
Thursday, December 10, 2009

© *2008-2023 - 10th Stage from Monsaraz to Telheiro, Motrinhos, Cabeca, Seixo, Terena to Alandroal, about 33,4 km. *

***2019 - 10th Stage between Monsaraz and Alandroal, about 33,4 km.*** *Hanssen-Gruppe Straßbourg France, 1 Woche Caminho Alentejo um Pfingsten mit Jean-Pierre, 7 Tage/7 Etappen.* +++++++ -Stage Monsaraz to Alandroal about 33,4 kms, by Telheiro, passing GNR, following M514. -After about 5,9km right direction Alandroal/Barrada Motrinhos, direction Seixo. -In Seixo right direction Terena/Alandroal N255. *To visit in Terena: - Castelo e Igreja de Terena, - Casa de Terena, Rua Direita, N° 45, *In Terena behind traffic-lights, Café Mato Bon, Terena for Sandwiches and warm drinks,visting former Santiago-Pilgrims, tel. 00351 268 459 147, *Bombeiros Alandroal 00351 268 449 144, entering Alandroal,first road uphill on your right, and at crossing left. *In front of Castelo Posto de Turismo in Alandroal, 00351 268 440 045, attended by 3 friendly ladies, Information about places to sleep for economic Pilgrims-prices, Carimbos in Credencial. *Café do Mercado in Alandroal at the Mercado Municipal behind Castelo/Castle, for warm drinks and sandwiches and friendly service, To visit in Alandroal: - Castelo de Alandroal, - Ponte Romano, - Cooperativa Voz do Povo, Rua Principal, for traditional cheese and typical cakes, - Alandroqueijo, Largo Pêro Rodrigues for goat- and sheep-cheeses. *At Adega dos Ramalhos in Alandroal a Pilgrims-Menu for 12€, closed on Tuesdays, tel. 00351 268 449 490. -----------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------- Terrific view of this small castle town from the road between Reguengos and Alandroal. Igreja Matriz de S. Pedro (1394). Reconquering the town under King Sancho 1231. Repopulation under King João I in 1482. -----------------------------------------------------------------*TERENA*

© *2008-2023 - 09th Stage between Mourao and Monsaraz, about 15 km. *

***2019 - 2008 - Monsaraz on the Caminho de Santiago do Este de Portugal/Oriental desde Tavira-Algarve.*** *Hanssen-Gruppe Straßbourg Frankreich - 1 Woche Caminho Alentejo um Pfingsten mit Jean-Pierre, 7 Tage/7 Etappen. --------------------------------------------------------------- *Places to visit in Monsaraz, Maravilha de Portugal: - Igreja de Santiago, Rua de Santiago, Monsaraz, - Castelo de Monsaraz(Castle of Monsaraz), - Rocha dos Namorados, - Pottery from "Olaria Mufla", Rua dos Celeiros, N° 8, Monsaraz, ------------------------Route from Mourao to Monsaraz: -Leaving Mourao direction Petrolstation, following N-256 crossing different bridges over Guadiana River. After Alqueva Lake first Road right to Monsaraz by M514 UPHILL for about 5kms until roundabout on top, continuing entering into Monsaraz, after about 15kms from Mourao, look back and enjoy the spectacular view! --------------------------------------------------------------- *Posto de Turismo de Monsaraz, Rua Direita(Vina?), tel. 00351 266 557 136 ? Carimbos? / *sleeping at Bombeiros Reguengos de Monsaraz, 00351 266 502 228, / *Residencial "O Gato" Reguengos de Monsaraz, Email:, tel. 00351 266 502 353 / -in Monsaraz shops, Restaurants and Hostels, info at Posto de Turismo de Monsaraz, ---------------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------------- Monsaraz, occupied strategic position overlooking the Guadiana Valley. The Castle was rebuild by King Dinis in the 13th Century. Outstanding site. Igreja Matriz, Hospital da Misericórdia. Magnificent panorama. --------------------------------------------------------------- ***2017 MONSARAZ - REGUENGOS DE MONSARAZ, ALDEIA MONUMENTO - FINALISTA 7 MARAVILHAS DE PORTUGAL - ALDEIAS.*** +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Monday, December 7, 2009

© *2008 - 2023, Mourão, Etapa 8 do Caminho de Santiago do Este de Portugal/Oriental desde Tavira/Algarve, 2017.*

***2019 - 2008, 08th Stage from Moura to Mourao, about34,8 km.*** *Hanssen-Gruppe Straßbourg France, 1 Woche Caminho Alantejo mit Jean-Pierre um Pfingsten, 7 Tage/ 7 Etappen.* -In Moura we recommend: *Residencial Santa Comba, tel. 00351 966 726 256, Email: / opposite of Castelo - pre-book 1 day upfront, mentioning you are Pilgrimming with Valid Credencial, asking for Pilgrims-Discount. *Posto de Turismo de Moura, inside Castelo, tel. 00351 285 251 375 - Carimbos? *Mercado Municipal - outside Castelo, opposite of Residencial Santa Comba, open weekdays from 08h30 on. - *Biblioteca Internet - outside of Castelo, right side of entance-gate - opposite of Igreja Matriz, - *Igreja Matriz de Moura, Carimbos? -Maybe visit Historical Old Town with many restaurants, info Turismo within Castelo - Gardens. -Leaving Moura by Ponte Romano, uphill and first right, you get back on N255 left, direction Barragem d'Alqueva, after about 3,3km right direction Póvoa de S. Miguel by N386.

-In Póvoa information Freguesia-Office on the left,(Carimbos?),and maybe time for a bite or warm drink. -Passing the Church on the right leaving direction Mourao by M517. **Moura - Mourao stage about 34.8km. *In Mourao maybe you like to sleep at the Bombeiros 00351 266 586 220. *Posto de Turismo Mourao 00351 266 560 010, *Rest. Braganca Mourao, Menu 12€, 00351 266 586 356. Visit Old Town, Castelo e Igreja, Ceramics from Mourao. ?Turismo Mourao? ---------------------------------------------------------------
Mourão, beautiful whitewashed houses with magnificent Alentejo chimneys. A 13th Century Gothic Castle overlooks from a hilltop the town and surrounding area. Igreja Matriz. Alqueva Lake. --------------------------------------------------------------- ***HISTÓRIA E DIVERSAO PERTO DA FRONTEIRA - MOURAO - PRAIA ATRAI MILHARES OA INTERIOR DO ALENTEJO*** -Concelho marcado por um passado recente que vale la pena conhecer - MOURAO - -O Castelo de Mourao é o ex-líbris desta localidade Alentejana que faz Fronteira com Espanha - -Das Muralhas do Castelo é possível observar a Vila e o Alqueva - -Vila de Mourao, Igreja de Nossa Senhora das Candeias, Castelo e Restaurante Adega Velha - //14.11.2017// -------------------------------------------------------------- *25.03.2019, Segunda-Feira, Diário Correio da Manha, "RAIO DANIFICA TORRE DE CASTELO DE MOURAO". -Uma das torres do Castelo de Mourao ficou ontem muito danificada na sequência de um raio provocado por uma trovoada. As visitas foram de imediato interditas perante o risco de ruir. --------------------------------------------------------------

Thursday, December 3, 2009

© *2008 - 2023, 08th Stage between Moura and Mourao, about 34,8 km.*

***2019 - 2008, 08th Stage between Moura and Mourao, by Póvoa de Sao Miguel, about 34,8 km.*** *Hanssen-Gruppe Straßbourg Frankreich, 1 Woche Caminho Alentejo um Pfingsten mit Jean-Pierre, 7 Tage/7 Etappen.* Leaving Serpa passing by Bombeiros, Rua de Serpa Pinto, direction Moura by N265 direction Brinches. After break maybe near Igreja Brinches again by/beside N265 between Olive-plantations direction Moura. About 3km before Moura "Sources Agua Castello" connected with Perrier! One can walk beside the road along the olive-plantations, away from traffic. Serpa - Brinches - Moura about 32 kms. In Moura we recommend Residencial Santa Comba, tel. 00351 966 726 256,---------------

*Hotel Santa Comba in Moura, Praça Sacadura Cabral, Nº 34, tel. 00351 285 251 255, Website: / opposite of Castelo - Turismo 00351 285 251 375 - Mercado Municipal - Biblioteca Internet - Igreja Matriz. Maybe visit Historical Old Town with many restaurants, info Turismo within Castelo- Gardens.

Leaving Moura by Ponte Romano, uphill and first right, you get back on N255 left, direction Barragem d'Alqueva, after about 3,3km right direction Póvoa de S. Miguel by N386. In Póvoa information Freguesia-Office on the left,(Carimbos?) and maybe time for a bite or warm drink. Passing by the Church on the right side leaving downhill direction Mourao by/orienting on M517, direction Mourao. Moura - Mourao stage about 34.8km. In Mourao maybe you like to sleep at the Bombeiros 00351 266 586 220. Turismo Mourao 00351 266 560 010, Rest. Braganca Mourao, Menu 12€, 00351 266 586 356. Visit Old Town, Castelo e Igreja, Ceramics from Mourao. ?Turismo Mourao? ---------------------------------------------------------------

--------------------------------------------------------------- Moura, an ancient town near Guadiana River, rich in heritage of various peoples through time. Elegant manor houses, churches and convents, with beautiful whitewashed houses with cylindrical, domed chimneys and narrow stone streets. Carmo Church and Convent, Mouraria, São João Baptista Church.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

© * 2008 - 2023, 06th / 07th Stage from Mina de Sao Domingos to Serpa, about 36,3 km.*

***2019 - 2008, 06th Stage Mina de Sao Domingos to Serpa, about 36,3km. *** *Hanssen-Gruppe Straßbourg France, 1 Woche Caminho Alentejo um Pfingsten mit Jean-Pierre, 7 Tage/ 7 Etappen.* *ROUTE - leaving Mina direction Corte Pinto(3,5 km) and from Freguesia(Carimbo?) back to N-265 right/north direction Serpa, orienting on N-265. Passing by Montalvo(Café left), Vales Mortos(Crossing right Café-Casa do Povo), about 2km further left side Bar Vendinha(sandwiches and drinks, tel. 00351 961 258 542, call to inform you are arriving), downhill crossing Roman Bridge before Santa Iria(after Bridge right opposite Church Café Cuba), and about 7,5 km more to arrive in Serpa. Along N-265 many kms on the left and right side of the road where you can walk on sand, not asphalt, away from traffic. ---------------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------------- ***2019 - 2008, 07th Stage between Serpa and Moura, about 31,9 km.*** *Serpa-la-Blanche!* *Hanssen-Gruppe Straßbourg Frankreich, 1 Woche Caminho Alentejo um Pfingsten mit Jean-Pierre, 7 Tage/ 7 Etappen.* *ROUTE - Leaving Serpa passing by Bombeiros, (right?) by Rua de Serpa Pinto, crossing(IP8 - N260), straight ahead direction Brinches N-265(10 km), by the Village(Cafés and shops) of Brinches, straight on following N-386 for about 19 km to Moura, end of this Stage. About 2km before entering into Moura you pass by "Source Castello"-Factory in Pissoes-Moura. --------------------------------------------------------------- *Serpa - Under this name also known to the Romans, was not finally reconquered until 1232, but because of dispute repopulated after 1297. Ruined Castle. Beautiful white Alentejo Town.*

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

© * 2008 - 2023, 04th Stage between Alcoutim and Mértola, Renascida para a vida.*

***2019 - 2008, 04th Stage between Alcoutim and Mértola, about 36,9 km.***"Mértola, Renacida para a vida".*** *ROUTE - leaving Pousada of Alcoutim LEFT ! until EM-507, right uphill passing by Cortes Pereiras(Café) and by Afonso Vicente until N-122(km 10). Right direction Mértola along N-122 passing by Santa Marta(km 1), downhill until Bridge over Rio Vascao entering Alentejo Province. Continue following N-122 uphill by Sedas, by Espirito Santo(Café) and Álamo crossing (Café), and after Roman Bridge about 3,5 km until entering Mértola, meaning crossing another Bridge(R-L) uphill to Bombeiros de Mértola, Castle and Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Assuncao, passing also Posto de Turismo in Mértola. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ***HACHETTE - LE Routard - Portugal 2018*** -Francais: Mértola "être le premier siège des chevaliers de l'ordre de Santiago" -----------------------------------------------------------------
Mértola known to the Romans as Myrtilis one of four Municipia in Lusitania. Spectacular Castle, dominating the former Roman City of Anas by Guadiana River.