Step by step to Santiago. Driving, motorcycling, horseback/donkey-riding, cycling, walking.
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
© * 2019 - 2nd part Stage 12, Estremoz by Sousel to Fronteira, about 31.
***2019 -
*Helli Gruppe, Baden Deutschland, Erste Woche April, Alentejo und Beira Region, 7 Tage/ 7 Etappen, Internet-Führung, 1
Tag im voraus.*
Fronteira, second part of 12th stage, Estremoz - Fronteira.
Estremoz - Sousel 19 km., and Sousel - Fronteira 10,3 km.
Following N245 direction Fronteira by famous battlefield Atoleiros (1384).
Vila bem alentejana, preservada e orgulhosa do seu passado, mantém um rico património histórico e natural.
Carimbos (stamps) Posto de Turismo de Fronteira 00351 245 604 023, Biblioteca Municipal de Fronteira 00351 245 600 070, Camara Municipal de Fronteira 00351 245 600 070.
Monday, December 15, 2014
© * 2019 - First part Stage 12, Estremoz by Sousel to Fronteira, about 31 km.
***2019 - 12th Stage 1st part, Estremoz - Sta. Vitória - Sousel - Fronteira, about 29,3 to 31 km.***
*Helli Gruppe, Baden Deutschland, Erste Woche April, Alentejo und Beira Region, 7 Tage/ 7 Etappen, Internet-Führung, 1 Tag im voraus.*
-Leaving Estremoz direction Sta. Vitória along N-245, further to Sousel about 8 km, orienting on N-245, and about
13 km more to end the Stage in Fronteira, after about 29,3 to 31 km.
-Entering Sousel on the right side Posto de Turismo in Sousel, tel. 00351 268 558 027 or 00351 268 551 210. /
*Espaco-Internet Email: /
*Pousada de Sousel Sao Miguel tel. 00351 268 550 050 /
*Albergaria A Galinhola Sousel, 00351 268 554 644, Rua Fonte do Concelho - Sousel, /
*Rest. A Cacarola, Sousel - Avenida 25 de Abril, tel. 00351 268 554 777. /
-Leaving Estremoz from high part Bairro de Santiago, Castelo downhill direction Sousel, roundabout straight on N 245 by Santa Vítoria do Ameixal(10km, Monument), about 7 km before Sousel attention dangerous bends, further to Sousel(total of 8km), and from Sousel another 13kms by N245 to Fronteira.
-Places to visit in Fronteira: -Igreja Matriz, -Ponte Romano, -Observatório Astronómico, -Terreiro da Batalha dos Atoleiros-Museu.
*Turismo Fronteira 00351 245 600 070, / Museum Heróis Atoleiros?
*Bombeiros Fronteira 00351 245 604 500 /
*GNR Posto Fronteira 00351 245 604 135 /
*Espaco Internet - Biblioteca Municipal 00351 245 600 076 /
*Residencial A Estalagem Fronteira 00351 245 604 480 - Largo do Senado, N° 1, /
*Pensao Central Fronteira 00351 245 604 212 - Rua da Lagoa, /
*Rest. Fonte Nova Fronteira - 00351 245 604 256 -
*Estrada Nacional 245 / Piscinas Bar Fronteira - Snacks - near Museum Heróis Atoleiros!
*2014 - Sousel, stage 12, Estremoz - Fronteira.
Sousel, in the transitional area between Central and Northern Alentejo, is remarkable for the diversity of its landscape and for its rich religious, historic and cultural heritage.
As most of the region is covered by either olive groves or hunting grounds, the roots of Sousel are primordially connected to olive oil and hunting and, in return, there resources are two of its main tourist attractions. But Sousel has more to offer. Around the old towns and villages that flourished under the influence of the Military Order of Avis and once belonged to the House of Braganza, you´ll come across an important religious heritage, with rich interiors and the traditional yellow stripes around the buildings.
Sousel´s local cuisine, included in the Alentejo wines and flavours route, using ingredients such as olive oil, smoked sausages, game, cheeses and wine, is also unmissable. With enduring religious and bullfighting traditions (one of the country´s oldest bullrings is in Sousel) and strong bonds with the land, you simply must visit this municipality.
Tourist Office Sousel, 00351 268 550 100.
*2008/2009/2010// - leaving Estremoz direction Sta. Vitória do Ameixial(Monument left side N-245) 10 km, continue by
N-245 direction Sousel(more 8 km.), and 11 km more further direction Fronteira along N-245, about 29,3 km to end 12th