tavira-Algarve, Mirandela - Valpacos, prox. 22,5 km, orientar EN 213. *Ciudad Portuguesa - Provincia de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro - Región Norte - Distrito Vila Real. *Importante IGREJA DE SANTIAGO! *Igreja Matriz Santa Maria Maior de Valpacos. *Patrona: Nossa Senhora da Saúde. .................................

© * 25th Stage, 2019 Vila Flor to Mirandela, about 25,3 km.

***25th Stage between Vila Flor and Mirandala, about 25,3 km.*** *Internet-guiding 1 day upfront, mixed European Group, 7 days/7stages between 07.03 and 14.03.2019.* *Leaving Vila Flor direction N-W orienting on N 213, passing villages like Cacâo, Frechas until Mirandela, while passing Vilas Boas it might be hilly and curvy, so be careful with upcoming traffic. After about 25 km walking direction Mirandela, we can already from some distance see Igreja Matriz, Castelo and Ponte Velho over Rio Tua. Do not forget to eat and drink on time, because tomorrow and the coming days it might warm-up a lot. *Carimbos for your Credencials probably at Igreja Matriz, Câmara Municipal or Posto de Turismo in Mirandela, or in your Hotel/Albergue/Residencial or Camping. *Posto de Turismo de Mirandela, Rua D. AfonsoIII(junto de Estacao da C.P.), tel. 00351 278 203 143, Email: / *Câmara Municipal de Mirandela, Praca do Municipio, tel. 00351 278 265 753, Email: / Website: / *Biblioteca Municipal de Mirandela, Rua Coronel J.M.S.P., tel. 00351 278 201 590 / *Espaco Internet Mirandela 1, Praca do Mercado, tel. 00351 278 262 731, Email: / *Castelo de Mirandela, Dom SanchoI 1185-1211 / *Igreja Matriz de Mirandela, Nossa Senhora da Encarnacao, Praca 5 de Outubro, tel. 00351 278 263 252, / *Posto da GNR-Gendarmerie da Mirandela, tel. 00351 278 201 000 / *Bombeiros Voluntários de Mirandela, Av. Bombeiros Voluntários de Mirandela, tel. 00351 278 201 080, Email: / *Parque de Campismo Mirandela Três Rios Maravilla, tel. 00351 278 263 177, Email: / *Hotel Globo, Rua Cidade Orthez, N° 35, tel. 00351 278 248 210, Email: / *Dona Fina Guesthouse A.L., Rua da República, N° 20, tel. 00351 278 249 392, Email: / *Mâe D'Àgua Guesthouse A.L., Rua Sao José, tel. 00351 917 527 370 / -MIRANDELA, CAPITAL DA TERRA QUENTE - PONTE VELHO, 230m long ROMANESQUE BRIDGE over Rio Tua. -Palácio dos Távoras, Museu Municipal Armindo Teixeira Lopes or Museu das Curiosidades. -In the Historical part of Mirandela shops, Bakeries, mini-markets, cafés and a Market, so you will not starve of hunger. -More information at Posto de Turismo in Mirandela, tel. 00351 278 203 143. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ***MIRANDELA, CAPITAL DA TERRA QUENTE.*** -Sede da chamada "Terra Quente", Mirandela é uma cidade moderna, alegre e hospitaleira que beneficia da vizinhanca do rio Tua, aqui represado formando um bonito espelho de água, PONTE VELHO, Ponte quinhentista de MIRANDELA. *********************************************************************************************************** *MIRANDELA*TRAS-OS-MONTES* Although Mirandela is Roman in origin, the town visible today was founded by Dom AfonsoII. It looks down on Tua River, which is spanned by a long Romanesque bridge, rebuilt in the 16th Century, which is 230m long and has 20 different arches. MIRANDELA is an elegant, flower-decked town with many gardens and lawns and various options for visitors, such as a boat trip on Tua River, Palácio dos Távoras, Museu Municipal Armindo Teixeira Lopes or Museu das Curiosidades.

© * 2019 - 24th Stage, Vila Nova de Foz Côa to Vila Flor, about 37.6 km.

*2019, Correio da manha, Terca-Feira 13 Agosto 2019/ Vilas Boas-Vila Flor/ Festas e Romerias/ *Festa de Nossa Senhora da Assuncao/ -A romeria ao Santuário de Nossa Senhora da Assuncao em Vilas Boas, Vila Flor, é considerado a maior festa popular do distrito brigantino. Sao vários os dias de festa, más é a 15 de agosto que milhares de pesoas rumam ao Santuário, muitas a pé e percorrendo vários quilómetros. -É considerada a "festa obrigatória para os emigrantes" da regiao e, por norma, o dia é dedicado à oracao e ao convívio entre amigos e familiares. --------------------------------------------------------------- ***2019 - 24th Stage, Vila Nova de Foz Côa to Vila Flor, about 37,6 km.*** *Internet-guiding 1 day upfront, mixed European Group, 7 days/7 stages between 07.03 and 14.03.2019.* -Leaving Pousada de Juventude in Foz Côa direction north(N 102) by Pocinho(3km), continue beside IP2 direction north direction left Nabo and Vila Flor following N 215. Todays stage can be warm, so rest every 2 hours, eat fruit where it is sold beside the road and drink whenever necessary. Be careful with upcoming traffic!!! Maybe it is good to already 1 day upfront contact Turismo in Vila Flor to get information, Bombeiros, Parque de Campismo and maybe GNR. *Câmara Municipal de Vila Flor, Av. Marechal Carmona, 5360-303, Website: / tel. 00351 278 510 100 / Email: / *Posto de Turismo de Vila Flor, Praca da República, N° 37, 5360-331, tel. 00351 912 101 046, Email: / Website: / *Bombeiros Voluntários de Vila Flor, Rua Doutor Oliveira Salazar, N° 2, 5360-385 Vila Flor, tel. 00351 278 518 150 / *Posto da GNR-Gendarmerie de Vila Flor, tel. 00351 278 518 130 / *Parque de Campismo de Vila Flor - Trás-os-Montes - Barragem do Peneireiro - 5360- Vila Flor e Nabo, tel. 00351 278 512 350 / *Hotel Póvoa D'Além Sabor, Rua Timor Leste, N° 45, 5360-364 Vila Flor, tel. 00351 278 511 089, Email: / *Palace Alojamento Local, Av. Vasco da Gama, 5360- Vila Flor, tel. 00351 278 516 727, Email: / *Alojamento Local Santa Luzia, Rua Santa Luzia, Vila Flor, tel. 00351 916 469 171 / 00351 919 857 737 / *Padaria Da Misericórdia, Rua Nossa Senhora de Fatima, Vila Flor, tel. 00351 278 511 496 / *"Maria Farinha", Av. Marechal Carmona, tel. 00351 278 098 097 / *Palace Restaurant, Av. Vasco da Gama, Vila Flor, tel. 00351 278 512 400 / -AMENDOEIRAS EM VILA FLOR 2019.- -------------------------------------------------------------- ***2018 - A ABRIR - 16 A 22 DE FEVEREIRO - SEXTA & LAZER - CORREIO DA MANHA - VILA NOVA DE FOZ CÔA.*** *O QUÊ - O MUNICÍPIO DE FOZ CÔA; recebe o espetáculo natural das amendoeiras em flor, numa organizacao com 40 iniciativas culturais e económicas que envolve mais de 3000 pessoas. *QUANDO - DECORRE DE 23 DESTE MÊS a 11 de marco e na componente económica o período conta com quatro ferias de rua. Atividades cinegéticas também fazem parte das iniciativas. *ONDE - VILA NOVA DE FOZ CÔA, distrito da GUARDA, assume-se como a Capital da Amendoeira em Flor. A promocao comencou há 37 anos e em 2018 o municipio investe Euros.
----------------------------------------------------------------- ***VILA NOVA DE FOZ CÔA***, Capital do Paleolítico: As gravuras rupestres do Côa, Património da Humanidade, sao um dos chamarizes turísticos do concelho, a que se juntam vestígios da presenca Romana e belas paisagens. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ***VILA NOVA DE FOZ CÔA***, Guarda; In a landscape of bare hills, this small isolated but cheerful village, made lively by students, stretches across a long ridge with vine-covered slopes. Since 1992 the town has become famous for the discovery of PALEOLITHIC ROCK ART in the Côa Valley, just a few kilometers away. *IGREJA MATRIZ; The parish church has a remarkable Manueline granite facade, a belfry porch, and a doorway surrounded with clustered pilasters and topped by an archivolt decorated with floral and shell motifs under a lintel where the armillary spheres frame a 16th Century PIETÀ in limestone. The interior has three naves where the painted wooden ceiling is supported by leaning columns giving the impression of being open to the sky; the carved capitals represent human heads. Baroque alterpieces of gilded wood decorate the apse and a south chapel. *PELOURINHO, This is a beautiful Manueline Pillory in granite, the stock encircled with cable moulding and the top sculpted with small columns and statues under an armillary sphere and a lily. **EXCURSIONS; PARQUE ARQUEOLÓGICO DO VALE DO CÔA. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ***VILA FLOR*** Já só resta uma das cinco portas em arco da muralha mandada erguer por D. Dinis, mas nao lhe falta outro património melhor conservado para mostrar. É o caso da Igreja Matriz, da fonte Romana, dos solares dos Lemos e dos Aguillares e, em Fevereiro, as amendoeiras em flor. Bela vista do alto do vizinho santuário de Vilas Boas. ----------------------------------------------------------------

© * 2019 - 23rd Stage, Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo to Vila Nova de Foz Côa, about 32 km.

***2019 - 23rd Stage, between Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo and Vila Nova de Foz Côa, about 32 km.*** *Internet-guiding 1 day upfront, mixed European Group of Pilgrims, 7 days/7 stages between 07.03 and 14.03.2019.* -Leaving Figueira direction Vila Nova de Foz Côa, orienting on curvy N 332, please be careful with upcoming traffic. Along the stage villages like Villar D'Amargo, Algodres, Almendra, Castelo Melhor! up to Foz Côa, where one can stop to rest, buy fruit and food, or stop at a Café or Restaurant to have a drink or some food. Arriving in Foz Côa at the end of the stage, after about 32+ kms, maybe first to the Auberge de Jeunesse/Pousada de Juventude to register, and after a rest or shower, sightseeing and some monuments?. *Posto de Turismo de Vila Nova de Foz Côa, Av. Gago Coutinho e Sacadura Cabral, Guarda - Norte, 5150-610, tel. 00351 279 760 329, Email: / *Bombeiros Voluntários de Vila Nova de Foz Côa, Largo Bombeiros Voluntários, tel. 00351 279 768 100, Email: / *Câmara Municipal de Vila Nova de Foz Côa, Praca do Municipio de V.N. de Foz Côa, tel. 00351 279 760 400, Email: / *Pousada de Juventude de V.N. de Foz Côa, Caminho Vicinal Currauteles, N° 5, 1 km north of Centre, marked on N 102, 10% discount with Valid Credencial, tel. 00351 279 768 190, Email: / *Residencial Marina, Av. Gago Coutinho, N° 4, opposite of Turismo, friendly service, tel. 00351 279 762 112 / *Pasteleria "A Tentacao", Largo do Tablado, N° 27, Boulangerie-Pâtisserie and Pizzas, tel. 00351 279 764 301 / *Resto "A Marisqueira", Rua Dr. Juiz Mountinho de Andrade, N° 35, tel. 00351 279 762 187, Plats 6-12€ à la carte, *Public Library-Biblioteca Municipal behind Turismo, Espaco Internet ask Turismo. *The Valley of Côa is on the list of Unesco! *Igreja Paroquial de Nossa Senhora do Pranto(talha dourada), ---------------------------------------------------------------- FIGUEIRA DE CASTELO RODRIGO, Defesa de Riba-Côa. *Uma vila fortificada que foi decisiva na defesa da raia do Côa. Com a sede de concelho transferida para a planicie, fica a memória desses tempos e uma aldeia hisrórica de visita obrigatória. ---------------------------------------------------------------- *23rd Stage "O Caminho de Santiago do Este de Portugal/Oriental desde Tavira/Algarve(XIV)", about 32 km from Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo to Vila Nova de Foz Côa. ACOGIDA Pousada de Juventude Foz Côa: Email: / 10% discount with Valid Credencial, tel. 00351 925 665 098. INFO CAMINHO TAVIRENSE: Email: / --------------------------------------------------------------- *CORREIO DA MANHA TERCA-FEIRA 05 SETEMBRO 2017: "DO MINHO AOS ACORES". -ALDEIAS VENCEM SETE MARAVILHAS- -PIÓDAO(Arganil), MONSARAZ(Reguengos de Monsaraz), FAJA DOS CUBRES(Acores), RIO DE ONOR(Braganca), DORNES(Ferreira do Zêzere), SISTELO(Arcos de Valdevez) e CASTELO RODRIGO(Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo) foram as aldeias vencedoras do concurso SETE MARAVILHAS. --------------------------------------------------------------- **SEXTA-FEIRA 03.11.2017. SEXTA TV&LAZER - CORREIO DA MANHA - SEMANA DE 03.11 A 09.11.17. pag. 46/47 mercados e feiras* -FIGUEIRA DE CASTELO RODRIGO - SOPAS E MIGAS FESTIVAL. -"Venha degustar as nossas melhores tradicoes" dá o mote para a 2.a edicao do Festival das Sopas e Migas, que acontece amanha 04 e no domingo 05 em Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo, ao Caminho de Santiago do Este de Portugal/Oriental desde Tavira/Algarve(XIV - 1988 - 1996 - 2009 - 2017). -Há animacao musical durante o evento.*