
Monday, February 23, 2015

© * 2019 - 14th Stage Crato to Flor da Rosa, 2,1 km, Flor da Rosa to Apalhao, 13,2 km, Apalhao to Nisa, 11,7 km, total about 27,3 km, - Apalhao

***2019 - 14th Stage, Crato to Flor da Rosa, 2,1 km, to Apalhao 13,2 km, to Nisa 11,7 km, total about 27,3 km.*** *Helli Gruppe, Baden Deutschland, Erste Woche April, Alentejo und Beira Region, 7 Tage/ 7 Etappen, Internet-Führung, 1 Tag im voraus.* -Next stage will be 2,1 km between Crato and Flor da Rosa, 13,2 km north direction Apalhao, orienting on EN 245(Caminho Antigo de Santiago), and from Apalhao another 11,7 km to Nisa to end the stage, about 27,3 km all together. -Must see in Apalhao: - Igreja Matriz de Apalhao, Nossa Senhora de Graca, Rua de Santo António, - Castelo de Apalhao, Rua do Castelo, *Junta de Freguesia de Apalhao, tel. 00351 245 742 154, / *GNR-Police Posto de Apalhao, tel. 00351 245 742 225, / *Rest. Regata Apalhao, Rua de Nisa, EN 245, tel. 00351 245 742 162, / *Rest. "Paroco De Apalhao" tel. 00351 245 742 244, / *Café Pinto Apalhao, tel. 00351 245 742 518, / -After some rest in Apalhao and some fruit, drinks and food again north direction Nisa to finish the stage, parallel to Antigo Camino de Santiago. -Must see in Nisa: - Igreja Matriz Nossa Senhora da Graca, Nisa, - Castelo de Nisa, open to the Public, *Posto de Turismo de Nisa, Sra. Cristina, open every day, Carimbos, tel. 00351 245 410 000(ext.353), Praca da República, Email: / Website: / *Espaco Internet - Biblioteca, tel. 00351 245 412 806, / *Posto GNR-Police Nisa tel. 00351 245 410 116, / *Residencial Sao Luis, Nisa 2009, "Amigo", French and English spoken, tel. 00351 245 429 007 / 00351 961 977 043, ask for Pilgrims-Discount with Valid Credencial. / *A CasaDasColunas B&B, Praca da República, N° 117, 6050-350, Nisa, Pilgrims-Discount with Valid Credencial, tel. 00351 245 429 183 / mob. 00351 926 167 988 / Sra. Cristina Guimaraes. / *Café-Pizzeria Centra 2008, Busstop Nisa, tel. 00351 245 412 354, ask for Pilgrims-Discount with Valid Credencial. / *Rest. Três Marias Nisa, tel. 00351 245 413 741, / *Rest. "Flor do Alentejo" Nisa, tel. 00351 245 429 424, / *Rest. "Sabores do Alentejo" Nisa, tel. 00351962 324 133. / *Bombeiros Voluntarios de Nisa, tel. 00351 245 412 303. / -------------------------------------------------------------- 14th Stage Caminho do Este de Portugal desde Tavira. / 2015 / This stage can be divided in 3 parts;*Crato to Flor da Rosa, 2,1 km, *Flor da Rosa to Apalhao,13,2 km, *Apalhao to Nisa, 11,7 km, Total about 27 kms. Depending of where you have slept last night, leaving from Crato and Flor da Rosa, you have to walk north direction Apalhao, along the Old Roman Road EN245. Preparing the revival of this Historical Caminho, Alpalhao and Loule were known all over Europe with Pilgrims, because arriving to Apalhao one could see a rare sign in Portugal for Caminho de Santiago. Question for both Câmaras, "Where did you hide them"? See Photograph. --------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------------------- The dustroad beside EN245 is called "O ANTIGO CAMINHO DE SANTIAGO". Arriving in Apalhao we might see again "Yellow Arrows" indicating "The Way"; *Igreja Matriz de Apalhao, Nossa Senhora de Graca, Rua de Santo António, *Castelo de Apalhao, Rua do Castelo, *Tourist Office Nisa and Apalhao, "Posto de Turismo", Tel. 00351 245 410 000 (ext.353), **Câmara Municipal de Nisa, Tel. 00351 245 410 000, *Junta de Freguesia de Apalhao, Tel. 00351 245 742 154, *GNR-Police Posto de Apalhao, Tel. 00351 245 742 225, *Bombeiros Voluntários de Nisa, Tel. 00351 245 412 303, *Biblioteca Municipal de Nisa, Tel. 00351 245 410 000 (ext. 334), *Espaco Internet Nisa, Biblioteca Municipal, Tel. 00351 245 412 806, *Café Pinto Apalhao, Tel. 00351 245 742 518, *Café-Restaurante "O Apalhoense" Apalhao, Tel. 00351 245 742 144, *Restaurante "Pároco De Apalhao" Apalhao, Tel. 00351 245 742 244, *Restaurante Regata Apalhao, Rua de Nisa, Tel. 00351 245 742 162, *Quinta dos Ribeiros A.T. Agro, Apalhao, Estrada Nacional 245, km 8, Tel. 00351 245 745 100, ****Monte Filipe Hotel and Spa, Apalhao, Estrada Nacional 245, Tel. 00351 245 745 044. Iter Stellarum, Bom Caminho. --------------------------------------------------------------

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

© * 2019 - 2nd part Crato - Flor da Rosa, Stage 13, 2017 ..

***2019 - 2nd Part Stage 13, Alter do Chao to Crato(+ 11 km) and to Flor da Rosa, in total about 28,4 km.*** *Helli Gruppe, Baden Deutschland, Erste Woche April, Alentejo und Beira Region, 7 Tage/ 7 Etappen, Internet-Führung 1 Tag im voraus.* -Between Fronteira and Crato, orientation on N245(former Via Romana), passing Alter do Chao after about 17km, and another 11km to Crato. Total distance about 28+ kms between Fronteira and Crato. -Possible detour by Castelo de Vide(eau minérale), about 5 km extra to Crato, on Camino to Babajoz(Via de la Plata from Seville). -In Alter do Chao one should visit: Coudelaria de Alter, Tapada do Arneiro(Stables with Lusitanian horses). -After a break in Alter do Chao it is about 11+ km to Crato by the old Roman Road, now N245 for orientation. Behind Crato on the Caminho, direction Nisa, Mosteiro de Santa Maria da Flor da Rosa, Crato - Monastry - Pousada tel. 00351 245 997 201/211. -Must visit: - Pottery School - Escola de Olaria de Flor da Rosa, Crato, - Barros Flor da Rosa for your own Labels. -In Alter do Chao we find shops, cafés, restaurants, Mercado Municipal and souvenirs, before after a break the last part of today's stage to Crato - Flor da Rosa. *Turismo de Flor da Rosa inside of Monastry, Email: / *Mosteiro Flor da Rosa - Crato - Pousada Email: / // *Rest. Adega Crato, tel. 00351 245 996 292 / *Rest. "O Recanto" Crato, tel. 00351 245 997 210 / *Hostal Flor da Rosa - Crato, Email: / *Casa do Largo - Crato Email: / *Bombeiros Voluntários de Crato, Email: / *Câmara Municipal de Crato - Email: / *Posto da GNR en Crato - N° at Turismo de Crato. Tomorrow is probably going to be a beautiful sunny walking-day on your Caminho following Roman footsteps. --------------------------------------------------------------- ***Stage 13 Fronteira - Crato - Flor da Rosa, total 28,4 km. *** /2014/ Alter do Chao - Crato 12,5 Km plus Crato - Flor da Rosa 2,4 km. Leaving Alter do Chao heading North by EN245 direction Crato. After a break in Crato we continue following EN245 upto the Convent of Flôr da Rosa. *Along our Way we reach: Igreja Matriz do Crato, Nossa Senhora da Conceicao, Hospitalários-Cruz de Malta. *Posto de Turismo de Flor da Rosa, Mosteiro de Santa Maria de Flor da Rosa, Tel. 00351 245 997 341. *Câmara Municipal de Crato, Praca do Municipio, Crato, Tel. 00351 245 990 110, *Bombeiros Voluntários de Crato e Mártires, Flor da Rosa 1208, Tel. 00351 245 990 030. *Posto de GNR-Police de Crato, Tel. 00351 245 996 275. *Museu Municipal de Crato, Tel. 00351 245 990 115. *Biblioteca Municipal do Crato, Tel. 00351 245 990 112. *Espaco Internet de Crato, Edificio Biblioteca Municipal, Tel. 00351 245 997 150. **Mosteiro Flor da Rosa, Pousada-Hotel, Flor da Rosa, Crato, Tel. 00351 245 997 210. *Café "A Cascata" Crato, EN245, Tel. 00351 245 996 468. *Café-Restaurante "Tasca Flor", Flor da Rosa, Tel.00351 245 996 312. *Restaurante "O Recanto", Flor da Rosa Crato, Tel. 00351 245 996 112. *Restaurante "Adega" Crato, Tel. 00351 245 996 292. *Restaurante "Flor da Rosa" Crato, Tel. 00351 245 997 210. *Hostel Flor da Rosa, Flor da Rosa Crato, Tel. 00351 245 997 027. *Casa do Largo, Placa do Municipio, beside Câmara Municipal Crato, Tel. 00351 245 997 001. Placeta de Flor da Rosa - *T.R., Flor da Rosa, Tel. 00351 245 996 451. *Solar "A Flor da Rosa", Flor da Rosa Crato, Tel.00351 245 996 550. ---------------------------------------------------------------
More Historical Information very soon. Iter Stellarum, Bom Caminho! --------------------------------------------------------------- **2017 - FESTIVAL DE CRATO - 21 A 26 AGOSTO. ** -CRATO UMA DAS VILAS MAIS IMPORTANTES DA ERA MEDIEVAL, -FOI UMA DAS SEDES DA ORDEM DE MALTA, -HISTÓRIA E LEGADO: Castelos, Pontes Romanos, Fontes e Igrejas marcam o Património Local, -Santo Condestável terá nascido na Flor da Rosa, junto à Vila de Crato. *Mosteiro da Flor da Rosa, hoje é uma POUSADA. *No interior do Mosteiro há uma Exposicao sobre a sua Fundacao. *Pelourinho fica no Largo do Municipio. *A Igreja Matriz é uma das mais importantes da Vila do Crato. ---------------------------------------------------------------

Sunday, February 15, 2015

© * 2019 - First part Stage 13 Fronteira - Alter do Chao.

***2019 - 1st part Stage 13, Fronteira to Alter do Chao(17 km) plus 11 km to Crato, plus 2,4 km to Flor da Rosa.*** *Helli Gruppe, Baden Deutschland, Erste Woche April, Alentejo und Beira Region, 7 Tage/ 7 Etappen, Internet-Führung 1 Tag im voraus.* -Leaving Fronteira to Crato, orientation on N245(former Via Romana), passing Alter do Chao after about 17km, and another 11km to Crato. Total distance about 28+ kms between Fronteira and Crato. -Possible detour by Castelo de Vide(eau minérale), about 5 km extra to Crato, on Camino to Babajoz(Via de la Plata from Seville). -In Alter do Chao one should visit: Coudelaria de Alter, Tapada do Arneiro(Stables with Lusitanian horses). -After a break in Alter do Chao it is about 11+ km to Crato by the old Roman Road, now N245 for orientation. Behind Crato on the Caminho, direction Nisa, Mosteiro de Santa Maria da Flor da Rosa, Crato - Monastry - Pousada tel. 00351 245 997 201/211. -Must visit: - Pottery School - Escola de Olaria de Flor da Rosa, Crato, - Barros Flor da Rosa for your own Labels. -In Alter do Chao we find shops, cafés, restaurants, Mercado Municipal and souvenirs, before after a break the last part of today's stage to Crato - Flor da Rosa. *Turismo de Flor da Rosa inside of Monastry, Email: / Mosteiro Flor da Rosa - Crato - Pousada - Email: / // *Rest. Adega Crato, tel. 00351 245 996 292 / *Rest. "O Recanto" Crato, tel. 00351 245 997 210 / *Hostal Flor da Rosa - Crato, Email: / *Casa do Largo - Crato, Email: / *Bombeiros Voluntários de Crato, Email: / *Câmara Municipal de Crato - Email: / *Posto da GNR en Crato - N° at Turismo de Crato. -This stage will be a beautiful walking-day on your Caminho following Roman footsteps. Bom Caminho, Iter Stellarum. --------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 13 Fronteira - Crato/Flor da Rosa - total 28.4km. Stage 13,Fronteira - Alter do Chao, 15 km, Alter do Chao - Crato, 12,5 km, Crato - Flor da Rosa, 2,4 km. Leaving Fronteira direction North, following N245 until Alter do Chao. From Alter do Chao we continue our Way direction Crato by N245, from where, after a break, we finish our day in Flor da Rosa, reaching Mosteiro de Santa Maria da Flor da Rosa, which nowadays is used as a Pousada-Hotel. In Alter do Chao we can find: - Igreja Matriz Alter do Chao, Avenida da República - Posto de Turismo, Palácio do Álamo tel. 00351 245 610 004 - Castelo de Alter do Chao, Largo Barreto Caldeira tel. 00351 245 610 004 - Espaco Internet/Biblioteca Municipal, Palácio do Álamo tel. 00351 245 610 000 (ex. 310) - Câmara Municipal de Alter do Chao, Largo Municipio 2 tel. 00351 245 610 000 - Bombeiros Voluntários de Alter do Chao tel. 00351 245 619 220 - G.N.R.-Police, Avenida da Coudelaria tel. 00351 245 612 162 - Junta Freguesia Alter do Chao tel. 00351 245 612 385 - Café Alter, Largo da Fontinha tel. 00351 965 004 614 - Café "Lusitano", Rua 1° de Maio 34 tel. 00351 245 612 013 - Forno dos Pelames, Guesthouse and Restaurant, Rua dos Pelames tel. 00351 245 575 580 - Restaurante Páteo Real, Guesthouse and Restaurant, Av. Dr. Joao Pestana 37 tel. 00351 245 612 301 - Hotel Convento D´Alter, Rua Santo António 27 tel. 00351 245 619 120 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Booking Shelter for the night, best 2 days upfront. Bom Caminho.
---------------------------------------------------------------- *2010 - ALTER DO CHAO, Alter do Chao stands grouped round its 14th Century Castle. The upright crenellated towers overlook the main square, which is paved in a black and white mosaic pattern. The view from the top of the keep looks down from a height of 44m. onto the city and the surrounding olive groves. On the square, north of the Castle, a 16th Century marble Fountain is surrounded by elegant slender columns, the classical capitals of which support a beautiful entablature. ---------------------------------------------------------------- *2008/2009/2010// -Leaving Fronteira north along N-245 direction Alter do Chao(about 17 km.), and continue after a rest along N-245 another 11,5 km to Crato, plus if you like more 2,4 km to Flor da Rosa, about a total of 30+ km.*